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sense rom - camcorder fail

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Guest galel2

Hello. First time I'm posting so if somethings wrong, dont get mad :)

I downloaded and flashed the newest rom with sense from this forum (12 aug), and everything was good (well, i cant oc, but we'll take care of it later... :))

but i noticed that when im using the camcorder (either via the camera or via the app itself) it works o.k when you stop recording, but when you stop recording it says " camera stopped unexpectedly, report will be sent to htc" and it closes the camera app.

the video that i recorded isnt on the videos section, but if you reboot the phone it magically appears there :)

also, it keeps crashing my "photowall live" app, but thats a minor even though annoying problem...

has anyone else encountered that? someone got a solution?

thanks alot.


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