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[ROM 07-12] TripNMiUI S001.1RC.1.12.2 | RELEASE CANDIDATE | ENDTIME Kernel

Guest TripNRaVeR

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Guest wowangpogi_co

hi flashed new kernel but cant connect to my router. i've seen a post with the same issue. his solution is to reflash everything w/ full wipe. i tried it and were able to connect. but once i restore system data via TB issue returned. can anyone verify, thanks.

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Guest TripNRaVeR

Can anyone enlighten me why CM is copy protecting? :blink: :blink: Money? Samsung? FAME?????

Everyone did give CM credits where credits are due? What is happening on XDA lately?

CM and COPY PROTECTION WTH who had ever tought that?

Did kmobs forget that he is using sources also? We all know that without HTC there wasnt a fully functional CM so kmobs should really back off a little. Dont get me wrong i'm a supporter of CM and they are almost eveytime first (not on Sensation :lol: :lol: :lol: ) and best but this is pretty bad..

Edited by TripNRaVeR
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Guest theviruz

only what i know the protection is only in the alpha stage from cm7 *G* so funny lol

The CM Sensation team sure is getting a lot of hate because of the "bomb" in libaudio, which any hacker with an ounce of skill could easily remove, and will be taken out when it's out of alpha stage.

I don't think it's right to demand unfinished work. We really want to give our work away, for free, and we always do. We are a community project, but like it or not, CM is also a brand. We have every right to hold off on releasing code and protecting pre-release builds until they have reached something that we'd consider respectable enough to call a release. It's not that we enjoy doing it, we just want to keep the quality high when our work is reused and remixed in other projects.

Nobody is trying to be a jerk. It's just a development model that works for us and for the large majority of the community. Mobile is a complicated place. It's moving fast and everyone wants the new hotness, now. So do I, but it takes time.

from google+

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Guest Yasin mh

Cm say its to prevent people taking an alpha and then claiming it to be their own and calling it 1.0 release and not sending any patches upstream. The will keep the protection until they release a stable build thats not in alpha, beta or rc stage.

Btw thanks tripfor the great rom! S008 fixed the no calling bug for me thanks

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Guest zivotinjnja

please everyone who uses trip ROM, go to the forums were the stolen roms are presented and flood theme with messages requesting to remove.

if each one will sent 1 or 2 post it will be accumulated to hundreds

I already did it and I am inviting everybody else to request the same. We know who the real author is, let's support him now when he needs our support. Man, I am pissed as well... :angry:

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Guest Bluewall1

I little bit Off topic (but Trip, you can see what i said on XDA for you ;)) but the TripKernel is mean to save more battery since it's UV ? even if it's OC ?

Btw, someone posted awesome lockscreen for MIUI resized for EVO 3D (so that's fit good for our Sensation) but, any news about new lockscreen resized ?

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Guest mcniick9

I little bit Off topic (but Trip, you can see what i said on XDA for you ;)) but the TripKernel is mean to save more battery since it's UV ? even if it's OC ?

Btw, someone posted awesome lockscreen for MIUI resized for EVO 3D (so that's fit good for our Sensation) but, any news about new lockscreen resized ?

what's the lockscreen?

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Can anyone enlighten me why CM is copy protecting? :blink: :blink: Money? Samsung? FAME?????

Everyone did give CM credits where credits are due? What is happening on XDA lately?

CM and COPY PROTECTION WTH who had ever tought that?

Did kmobs forget that he is using sources also? We all know that without HTC there wasnt a fully functional CM so kmobs should really back off a little. Dont get me wrong i'm a supporter of CM and they are almost eveytime first (not on Sensation :lol: :lol: :lol: ) and best but this is pretty bad..

Did you forget that you are using apks from sonyericsson and name it TAPS?

Damn, I forgot to mention Sharp and HTC.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

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Read there lol, that fool even got response about the great audio :lol: what an arse!

Look at the bottom! He even complains copyright and forbidden to copy... :lol:

If he was here right now i punched all the crap from the last week out in his face, punched and punched and kicked untill everything was out :angry:

Hahahahaha!!! If you want i give you a help to punch him :-)

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Guest MxFadzil92

the only thing i feel unfair for trip is his work being steal by someone else . like what i said on xda . be fair to the developers who made and wasted so much time and effort on a rom and being taken away just like that. im not a developer or anything. but just like not feeling fair enough towards what trip had done to his rom. :angry:

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Guest TripNRaVeR

If he just gave credit where credit is due then there wouldnt be a problem. Dont understand why it always need to come to this point. People always trying and trying untill somebody stands up and tell them that even if things are open source you can still steal somebody's work.. As far as i know i didnt release sources for Camera or TAPS or all the custom things i build personally and that is stealing.

Otherwise open source would mean we can all post paid apps trough every community because Android is open source.

Still dont understand why giving credits is so hard? They can just ask me.. i'm not that bad that i always get angry at people lol

For me personally the reason i'm getting more pissed about this is because i cannot say that all this developing was any good for my relationship :( And thats the part where i have only regrets about, it basicly costed my feature for personal things that will always be hard.

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Guest cjsabaki

Yo Trip!!!

Slow down Bro!!!

Gonna be a few months yet before I can upgrade to Sensation..............At this rate I wont be testing anything Beta, all your works and kernels will be stable!!! :D :D :D :D

Take care man!!!

Best wishes,



P.S...BALANCE is a b*tch to keep in personal and professional lives, or hobbies, they can take us away from what is truly important and we can take close ones for granted, if we are not careful.....Been there, done that...

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Guest TripNRaVeR

Kernel testers please check the kernel topic for the new version that will be out soon, that should have working 2 way call recording and that needs testers :rolleyes:

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Guest MxFadzil92

If he just gave credit where credit is due then there wouldnt be a problem. Dont understand why it always need to come to this point. People always trying and trying untill somebody stands up and tell them that even if things are open source you can still steal somebody's work.. As far as i know i didnt release sources for Camera or TAPS or all the custom things i build personally and that is stealing.

Otherwise open source would mean we can all post paid apps trough every community because Android is open source.

Still dont understand why giving credits is so hard? They can just ask me.. i'm not that bad that i always get angry at people lol

For me personally the reason i'm getting more pissed about this is because i cannot say that all this developing was any good for my relationship :( And thats the part where i have only regrets about, it basicly costed my feature for personal things that will always be hard.

Yeah i understand that. maybe i put it in a wrong way though. what i really meant was giving all the credit to you, for making this beautiful rom. :):)

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Guest Raycaster3

Yeah honor?!??! When they give proper credits as when i fixed the badword audio for every rom on xda they MENTIONED.. that fool is doing like he is the godfather of all roms :lol: He is godthief and nothing more. Is it so damn hard to give badword credits for all the hours hours hours hours of work i put in FOR FREE

And then i see that someone just rips it as his own... Even that cm guy is getting pissed about it! Its CRAP when this happens... and mostly without giving credits.. but if he did gave credits then everyone would know that he has basicly done nothing :lol:

I just downloaded it and there are some files in it which containing a signature from me.. hopefully he didnt found it. Damn this makes me sick!!! Now i'm even more stressed :angry:

I'm gonna be honest trip I flashed it to see if it looked like a kang job and as soon as I did I actually sent a msg to someone saying I thought it was. I don't know very much about dev'ng but I consider myself a pretty advanced user and I thought something seemed fishy. Idk I'd it just seems like a kang or if it is for real, but if you found files in it with your sig and no credit given at all is pretty low.

I also just wanted to say I appreciate you adding uv support to your kernel. I remember asking about that a while back and wanted to thank you for including it even though I'm pretty sure what I say in no way affects what you do with your kernels/roms.

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Guest Raycaster3

Kernel testers please check the kernel topic for the new version that will be out soon, that should have working 2 way call recording and that needs testers :rolleyes:

I just saw you started a new thread and I love testing kernels so I'll be all over it. Thanks again for puttin in work. I mean the new market isn't all that important anyhow lol! Chuckle chuckle.

On a diff note I know how messing with phones and stuff can mess with a relationship as I have had a small issue myself with it and I don't even dev. It's hard to find balance sometimes but I know stuff will work out soon bro

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