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San Francisco II/T-Mobile Vivacity TPTs

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Guest Amphoras
Posted (edited)

These TPTs will repartition the internal memory of your San Francisco II/T-Mobile Vivacity. They will also flash sebastian404's Clockwork recovery. Your data will be wiped, so backup anything you want to keep before you start. Your sdcard should be unaffected, but backup just in case. Be aware that depending on the layout you change to, your backup and some roms may not fit. 2MB cache versions will only work properly with a rom that redirects cache.

In all TPTs the boot and recovery partition sizes have been changed to 5MB (from 4MB and 6MB respectively). The OEM partition has been reduced to 1MB in all TPTs. The TPTs contain partition.mbn, appsboothd.mbn, appsboot.mbn and partition_zte.mbn as well as Clockwork recovery as boot.img and recovery.img and a blank system.img.

Whenever you flash a TPT, there's also a chance of bricking your phone, make sure you're charged up (remove the charger before you start) and use them at your own risk. Make sure you check the md5sums before you use these. There's one for before and after you unzip it (check the nandroid.md5 file in the zip).

Make sure you only flash the TPT for your phone. If you flash one for a different phone, you may brick it.

San Francisco II

Option 1: 160MB system, 2MB cache, 278MB data

MD5sum: 08219ff0cb2754faa921a65cc3b7b7b6

Option 2: 160MB system, 15MB cache, 265MB data

MD5sum: 61e6387622ce1fbd1b128702d49a2c92

Option 3: 160MB system, 40MB cache, 240MB data

MD5sum: b22cfc03bccc73ff07db9651519e2296

Option 4: 200MB system, 40MB cache, 200MB data

MD5sum: d86a00f74342565790ddba062533873d

T-Mobile Vivacity

Option 1: 160MB system, 2MB cache, 278MB data

MD5sum: 9f662cd54a8fcfafc7c1642227350a36

Option 2: 160MB system, 15MB cache, 265MB data

MD5sum: 757b3845f61ceb2ca25f08797c7721a9

Option 3: 160MB system, 40MB cache, 240MB data

MD5sum: 256f94b47eb78451759d3bfc51b1f0c3

Option 4: 200MB system, 40MB cache, 200MB data

MD5sum: 02f5e43e8f970cba7b283621ac4fc205

Returning to stock:

You can return to the stock layout by flashing the stock TPT for your phone. Use the image.bin for your phone from this thread. You can get them in posts 9 and 10 by unrandomsam.


After downloading, check the md5sum.

Unzip the file to the root of your sdcard. You should end up with a folder called "image" on the root of your sdcard with a image.bin file and a nandroid.md5 file inside it.

Check the md5sum of the image.bin file matches the one written in the nandroid.md5 file.

Turn your phone off and take the battery out.

Put the battery back in and power on holding the vol+ and menu buttons (probably, if this doesn't work then you can use the system update option from the settings menu in your rom).

You should see green text appear on the screen, then once its finished you should boot into Clockwork recovery.

Flash your chosen rom and reboot.

If the TPT won't start, try using a different sdcard. Some just don't like TPTs.


Delete the image folder once you're done to prevent accidental flashing.

Check the md5sums. If they don't match, delete it and try downloading again.

No guarantees. I don't have either of these to try it on, and even if I did, it might not work on your's.

Edited by Amphoras
Guest Amphoras

Working on adding support for both phones to my TPT Helper app. Once that's done you will hopefully be able to choose your own partition sizes.

Guest snowbord
Posted (edited)

Standing ovation for Amphoras! Awesome!

edit: TPT'd both an OSF2 and a TMV. All good!

Edited by snowbord
Guest snowbord

One niggle I am noticing - upon trying to mount USB storage in CWM, I am getting the error 'unable to open ums lunchfile' (No such file or directory).

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

Soooo much smoother Amphoras, Thanks so much!! :) Any reason why you didn't use flibble's more recent build of CWM?

Guest Amphoras

One niggle I am noticing - upon trying to mount USB storage in CWM, I am getting the error 'unable to open ums lunchfile' (No such file or directory).

No idea what that is or if it has anything to do with the TPTing.

Soooo much smoother Amphoras, Thanks so much!! :) Any reason why you didn't use flibble's more recent build of CWM?

I already had Sebastian's downloaded and had forgotten about the newer one.

Guest Russ_uk
Posted (edited)

T-Mobile Vivacity

Option 1: 160MB system, 2MB cache, 278MB data

MD5sum: 9f662cd54a8fcfafc7c1642227350a36

Option 2: 160MB system, 15MB cache, 265MB data

MD5sum: 757b3845f61ceb2ca25f08797c7721a9

Option 3: 160MB system, 40MB cache, 240MB data

MD5sum: 256f94b47eb78451759d3bfc51b1f0c3

I'm considering doing this on my TMV, Just a few questions as i'm pretty new to all this: (Gotta start somewhere, right?)

1: What are the benefits of doing this?

2: What option would you recommend 1, 2 or 3 ?

And on the general subject:

3: Any other 'mods' you would recommend for the TMV?

Thanks in advance to all the wise folks here at modaco :)

Edited by Russ_uk
Guest Amphoras

I'm considering doing this on my TMV, Just a few questions as i'm pretty new to all this: (Gotta start somewhere, right?)

1: What are the benefits of doing this?

2: What option would you recommend 1, 2 or 3 ?

And on the general subject:

3: Any other 'mods' you would recommend for the TMV?

Thanks in advance to all the wise folks here at modaco :)

1. You get more space for your apps and their data. The stock roms take up more space than the custom ones, so that extra space in the system partition is wasted.

2. 1 gives the best optimisation of the space, but unless you have a script installed to redirect cache somewhere else (there was a post on doing this somewhere) then you won't be able to download any apps from the market that are bigger than ~2MB. The 40MB one should be ok for general use, its got a slightly smaller cache partition than the stock layout, but it should still be enough space to download most apps apart from any really big ones.

3. Not sure, I think there was a sticky thread with details of useful threads, you might get more info there.

Guest dt_matthews
Posted (edited)

Thanks Amphoras, flashed my TMV without issue :)

Edited by dt_matthews
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest snowbord

Anyone having issues repartitioning the SD card to have an EXT partition? It claims it is 'done' but the SD card is not modified.

Guest Reider59

I did my partition of the SD card using MiniTool Partition Wizard. 7.5 gig FAT32 and 7.5gig EXT2


Guest Amphoras

Was working to add support for both these phones to the TPT Helper app. It should all be working now, but I don't have either to test it. Is there anyone who wants to give it a try to make sure it works ok? If so, please send me a PM.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest andysee


Used TPT helper on my Vivacity

Option 3 (well it's v1c in the app) , as a bit cautious on cache requirements at the moment

using Fish'n'Chips ROM, so reflashed that too, although not sure it was necessary

I spent more time reading and pondering, in the end it was v. easy with your app.

I have a 1gb ext3 partition in use, so not really sure why I need more space for apps internally, just feels good to do some tidying.

Many thanks, hope your studies are not suffering.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Amorphas,

With any luck we will soon have CM9 available for the Crescent. Could you add a 200mb internal partition option TPT (as per option 2 for the Skate) to accommodate it?

Guest uknetizen

Hi there,

Like andysee, I used TPT helper and went for the third option. However after reflashing FnC, the market app failed to download anything, complaining of lack of space. No apps apart from maybe one game were over 40MB, so what would cause this? I don't know how to move the cache to SD, if that's possible.

Guest Amphoras

Hi Amorphas,

With any luck we will soon have CM9 available for the Crescent. Could you add a 200mb internal partition option TPT (as per option 2 for the Skate) to accommodate it?

Yeah, I will make one when I get a chance.

Hi there,

Like andysee, I used TPT helper and went for the third option. However after reflashing FnC, the market app failed to download anything, complaining of lack of space. No apps apart from maybe one game were over 40MB, so what would cause this? I don't know how to move the cache to SD, if that's possible.

Have you tried wiping cache from recovery? That might fix it, if not you could try clearing the market apps data and see if that helps.

Guest texarkana

Many thanks Amphoras. Used the 40MB cache version on my San Fran II as part of installing Fish'N'Chips RLS2, and now have *much* more space for apps. Cheers again...

Guest uknetizen

Have you tried wiping cache from recovery? That might fix it, if not you could try clearing the market apps data and see if that helps.

Yep thanks, that fixed it. Could have sworn the phone was fully wiped, but it just goes to prove you should always wipe the cache for every major change you make to the phone.

Guest Amphoras

Added a new TPT which should be ok for ICS. Gives 200MB system, 40MB cache, 200MB data. I don't have either phone, so they aren't tested. As usual, use at your own risk.

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

Nicely done! Thanks for continuing to support our new phones! :)

Guest Titas
Posted (edited)

^^ Couldn't put it better! + 1

Edited by Titas

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