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[ICS] [CM9] [4.0.4] ColdFusionX for the ZTE Skate [ROM] [UPDATED - 28/06]

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Guest tilal6991

Hey guys. This is a CyanogenMod 9 port for the ZTE Skate. This is a replacement for my CyanogenMod 7 Nightly builds. This is ICS!!!

Rom Details:

  • Android 4.0.4 - Ice Cream Sandwich!
  • Synced with latest CyanogenMod 9 repos
  • 2.6.35 kernel - based on ZTE stock
  • Full HW acceleration makes it faster than Gingerbread!
    My sources:
    • Device - https://github.com/ColdFusionX/android_device_zte_skate
    • Kernel - github.com/tilal6991/kernel_zte_blade
      Thanks go to:
      • Tom Giordano - being my mentor in developing for ZTE devices and basically being a general legend
      • CM Team for making an awesome ROM base
      • Skywave, Tom B and the rest of the ICS4Blade team - I, uh, "borrowed" a lot of their fixes
      • The community - for testing and enthusing - I love doing what I do because of you guys

        FLASH ORDER:

          [*]First: you should get the GAPPs and ROM and put them on your SD card[*]Now FORMAT SYSTEM

          [*]After this wipe data[*]Then reboot out of recovery and let it boot into the ROM[*]After you let it sit on the launcher for ~ 5 minutes then reboot into recovery again[*]Now flash the GAPPs zip[*]And reboot out of recovery[*]The ROM should boot[*]Let it sit on launcher for another 5 minutes to stabilise.[*]If you still have problems post on the thread.



          Goo.im - Download

          Google Apps (Market, Gmail, etc.) - http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip

Guest tilal6991




Full Hardware Acceleration with OpenGL

Smooth UI

Mobile data 2G and 3G




Live Wallpapers

USB Mass Storage

USB tethering

WiFi tethering - Use an external app


Video recording


Everything else apart from stuff below

Partially Working:

Video decoding - choppy but working - ie. Youtube - HQ is laggy - LQ is fine

Not Working:

Panorama in camera

FM Radio



Added more settings to CFX Settings

Significantly improved app opening times on cold boot

Added some more Gerrit patches

Synced with CM9 repos

More stuff


A boatload of fixes

Fixed battery drain after airplane mode

Added CFX settings - partially thanks to KonstaT

Synced with CM repos

A heap of Gerrit patches to extend functionality

Some interesting options in settings

More stuff


Fix barcode scanning

Add lockscreen calender

Remove soft keys

Sync with CM repos


Fix video recording

Update with CM repos - many changes have happened behind the scenes

Revert to using CM kernel with a Gerrit patch for black screen fix

Fix market apps not showing up

Readd softkey settings

Make camera preview smooth

Lot more stuff behind the scenes


Missed out a huge number of builds from changelog

Bluetooth fixed - thanks to C3C0

Camera preview now working

Up to date with CM sources - Themes, Lockscreen etc.

Loads of performance improvements

Lot of other things which I've forgotten - I promise to keep the first post up to date from next time :P


Fixed ZTE Parts crash

Fixed any small bugs from previous

New kernel again

Cleaned source tree

Fixed audio bugs

Fix YouTube video crash from previous build

Bit more performance eeked out

Closer to getting BT working


Using new QCOM drivers

Using open source gralloc and copybit

Brand new kernel - better performance

Much faster

Much smoother

Broken camera preview

Gallery now working

Calculator now working

Live wallpapers now working


Fix colour banding

General performance improvements

Speeded up UI


Boosted in call audio

Fixed browser crashes/slowness

Fixed keyboard lag

General bugfixes

General performance improvements

Speeded up UI


Use hw libs from Tom G's Alpha 7

Should have fixed gallery and calculator

Fixed preview in camera! - full credit to Tom G

Fixed notification LED

Added proximity calibration


Brand new copybit source

Sped up rendering in browser slightly

Increased smoothness in some areas

Experimental HW video decoding added - works in some places but not others


Brand new audio - compiled from source

Brand new copybit - compiled from source

Added proximity calibration

Camera partially working!!

Much improved kernel

Better battery life

Updated CM sources

More CPU OCing options


CPU undervolting

Brand new EGL libs - huge performance boost on 3D

Updated kernel with new Blade kernel files


Fixed audio

Slightly improved kernel


Pretty much the same fixes as last release but it should be completely fixed now


Fixed reboots

Fixed browser

Fixed settings crash

Fixed USB mass storage


Reboots should now be completely fixed

Improved graphics

Tweaked memory settings to prevent out of memory issues

Synced with latest CM repos

Camera progress has been made although it still doesn't work

Should be faster and can now overclock stably

Mass storage partially fixed - still causes reboots - trying to figure out why


FULL HW OpenGL acceleration

Audio fully fixed

Fixed WiFi

Fixed GPS

Fixed kernel panic

Fixed network stats


Fixed audio bug

Minor HW issues sorted


Multiple bugfixes

Fix crashing

New kernel

Increase stability

Better HW acceleration

Add HW video decoding - still choppy though

Enable V8 JIT

Multiple other small stability improvements


Browsers and Gmail fixed!!!

Proximity calibration

WiFi Signal Strength

USB mounting

Audio Fix:

Fixed person on the other end of the call not hearing you.


Super smooth animations!!

Many bugs fixed

Updated to latest CM sources



Audio (fully)

Much smoother UI

Fixed "buffer not found error" - some games (Skyball, Angry Birds Seasons) work very well - others crash

WiFi temp fix:



Synced with latest repos





Version 2:

Mobile data

Audio partially

Graphics acceleration - hacked

Version 1:

Initial release

Guest dadashi

Android Open Source Project...

This new rom would say bye bye to any ideas of phone upgrade to SG2 or whatever ...

Guest Frankish

Tilal is the main man around here. People need to donate to this guy.


Yes we should all donate to tilal for his hard work wth porting cm7,and now ics.

Next pay day,I will certainly be donating.

Guest t0mm13b

Coming soon...

Progress so far:

After not a lot of work on my part I have got it booting to a certain extent. I am working on this right now


I downloaded CM sources instead of AOSP source so there were some compatibility issues. I'm now downloading AOSP sources and will rebuild when that happens. (15GB download!)

Have you had any luck in compiling for the armv6-vfp especially in the dalvikvm compile bit which seems to break on mine and build grinds to a halt with obscure (read, renamed variables for armv6)?

Guest tilal6991

Have you had any luck in compiling for the armv6-vfp especially in the dalvikvm compile bit which seems to break on mine and build grinds to a halt with obscure (read, renamed variables for armv6)?

There is no arm6 on aosp so I just used armv5te-vfp. It compiled but as I said booting didn't get very far.

Guest t0mm13b

There is no arm6 on aosp so I just used armv5te-vfp. It compiled but as I said booting didn't get very far.

Not on aosp - correct, but on cm7's tree that is... thats where I think, the armv6-vfp which is the target abi for both Zte Blade/Skate chipset, that is absent... as for using the armv5te-vfp, would there be neglible performance hits as result of using older chipset abi?

Guest tilal6991

Not on aosp - correct, but on cm7's tree that is... thats where I think, the armv6-vfp which is the target abi for both Zte Blade/Skate chipset, that is absent... as for using the armv5te-vfp, would there be neglible performance hits as result of using older chipset abi?

On the ICS branch of CM, ARM6 has not been updated.

As for ARM5 - it has been said it is almost exactly the same. There is an active port on the hero which used it and it's working very well.

Guest t0mm13b

On the ICS branch of CM, ARM6 has not been updated.

As for ARM5 - it has been said it is almost exactly the same. There is an active port on the hero which used it and it's working very well.

Ho okie :)

Cool! :D

Best of luck with the build process :)

Guest tilal6991

Ho okie :)

Cool! :D

Best of luck with the build process :)

Same to you :)

Guest tilal6991

ICS booted!!!!!!! But the touch screen is not working :(

Guest Frankish

Lots of ports seem to have no touchscreen issue maybe worth looking at the methods for other ports?

Guest Frankish

If Tom can't fix it nobody can lol. Hope it goes well for you Tilal. I've lowered my sgs2 to £340 and still can't sell it!

Guest tilal6991

If Tom can't fix it nobody can lol. Hope it goes well for you Tilal. I've lowered my sgs2 to £340 and still can't sell it!

Touchscreen partially working now.


I've lowered my sgs2 to £340 and still can't sell it!

i would replace the stock picture with a proper photo of your phone, so people can see the actual condition wink.gif

my OMC is going on Ebay soon..


Touchscreen partially working now.

Is it working as a dot or actual touch screen?

Guest tilal6991

Is it working as a dot or actual touch screen?

Either and both.

As a touchscreen the pressure is horribly innaccurate.

As a pointer it's just plain annoying. :)


Either and both.

As a touchscreen the pressure is horribly innaccurate.

As a pointer it's just plain annoying. :)

I found this over XDA, maybe it helps.

Guest tilal6991

I found this over XDA, maybe it helps.

That's exactly what I used to get the touchscreen partially working :D

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