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[ROM] [08-08] TripNMiUI "Iris" 1.5.2 & 1.2.4 Gingerbread! - NEW UPDATE FOR ROAD 2

Guest TripNRaVeR

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Guest Lord_Baal

yeah it shows a message, that there was an error with the launcher. i can close it or send a report...when i press send a report...the whole system crashes^^

Try This.

Download uninstaller: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.rhythm.hexise.uninst&feature=search_result

(If need to delete the link, please let me know).

Delete the SE Launcher Apk. Reboot.

Try to install it again and Launch.

I think that you are having some FC because something that was left from the other launcher that crashed, perhaps.

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Guest jackiie

Try This.

Download uninstaller: https://market.andro...e=search_result

(If need to delete the link, please let me know).

Delete the SE Launcher Apk. Reboot.

Try to install it again and Launch.

I think that you are having some FC because something that was left from the other launcher that crashed, perhaps.

ill try it. thank you for your help :) ... u installed the home.apk right?

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Guest JazzLOCO

trip, this rom is pretty good, just a couple of fixes more, and it is gonna be perfect... I'll open a paypal account, and get you Gulden Draak or better! ;)

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Guest geordieboy2011

Sony Ericsson is pushing out an update for the Arc and the PLAY.

It's a minor update, the Android version is still 2.3.3, but it brings a few useful changes like stereo sound in videos, landscape mode in the homescreen and a few others.

The homescreens of the Xperia Arc and the Xperia PLAY will both work in landscape mode after the update and there's a selection of new themes available as well. The other big change is the sound in videos - both switch from mono to stereo sound (other parameters of the videos are unchanged).

Next up is DLNA support so you can play media from DLNA-enabled devices. Finally, there's xLoud, which improves the performance of the loudspeaker when playing music.


home screen in landscape and xloud ect

can this be ported to our phone ????

link to dump file http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1199310

if any use trip ? its the new arc update

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Guest mrmoav

Don't worry to much about 2.3.5(though that would have been awesome) my friend had a nexus S and the 2.3.5 update didn't fix his wifi issues, so he returned it. Though it seemed like you really could have pushed MIUI to its limit with 2.3.5

honestly, the only draw back from 1.2.1 is the battery drain, but that seems to be the case with ALL the 2.3.3/.4 variants. That's why i have a battery charger.

I heard something about the HTC Sensation having some major issues with the touchscreen not working very welll...how is yours holding up...or is it still bricked?

not sure if this has anything to do with anything but some DEV at http://rootzwiki.com/archive/index.php/t-1858.html had a hell of a time getting WIFI working on an LG 2.3.5 to MIUI port 1.7.29 as well...says he got it working...not sure if there is a similar trick with the x10

so who did ajax pick up for a goalkeeper now?

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Guest Neel007

some of the apps [like easytether or pdanet] getting closed while running in background after long use of phone without rebooting...

what was the name of that app that let us select behavior mode like agressive , normal or moderate?? i just cant remember the name.. !!

Thanx :ninja:

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Guest hemo1001


i am sure it is a great rom,

dose it support arabic RTL ??

yea.... use the 2.3.3 package that been posted in this forms ... i forgot where

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Guest jpminou
some of the apps [like easytether or pdanet] getting closed while running in background after long use of phone without rebooting...

what was the name of that app that let us select behavior mode like agressive , normal or moderate?? i just cant remember the name.. !!



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Going to release 2.3.5 alpha without wifi. Maybe someone will find the issue

Thx Trip

i always thx to release great rom

but i have some ask

plz say what part is control Troch(in lockscreen)..

is it framework? or services.jar?

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Guest aval1392

Amdroid 2.3.5 feels much better i must say.

Im willing to test. Shoudl i stay up and not sleep and test or will it be release much later?

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Guest mrmoav

Can't wait to see it on the Xperia. With the new 3.0.27 market build I have no issues connecting with HSPA now...and i'm getting about 5+ on downloads while only around 2.1 on WiFi with DSL. This ROM is so much more elegant and useable then what SNE put out. It's really a step into the future seeing it next to stock android and vanilla Sony roms floating around.

great job

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