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[ROM] Cyanogenmod Green V5

Guest Psyloid

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Guest Carbonize
There's no issue with overclocking other than that you are overclocking too high! Every phone is different - you need to find the speed your phone is stable at. No-one can tell you what that is and you can't go off what is OK for other people. The only guaranteed speed is 600mhz.

Actually the kernel also plays a part. i could overclock higher using Swedish Spring than I can using CM.

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Guest Amphoras
what speed are people finding a good compromise on overclock ?

Mine can go to 672 without problems. At 691, it goes for a few days then sometimes freezes. Really it depends on your phone though. I've heard some people are perfectly stable at 729, others can go to 768 maybe more. At the other side, some people can't go above 652.

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Guest Amit.V

i started using the regpon wi-fi keep alive app, and it keeps the wi-fi connection when the screen is off. i guess it will affect the battery life

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Guest Psyloid

V5 tomorrow normally

-updated kernel

-old wifi driver (some AP's don't connect with the new one)

-SD speed boost app

-Build.prop tweaks

-re-addition of google news & weather

-normally V5 will be pretty solid, everything should be working correctly (gps, proximity, accelerometer, autobrightness,...) only thing missing will be FM radio, but the good folks of cyanogenmod are working on that, that will be V6 then

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Guest Psyloid
hi, ty for this great rom but i have only 1 problem.

wifi dont start... i see the write "ERROR" under the wifi menu checkbox.

any help??

ty in advance


i just loose the ROOT privileges.... how its possible ???

did you wipe properly?

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Guest Psyloid
I found a solution for the slow UI problem.

It seems to be limited to the V4 Plus ROM (the middle one with ADW Launcher and Theme Changer on the first page of this thread).

personally I think adw launcher is pretty crappy ...

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Guest Psyloid
please, anybody, help. how i do i fix the wi-fi disconnection when screen is off problem?

Its a blade hardware function (to prevent battery drain), though if you look for a workaround, go into settings/application/development and tick "keep screen on when device is plugged in" that way you can tether wifi and download when the phone is plugged in (thats what i do)

If there is no power available and you do need tethering, put display off on 30 minutes in display options

hope this helps

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Guest Psyloid
what speed are people finding a good compromise on overclock ?

633 mhz for everyday use, it doesnt get too hot and it doesnt eat that much battery and every blade can handle that

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Guest tarpoon

Hello everybody,

I have moved from Swedish spring to v3.1 of this mod about a week ago and I am very happy with it.

Battery life isn't as good as it used to, but I can use the phone about one day without having to charge it. I believe it should keep working about 2 days if leave it alone but I haven't tried that yet.

Performance is good and I haven't noticed a single crash so far.

What is really great is that the GPS works wonderful with this rom. In Swedish Spring it took over 5 minutes to get a GPS position, now it only takes a few seconds.

I am a little bit worried about the GPS fix in the new version. Can I remove it myself should it decrease the GPS performance of my phone? Or should I just stay at 3.1?



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Guest Psyloid
Hello everybody,

I have moved from Swedish spring to v3.1 of this mod about a week ago and I am very happy with it.

Battery life isn't as good as it used to, but I can use the phone about one day without having to charge it. I believe it should keep working about 2 days if leave it alone but I haven't tried that yet.

Performance is good and I haven't noticed a single crash so far.

What is really great is that the GPS works wonderful with this rom. In Swedish Spring it took over 5 minutes to get a GPS position, now it only takes a few seconds.

I am a little bit worried about the GPS fix in the new version. Can I remove it myself should it decrease the GPS performance of my phone? Or should I just stay at 3.1?



wait for v5 tomorrow

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Guest jonas.lindberg

Hello, having a problem here. Running Green V4 and I'm trying to make some first simple apps with app inventor, but the problem is: The phone won't enter debug mode when connected via USB!

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 Linux, please help me out.

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Guest lohikko

Have been trying V4 for a day, and it seems to be a very good ROM, the only cons I can see are that the automatic brightness setting is not really working properly, and that the battery life is quite short. Try to improve this as far as possible.

Thanks for your work, you're doing great!

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Have been trying V4 for a day, and it seems to be a very good ROM, the only cons I can see are that the automatic brightness setting is not really working properly, and that the battery life is quite short. Try to improve this as far as possible.

Thanks for your work, you're doing great!

Finally moved to v4 naked this morning, added a few apps I appreciate, customized it a bit... and very satisfied with what I have now!

Thanks a lot Psyloid!

Concerning the auto-brightness settings, you can customize them in Cyanogenmod settings/Display/Backlight (raw translation).

I personally use the following custom brightness settings (second checkbox):

Light sensor	Screen	Buttons

0-99			20		50

100-199		35		10

200-399		50		0

400-599		70		0

600-799		90		0

800-999		110		0

1000-4999		130		0

5000+		255		0

I also enabled the last option, light decrease, with default hysteresis.

Obviously auto-brightness has to be on in the Brightness settings...

The result is quite satisfactory to me ;)

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Guest ObamaGoesPostal
I think i might include this in the rom

very usefull thank you !!!

Please don't include it, I don't want the battery to drain like crazy. Blade Wifi Fix is good enough.

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Guest pxico

Do we need or not use any task killer on 2.3? I know that this question is more or less controversial, but I would appreciate what you guys thinking about that. I've a good experience on my last Android 2.1 using it. I've read some posts and articles that said we don't need any task killer on 2.2 and above, most of then said let's Android do is job.

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Guest airuzzo
did you wipe properly?

SOLVED!!! ;)

The problem its the size of the partition. (i dont remember mine)

I have tried the Plus version...this version on my phone boot, work, but wifi is locked on error and Root is gone.

If i install the other 2 Rom (normal and naked) the phone work like a charm.

Ty Psyloid very great work m8, max respect for ya.

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Guest Amit.V
I think i might include this in the rom

very usefull thank you !!!

Psyloid, gr8 idea! i can assure that this app works great and solves the problem.

about v6 - do you know if when the radio issue will be solved if there will be an option to listen to the radio on the speaker? because on 2.2 roms it's through earphones only and it sucks.

Anyway, thanks for your great work! i really love this rom.

when i upgrade from v4 to v5 do i have to wipe everything? if the answer is yes how can i backup all the apps and everything?

btw: is it just me or the notification drawer sometimes won't close and you to press the back button in order to close it?

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