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Better sound quality?

Guest Thmz159

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Guest Thmz159


Could we improve the sound quality on custom ROM's? I'm on LiquidNext 1.9.2 and iIt's just terrible now when listening music or playing a game. There's an annoying noise in the background and it's not possible to kill it with DSPmanager. I dont think it was that loud on stock froyo? (i'm not sure, I haven't used froyo for a long time)

Is there something we could do? :)

Greetings Thomas!

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Guest fear_factory84

Probably you have some hardware problems.. my phone has no background noise with liquidnext.

Try to flash the 4.002.14 acer bin and try to listen to something, to know if it's an hardware problem or software one.


Could we improve the sound quality on custom ROM's? I'm on LiquidNext 1.9.2 and iIt's just terrible now when listening music or playing a game. There's an annoying noise in the background and it's not possible to kill it with DSPmanager. I dont think it was that loud on stock froyo? (i'm not sure, I haven't used froyo for a long time)

Is there something we could do? :)

Greetings Thomas!

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Probably you have some hardware problems.. my phone has no background noise with liquidnext.

Try to flash the 4.002.14 acer bin and try to listen to something, to know if it's an hardware problem or software one.

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Guest Thmz159

Yes, it's with speaker and earphones. But with the speaker, I can only hear it when holding it next to my ear. With normal cheap earphones the static noise isn't very loud, but I use in-ears and then it's very loud.

I haven't got time now to check with stock rom, will do that in the weekend.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest SmashDML
<br />Yes, it's with speaker and earphones. But with the speaker, I can only hear it when holding it next to my ear. With normal cheap earphones the static noise isn't very loud, but I use in-ears and then it's very loud.<br /><br />I haven't got time now to check with stock rom, will do that in the weekend.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Did you find a fix?

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Guest SmashDML

im on 2.2 and i find the sound pretty bad. static humming when its quiet during audio playback and the phone speakers itself arent great.

with liquidnext? or doesn't that matter.

The thing that bugs me the most is the noise with a headphone .

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest champs12

I have the same problem too...don't think it happened in stock fido ROM

There's a buzzing sound at the beginning of music/games...and sometimes it happens when taking pics in camera too. I'm using LN 1.9.2

Also my headphones volume is too low, as in even if I turn on media volume at full, the sound is still low, in my headphones/car speakers/etc...but that's prob another issue..

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