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☆☆☆ [ROM] [GB] LiquidNext 1.9.2 (17/10/11) ☆☆☆

Guest Suxsem

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Great work!

I have one problem though. The gps doesn't seem to work, tried with google navigation and endomondo.

gps is enabled, but the icon in doesn't show up and it won't connect.

strange... so far it's working fine for me and some others around here :/ did you try wipe everythinf and reflash?

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Guest Probie wan kenobi
Great work!

I have one problem though. The gps doesn't seem to work, tried with google navigation and endomondo.

gps is enabled, but the icon in doesn't show up and it won't connect.

As cKen said, you have to wipe separately from malez recovery.

1st time i tried this rom i had your same issue, because i only checked "wipe all" ;)

EDIT: OTA Update?? Awesome!!

Edited by Probie wan kenobi
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Guest thirtytwodave

I have possibly found a bug if you try to switch to bluetooth during a call the phone locks up resulting in a battery pull to get it back but if i am already connected it works fine

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Guest jayziac

Is this CM7.0 (Android 2.3.3) or CM7.1 (2.3.4)? Also should update 1st page for known issues:

Slow FPS for video record

Slower 3D performance

even if they are minor, so as to keep track of them so people don't re-report (also acts as a to-fix list), without having to read all the posts in the thread.

Is it using the MetalROM's camera? If not I would suggest that if the video is slow FPS anyway, probably unusable, might as well use the metal camera, which is nicer.

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Guest tk8232


the carnavigation overheat problem is really not rom related. i had this problem on the original stock rom as well. seems to be a general liquid e problem.

my gps symbol problem disappeared, as well. seems to happen only sometimes. (sometimes the gps symbol stays until reboot. but its just a cosmetic thing, because the symbol still turns green when used and grey when gps is off, it just doenst disappear sometimes)

anyone else with compass problems on this rom? or am i really alone with this?

compass is very inaccurate after flash. worked very accurate ob original stock rom.

please check with google maps. does the map turn accurate when you turn the phone around in a circle?

the mic sensibility bug is already fixed in next update? that´s the only bug, thats really bothering me.

will sensibility be back to old value, or will we get a slider in liquid settings?

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Guest Paul Ishenin

Great rom at all but I'm experiencing few problems with it.

1. The home button does not open the home screen. It vibrate as other buttons and turn the button lights as usual - just does not brings me to the home screen.

2. In the settings screen I have the "CyanogenMod settings" item which does not work:

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {com.cyanogenmod.cmparts/com.cyanogenmod.cmparts.activities.MainActivity}; have you declared

this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.app.Instrumentation.checkStartActivityResult(Instrumentation.java:1405)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.app.Instrumentation.execStartActivity(Instrumentation.java:1379)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.app.Activity.startActivityForResult(Activity.java:2827)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.app.Activity.startActivity(Activity.java:2933)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.preference.Preference.performClick(Preference.java:828)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.preference.PreferenceScreen.onItemClick(PreferenceScreen.java:195)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(AdapterView.java:284)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.widget.ListView.performItemClick(ListView.java:3513)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.widget.AbsListView$PerformClick.run(AbsListView.java:1849)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3835)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:847)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:605)

E/AndroidRuntime( 1240):		at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

W/ActivityManager(  344):   Force finishing activity com.android.settings/.Settings

3. Wifi does not work. Logcat shows the next: WifiHW ( 1056): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "eth0": Permission denied

I this can help previosly I used LCR-F 2.0 flashed on top of 4.504b00. Before flashed I made "wipe all except sd" in the malez recovery.

Edited by Paul Ishenin
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Guest kenelm
Great rom at all but I'm experiencing few problems with it.

1. The home button does not open the home screen. It vibrate as other buttons and turn the button lights as usual - just does not brings me to the home screen.

2. In the settings screen I have the "CyanogenMod settings" item which does not work:

3. Wifi does not work. Logcat shows the next: WifiHW ( 1056): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "eth0": Permission denied

I this can help previosly I used LCR-F 2.0 flashed on top of 4.504b00. Before flashed I made "wipe all except sd" in the malez recovery.

Flash fresh bin, and then wipe and flash LiquidNext

Edited by kenelm
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Guest Paul Ishenin
Flash fresh bin, and then wipe and flash LiquidNext

Thanks for the tip. But now I have a problem - acer download tool does not recognise my phone. I think I tried everything - reinstalled drivers, turned off/on debug mode, tried another PC. It just writes "Device not connected" and nothing more.

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Guest kaerry
Thanks for the tip. But now I have a problem - acer download tool does not recognise my phone. I think I tried everything - reinstalled drivers, turned off/on debug mode, tried another PC. It just writes "Device not connected" and nothing more.

boot into recovery mode, then acer tool find your liquid

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Guest Paul Ishenin
boot into recovery mode, then acer tool find your liquid

Thanks. I got the same advice on the irc channel (maybe from you?). This really helps.

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Guest kaerry
Thanks. I got the same advice on the irc channel (maybe from you?). This really helps.

i don't use irc, what channel?

Yesterday i opened a2sd-gui app and in lowmem i saw that nothing was selected. I chose moderate lowmem and now gtalk doesn't close anymore and browser work better. Battery drain did not change

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Guest Andy__P
As cKen said, you have to wipe separately from malez recovery.

1st time i tried this rom i had your same issue, because i only checked "wipe all" ;)

EDIT: OTA Update?? Awesome!!

Hi, strange, i did that but it still doesn't work. I wiped everything (factory reset,data,cache,dalvik) reflashed everything but still no luck.

I even restored an backup from a few days back when it still worked but even there it didn't!

I never had any problems with CM and/or gps, any suggestions?

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Guest Andi-HH

hi, i have a little problem.

without changing settings: the search-button doesn't work at the homescreen, but for example at the market.

when i change in cm-settings to open google search when pressing search-button it works, but in market, browser, maps it also opens google search instead of just opening the search of the current app.

weird: in opera it works like i want

hope u understand what i mean and have a solution

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Guest Suxsem
hi, i have a little problem.

without changing settings: the search-button doesn't work at the homescreen, but for example at the market.

when i change in cm-settings to open google search when pressing search-button it works, but in market, browser, maps it also opens google search instead of just opening the search of the current app.

weird: in opera it works like i want

hope u understand what i mean and have a solution

don't set search button from CM settings; just download google search from market

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Guest Andi-HH
don't set search button from CM settings; just download google search from market

thx for the fast answer, but when i do not use cm-settings, google search doesn't open when i use the search-button from homescreen

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Guest kaerry
thx for the fast answer, but when i do not use cm-settings, google search doesn't open when i use the search-button from homescreen

try a reboot, if still not working move google search app to system/app

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