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Golf App

Guest jevdroid

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Guest jevdroid

Does anyone have any luck getting one of the golfing apps to work on the vega? I mean software like Swing by Swing, GolfCard or GolfShot? They all crash on my PoV mobii with a GPS decoder connected to bluetooth as soon as they try to load maps from google maps. The tablet is running the original 1.10 firmware with the well known "Clean & Stable Add-On For All Stock Firmware V3" extensions from XDA and maps updated to the latest and greatest 5.4.0.

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Guest trevor432990
Does anyone have any luck getting one of the golfing apps to work on the vega? I mean software like Swing by Swing, GolfCard or GolfShot? They all crash on my PoV mobii with a GPS decoder connected to bluetooth as soon as they try to load maps from google maps. The tablet is running the original 1.10 firmware with the well known "Clean & Stable Add-On For All Stock Firmware V3" extensions from XDA and maps updated to the latest and greatest 5.4.0.

I've never heard of these golfing apps but from your description it seems they might depend on GPS working so have you tried to ensure that is up and running 'before' loading the golf app? If you make sure you can use Google Maps and fix your location properly using GPS beforehand chances are the apps will work so I'd advise you to try and resolve that issue first and if you get stuck read my thread on getting GPS working on Vega using external GPS kit. :P

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Guest jevdroid
they might depend on GPS working so have you tried to ensure that is up and running 'before' loading the golf app?

Yes, I am loading and starting the GPS location provider app before the golf apps. I've set "allow mock locations" on and there is a bluetooth connection to the decoder. The GPS decoder continuously has a valid navigation solution with HDOP around 1 meter or better. I tried a couple of GPS location provider apps, including BlueGPS and btgps.

Google maps works fine with either, showing the GPS is not the problem. As soon as another app requires the maps though, things go haywire. I am in close contact with the developers of Swing by Swing and he is looking into the issue as we speak (actually, he has been looking into it since early April or so) but it seems he can't really get a grip on the problem.

As said, I've tried several options, including several different apps and all seem to suffer from the same issue. They do run fine on my old HTC Hero but throw up an exception error on the tablet and than force close. I'm still running the original PoV provided firmware on the tablet, I've installed too much on it to simply wipe and install one of the custom ROMs unless there's a fair chance said apps will work with other firmware. If anyone runs Corvus' ROM on his tablet, has attached a bluetooth GPS decoder and is willing to (temporarily) install Swing by Swing (there's a free "range finder" app that essentially is the same as SbS's full software package) I would be very, very grateful.

For golfers, it would be a very good thing to have a large screen rangefinder available (even though it would not officially be allowed during competitions) and it could certainly bring another Android advantage to the table.

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Guest trevor432990

Some questions

Are you testing this golf app outside or at home where you have wi-fi?

If outside do you have a 3G connection to download Google Maps?

When the app crashes does it give any error message?

The key thing to check is can you use the 'Navigator' function within Google Maps, to do this you need to enter a destination postcode and then click on the Navigate (Blue Arrow) or run the Car Home app and see if it works. My guess is it'll come back saying 'GPS is disabled' let me know?

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Guest jevdroid
Some questions

Are you testing this golf app outside or at home where you have wi-fi?

If outside do you have a 3G connection to download Google Maps?

When the app crashes does it give any error message?

The key thing to check is can you use the 'Navigator' function within Google Maps, to do this you need to enter a destination postcode and then click on the Navigate (Blue Arrow) or run the Car Home app and see if it works. My guess is it'll come back saying 'GPS is disabled' let me know?

I'm using the home wifi connection which works fine for the same apps on my hero. Planning to use the hero to be used in the field to get 3G routed into wifi, no 3G directly on the tablet. The app throws an exception:


error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

stack trace: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

at android.os.Handler.<init>(Handler.java:121)

at android.location.LocationManager$GpsStatusListenerTransport$1.<init>(LocationManager.java:1219)


...and so on.

I tried the suggestion from your thread, including the use of the widget. You are right in that navigator balks out: "GPS is disabled", even with the widget switched ON. Anything else I can try?

Thanks for helping out mate!

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Guest trevor432990

You're welcome. Now that we've narrowed it down a bit I think once we can sort your 'navigate' problem out the other app will probably work. From my previous research on the GPS front I found out that officially Google do NOT support external GPS bluetooth devices and there is a bug in Maps which stops it from picking up the external GPS because there is a time critical delay between the Navigator app requesting data from GPS and when Android responds. To get over this problem we have found you need to carry out the following actions in sequence:-

Turn on the external Bluetooth GPS Receiver

Start the Bluetooth GPS Provider app (or whichever one you are using)

Go to home page and click on the GPS OnOff widget so that it goes to the green/on position

Start Google Maps and in menu select 'Directions' and enter the required destination

Press Blue Arrow in top righthand side to start Navigator

Did you follow that sequence exactly if not try again otherwise can you confirm which GPS software you are using ?

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Guest jevdroid
Turn on the external Bluetooth GPS Receiver

Start the Bluetooth GPS Provider app (or whichever one you are using)

Go to home page and click on the GPS OnOff widget so that it goes to the green/on position

Start Google Maps and in menu select 'Directions' and enter the required destination

Press Blue Arrow in top righthand side to start Navigator

Okay, I tried those exact steps but to no avail. Rebooted, than retried - now it works - I can get into navigation without the popup, it shows the 3D map in navigation and it actually navigates, so that's step 1. The golfing apps still throw up errors at the same point but that seems to stem from an unability to resolve a class somewhere that has little to do with the GPS problems. The other golf apps I tried error on the same type of issues. I'm slowly getting very suspicious of the PoV implementation - I'm tempted to try out one of the other kernels soon.

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Guest trevor432990
Okay, I tried those exact steps but to no avail. Rebooted, than retried - now it works - I can get into navigation without the popup, it shows the 3D map in navigation and it actually navigates, so that's step 1. The golfing apps still throw up errors at the same point but that seems to stem from an unability to resolve a class somewhere that has little to do with the GPS problems. The other golf apps I tried error on the same type of issues. I'm slowly getting very suspicious of the PoV implementation - I'm tempted to try out one of the other kernels soon.

Good sounds like you've moved forwards now and I'd have to agree that trying other ROMs might help. Silly question probably but are you sure Java is enabled in all the places it needs to be?

Can you tell me which Bluetooth GPS app you are using too?

Edited by trevor432990
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Guest jevdroid
are you sure Java is enabled in all the places it needs to be?

I guess so - I wasn't aware that I could switch java off in the first place?

Can you tell me which Bluetooth GPS app you are using too?

I'm using a QstarZ BT1000P, a "data logging GPS" based on the MTK chipset. Works like a dream and it's pretty accurate.

Sunday is supposed to be rainy and chilly, a good day to try a couple of ROMs I guess :P.

Edited by jevdroid
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Guest trevor432990
I guess so - I wasn't aware that I could switch java off in the first place?

I'm using a QstarZ BT1000P, a "data logging GPS" based on the MTK chipset. Works like a dream and it's pretty accurate.

Sunday is supposed to be rainy and chilly, a good day to try a couple of ROMs I guess :P.

Does the Qstarz BT1000P have its own Android app? It would be good if you could try the 'Bluetooth GPS Provider' app with your device instead and check the settings are the same as I setout in my thread and see what happens. Whilst I realise it may all work with your mobile the Vega proves to be quite difficult to predict and I'd like to rule out an app issue if we can before resorting to new ROMs.

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Guest jevdroid
Does the Qstarz BT1000P have its own Android app?

Nope, I am using it through the famous bluetooth GPS provider since that seemed to provide the best results so far. In addition, it features saving of NMEA sentences and it shows a rudimentary sensitivity graph for the satellites found. I did set my cards on this GPS provider since day 1 because it does seem to be tailored to interface to either SIRF or the MTK chipsets. Always good to have a fallback to the native format of the chipset instead of relying on generic NMEA only.

I also tried bluegps4droid, but that didn't bring anything new to the table. Last but not least, I tried Bluetooth GPS since that seemed to feature a nice graphic interface on top of the GPS provider functionality but I never could get that to play nice.

On the GPS decoder BTW, I have enabled the basic set of NMEA sentences, figuring the software would filter out anything it doesn't understand anyway. Thus, it outputs RMC, GGA, GLL, GSA and GSV messages.

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Guest trevor432990
Nope, I am using it through the famous bluetooth GPS provider since that seemed to provide the best results so far. In addition, it features saving of NMEA sentences and it shows a rudimentary sensitivity graph for the satellites found. I did set my cards on this GPS provider since day 1 because it does seem to be tailored to interface to either SIRF or the MTK chipsets. Always good to have a fallback to the native format of the chipset instead of relying on generic NMEA only.

I also tried bluegps4droid, but that didn't bring anything new to the table. Last but not least, I tried Bluetooth GPS since that seemed to feature a nice graphic interface on top of the GPS provider functionality but I never could get that to play nice.

On the GPS decoder BTW, I have enabled the basic set of NMEA sentences, figuring the software would filter out anything it doesn't understand anyway. Thus, it outputs RMC, GGA, GLL, GSA and GSV messages.

OK good I'm glad you've got the same software. Did you check the settings I advocated for the app in my GPS thread at all would interesting to see if those are different to yours. It might be worth tweaking the settings of the app to see if it makes any difference to the Golf app problem.

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Guest jevdroid

I checked the settings, they where identical to the suggested settings from your thread. Tonight I tried again, but needed to reboot again to get things working. It's just not very stable. Tried other settings, but the golf apps won't play nice. I've blocked the sunday for flashing other ROMs :P.

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Guest trevor432990
I checked the settings, they where identical to the suggested settings from your thread. Tonight I tried again, but needed to reboot again to get things working. It's just not very stable. Tried other settings, but the golf apps won't play nice. I've blocked the sunday for flashing other ROMs :P.

OK good luck :rolleyes:

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