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[25-12] TripNiCE S008B - IceCream Sandwich 4.0.1 | BETA 008

Guest TripNRaVeR

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Guest falcon eyez

I've been on alpha 6 or 6 hours now .. picking and opening every thing :P

Excellent work Trip !!

Few things I noticed so far ..

- Market is working properly after cleaning cache.

- Titanium Backup is restoring .. but I can't seem to see the apps .. even though, it says patch is finished

- Calls can not exceed 15 seconds .. and I've tried several time .. maybe the problem is on the radio .. didn't tried another one yet .

-GPS lock is Excellent !!! .. Best GPS lock ever ..

- when opening a video . Only sound is working and no video is showing .

- Every thing else is working correctly -except camera and bluetooth .

-facebook is working after changing the font.

it's good enough to be a daily driver for me .. Thanks Trip :D

Can't wait for alpha7 and beta :D

Edited by falcon eyez
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I've been on alpha 6 for 8 hours now .. picking and opening every thing :P

Excellent work Trip !!

Few I've things I noticed so far ..

- Market is working properly after cleaning cache.

- Titanium Backup is restoring .. but I can't seem to see the apps .. even though, it says patch is finished

- Calls can not exceed 15 seconds .. and I've tried several time .. maybe the problem is on the radio .. didn't tried another one yet .

-GPS lock is Excellent !!! .. Best GPS lock ever ..

- Every thing else is working correctly -except camera and bluetooth :P

it's good enough to be a daily driver for me .. THanks Trip :D

I have a had a few calls between 10-20 minutes with no issue

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Guest ronaldramsayii
I've been on alpha 6 for 8 hours now .. picking and opening every thing

Excellent work Trip !!

Few I've things I noticed so far ..

- Market is working properly after cleaning cache.

- Titanium Backup is restoring .. but I can't seem to see the apps .. even though, it says patch is finished

- Calls can not exceed 15 seconds .. and I've tried several time .. maybe the problem is on the radio .. didn't tried another one yet .

-GPS lock is Excellent !!! .. Best GPS lock ever ..

- Every thing else is working correctly -except camera and bluetooth

it's good enough to be a daily driver for me .. THanks Trip

Yeah I don't have issues with calls. Using 10.56 radio....

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Guest falcon eyez

tried another radio 10.58 and still calls can't exceed 15 seconds .. after that the phone reboots !!

I'll try to reflash the rom again tomorrow if there were no alpha 7

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Guest Dragon_Droid

I'm new to this forum and am not trolling through a load of arguments and politics. I can't PM trip cause his box is full, but I have not mirrored his ROM, just posted a link to this forum and to his mirror. I like open source, I think everybody should have access to whatever ROMs are available, and there are thousands of ROM links on XDA. I will ask the mods to take the thread down if trip wants it removed, but that would be a shame IMO. It's a good ROM and not everybody knows that it exists. They should support it and support trip if they like. When it's a daily driver, I will, as I have with CM7. Others on here and ones that come over from XDA will no doubt do likewise if they find it useful. That's good for trip and the users that didn't know this existed.

I DO NOT want to get dragged in to whatever has happened in the past, I am just sharing information with users like myself. I repeat, if XDA or trip want it removed, fine, I just think that is a shame. XDA and Modaco promote open source, Android ROM development. Hopefully politics won't hinder that to the detriment of users who only want the best possible experience from their device.

Clearly you are a noob..You do NOT do that.Trip was banned from XDA. It is NOT up to you to go put it all over the net. Trip can do that himself if he wanted to. You are not the newspaper and I am not your father but we have rules and a kinda unsaid code here in the Android community. You do NOT and I repeat NOT post a devs work anywhere without talking to him FIRST. I don't care if he answers or not or his inbox is full. You knowingly did this and even though we support open source that doesn't mean YOU have the right to put his work anywhere. I have been a staple with XDA and CM since 2008. I empathize and support and donate to any dev whose ROM I use.

It's like coming to my house and I tell you "sure you can use my bathroom" and you go share my toilet paper with the neighbors. You think you're sharing when indeed you took my TP and gave it to the whole hood and that's so not cool. But maybe you didn't understand and If you didn't know then I am just giving you friendly advice.

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Guest ronaldramsayii

I'm new to this forum and am not trolling through a load of arguments and politics. I can't PM trip cause his box is full, but I have not mirrored his ROM, just posted a link to this forum and to his mirror. I like open source, I think everybody should have access to whatever ROMs are available, and there are thousands of ROM links on XDA. I will ask the mods to take the thread down if trip wants it removed, but that would be a shame IMO. It's a good ROM and not everybody knows that it exists. They should support it and support trip if they like. When it's a daily driver, I will, as I have with CM7. Others on here and ones that come over from XDA will no doubt do likewise if they find it useful. That's good for trip and the users that didn't know this existed.

I DO NOT want to get dragged in to whatever has happened in the past, I am just sharing information with users like myself. I repeat, if XDA or trip want it removed, fine, I just think that is a shame. XDA and Modaco promote open source, Android ROM development. Hopefully politics won't hinder that to the detriment of users who only want the best possible experience from their device.

Not gonna jump on you like others are, but the best thing to do right now is remove the links. Trip was banned yada yada yada everyone knows the story. If anything post something in the general section and give them the link to sensation.modaco.com. But don't post Trips stuff. Simple fix.

I understand why you did it and what your motives were which is understandable, but the issue between Trip and XDA goes above our heads. So yeah let's stay out of it. :-)

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Guest Shagman68

Can someone answer my question, why isn't anyone saying anything about the ICS keyboard? When you type any word, it thinks its a mistake. Am I the only one with this problem?

I dunno, cause the first thing I did was to install the Swype keyboard and it works as it always has.

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Guest Dragon_Droid

Has anyone been able to get gTalk to work? I know Trip says it doesnt but was wondering if anyone else has been able to get it to work and if so how??

gtalk is wired into the framework of ICS and Trip purposely removed it for those reasons that are above our understanding. It will not function until he places those proper lib's back where they go and that would just cause FC's at this point so why add it? just download one of those apps that access gtalk from the market.

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Guest Shagman68

So good. USB mounting is pretty important to me though. Wish it worked.

Re-boot into Recovery -- mounts and storage -- mount USB storage

and boom.... access to your SD card in your phone thru yer computer.

Another quick tip to remind those that don't know. CTRL-ALT-DEL for your phone is VOL+,VOL-,PWR all three at once, hold for a few seconds, and it reboots.

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gtalk is wired into the framework of ICS and Trip purposely removed it for those reasons that are above our understanding. It will not function until he places those proper lib's back where they go and that would just cause FC's at this point so why add it? just download one of those apps that access gtalk from the market.

oh ok.. cool thanks, any examples of those apps your referring to?

Edited by jam34
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I dunno, cause the first thing I did was to install the Swype keyboard and it works as it always has.
I am not having issues with the keyboard after I flashed the gappsv5.zip Googles app package from the Samsung Captivate ICS beta build. I did notice before I flashed that package that the suggested words were only names in my contacts so it seems like the dictionary might be missing. But like I said - I flashed this gapps package on top of Trip's ROM and the keyboard is money now. I haven't run into any bugs or negative effects after I flashed.

*Disclaimer - flash at your own risk etc etc*

File is here:


EDIT: Found the first bug using the gapps5 package. The gallery wasn't working but I found that the gallery apk in Trips' ROM is Gallery2.apk and the Captivate gappsv5 gallery apk was GoogleGallery.apk. To resolve I just deleted GoogleGallery.apk from /system/app that was installed when I flashed gappsv5 - ripped the original Gallery2.apk from Trips' Alpha 6 zip and pushed to system/app/ then Installed with Root Explorer and I was good to go again.

Edited by ddub06
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Guest Shagman68

does market work on Alpha 6? or was it said that it would be working for the last alpha?

Yes, the Market works, as long as you clear cache and Dalvik cache first.

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Thank you sir. Here is a screenshot of the keyboard after flashing gappsv5. Also - I don't use gtalk much but I don't have any issues with it when I was just fooling around with it. That is the gtalk from the same gappsv5 package.


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