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The old Vega with a new look

Guest Valjean

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Guest Valjean


I,ve received recently publicity about a "new" tablet from a chinese seller:

Do you want to see the old Vega in a new suit?

It is the very Vega with minimum differences, and at a higher price than the ones sold by Advent.

It is running Android 3.0.

What does it mean? Has Advent given up the distribution of the Vega and then it is sold under other brand? You can see than it is not a cheap device.

I hope this information to be useful.


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Guest richardmlea

Hmm, whats going on there? There are are three different tablets on there under the same advert.

The picture at the top is a p10AN01 (same as the Vega, POV and others)in a silver case. The video demo at the bottom first shows a tablet that looks like a superpad2 and then suddenly its a slightly larger tablet with a home button on the front. Which is it? Its also running Froyo in the video not honeycomb.

I think its just another P10AN01, one of many.

And I think the video is nonsense and nothing to do with the tablet they are selling.

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i hated the flytouch/superpad tablet.. had the 16gb model and when my dad baught a vega it was like putting an austin maxi next to a buggati veyron (not sure on spelling here :P). Que selling the flytouch 3 and buying a vega :-)

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