Guest raverrr Posted December 27, 2011 Report Posted December 27, 2011 Fish'N'Chips ...................................................... .................................................... This ROM is based on the stock french 2.3.5 and will fit on a 160MB system partition with room to spare. Features: -Notification power widget (thanks to lidroid, KonstaT and tillaz) -Circle battery mod -Ad-hoc support -Roboto font -Custom Sense style status bar icons -Transparency in notification area -Overscroll glow -ICS window animations -Overclockable kernel -Unsecured boot.img -etc/init.d support -Superuser and su binary -VPN/SAMBA share modules added -Stagefright enabled -GPU rendered UI -TCP buffer sizes optimized -GPS configuration modded for better lock times and accuracy (Thanks to Coabalboa and aZZo) -SMSpopup -Rooted -Busybox support -A2SD -All useless stuff removed -Deodexed -Bash -huge APN list (from CM) -new Adreno libs to increase 3D performance -Long press on status bar and slide to change brightness -CM7 messaging app -CM7 3D gallery -CM7 file manager (rapid!) -DSP manager -widgets grouped -Google Music replaced with google music 2 To install this ROM you must have clockworkmod recovery. This is the procedure to follow: > Make a backup of your current ROM!!! > Download a copy of Fish'N'Chips > Put it on your SD card > Boot into recovery > Wipe data/ factory reset > Wipe cache partition > Wipe dalvik cache (in advanved options) > Install zip from sd card > Choose zip from sd card Downloads: Fish'N'Chips RLS7 SF2 version: http://www.mediafire...x7q2jqfbtrj9cnd Md5:577ecb21c52c2841326a206d3b7a1ebc Fish'N'Chips RLS7 TMV version: http://www.mediafire...pqmyaqrq84n12kz Md5:88df2ae6109d187e7a6131c80139e67b Mods/addons/patches APPS: -BBC Iplayer: http://www.mediafire...v11ihh2vd11j89s -Flash player 10.2 (arm6 compatible) : http://www.mediafire...2tll8jz618fvql4 -MIUI music (supports browse by folder): http://www.mediafire...j30d7ado3pyp1a3 Flashable zips: -Build prop patch:http://www.mediafire...s17x68v787n22d7 (fixes version display) -Nemus Patch:http://www.mediafire...o3dolyev16bg7ec (deletes LauncherPro and installs NemusLauncher) -Camera ICS:http://www.mediafire...qrgn4uac6trus0b (Installs Camera ICS) -Ubuntu font: http://www.mediafire...f7bbukns84soyni -Stock font: http://www.mediafire...1yn9cbn57tq11yh -Roboto font: http://www.mediafire...u2zbczhold0dlmw -Sony font: http://www.mediafire...ozbcl1d5dcu5jk6 Older releases: RLS6: http://www.mediafire...essb5sdm2rwbil7 MD5 sum:6ec83f76f48937798b3c59d6d01a7833 RLS5.1 San Fran2/Blade S version: http://www.mediafire...kzhydebd9138nna Md5:d53c726c65eef27432dc3fe332fb25c9 RLS5 San Fran2/Blade S version: http://www.mediafire...d5tawugsk55b8tl md5:7f7217556de909554348bbd4e2a17b5b RLS4 San Fran2/Blade S version: http://www.mediafire...z5a5n3bgqx4zagu MD5:32862e464876bf9b8b34fc9d113d2ae5 RLS4 TMV version: http://www.mediafire...znxqfixdzrxbdao MD5:125e32faaaeb7a8b9cea3fa80c8ab198 RLS3 San Fran 2 versions: -Stock launcher version: http://www.mediafire...qy3tqceq6syqg7t md5:7ade4231d9fab9494e0e04d4d91ee0f2 -Nemus launcher version: http://www.mediafire...2vzgr77f46j2cul md5:ff1b4baf5f46a3d6ce71ff4ef9014259 RLS2 T-Mobile Vivacity versions: Nemus launcher version: http://www.mediafire...21irud68tc0i800 md5 sum:be98e64b1798d99e1c4490dde7c5c047 Stock launcher version: http://www.mediafire...uqy9c8s9paxix5e md5 sum:beac4fb212f009a2572fb1f1a011e7d6 RLS2 San Fran 2 versions: Nemus launcher version: http://www.mediafire...39keyp8uavcuj83 md5 sum:1608699f8190c160d9265c50101fac92 Stock launcher version: http://www.mediafire...q9kpp3trnq91ylg md5 sum:5cbd640d395401174485ef1547eb5817 Known bugs: Bluetooth may not work correctly for some users. Replacing the music app with the stock one in the ROM zip before re-flashing will fix this Or you can push it with adb. Special thanks to: -Fuzzra (OC kernel) -Fr0do (Helping with themes and testing) -KonstaT (help and advice) -CurtisAndroidSF2 (splash screen and support) -ZTE (for another good budget smartphone) EXTRA special thanks to these people for DONATING!!! irishpancake Josef Prusa aboylikedave soami sbrookes If you want some ICS goodness check out Dazzozo's work on CyanogenMod 9 for the ZTE crescent: HERE If you like my work press the little green plus button
Guest n4y4nrules Posted December 27, 2011 Report Posted December 27, 2011 RLS7: -New splash screen thanks to CurtisAndroidSF2 -Adhoc support added -Pattern lockscreen changed -host file changed (fewer ads) -textfieds themed -Some honeycomb png's used -Google play updated to latest version -Nemus launcher replaced with a slightly modded launcher pro -CM7 file manager -removed talk and genie widget -Long press on status bar and slide to change brightness -Google Music replaced with google music 2 -widgets grouped -updated : . gmail . maps .sms popup (updated since -.-) .youtube RLS6: -Added CM7 messaging app (full of cool settings and features) -Added CM7 Gallery (much faster than the stock one) -Added DSP manager (equalizer) -Replaced Google search and voice with Google black RLS5.1: -sleep issue patch from RLS1 and 2 re-applied -WiFi scan intervall changed (better battery life when WiFi is enabled) RLS5: -Added notification power widget -Theme revised (some graphics pinched from ICS) -reverted to stock music.apk -added "free mobile" APN -GPS configuration modded for better lock times and acuracy -updated Nemus launcher -SMS popups added RLS4: -OverClockable kernel added (Thanks to Fuzzra) -New EGL libs added for better 3D performance (Thanks to XDA) -VPN/SAMBA share modules added (thanks to Bunnygirl) -Taptalk keyboard removed -User interface now rendered by GPU as opposed to CPU -Stagefright enabled -Reverted to original theme colors (variants of neon blue:23D3FF) RLS3: -New base ROM -Deodexed -Rooted -busybox -added bash -added Darktremor A2SD -zip aligned -Theme revised -Launcher pushed to memory (smoother) -Video HW acceleration enabled -Removed all extra apps (linked seperately) -Pre-loaded Nemus themes removed from stock launcher version -Stock keyboard left intact -Font changed to Roboto -music app swapped for Sony Ericsson Walkman app RLS2: -Theme revised to match the current "lots of black" look on the blade. -The rom will now load a file onto your sdcard called "nemus launcher" upon flashing.(added blue theme to the theme chooser) -TCP buffer sizes optimised for some extra "umpff" over edge,3g and wifi. -updated busybox
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted December 27, 2011 Report Posted December 27, 2011 (edited) So, is this for the ZTE Crescent? Only kidding. Thanks guys, Think I'll try this out, is it more lightweight than flibblesan's rom? Also have you thought of doing a version without the iplayer app to keep it even more lightweight? Alsoooo....Will you be adding overclocking options? I always used to boost my old San Fran to 691MHz for extra oomph with Cyanogen but I can't do that with this San Fran II yet cos there's no roms giving that option. Should we be flashing the stock kernel after flashing this? As people were having problems with flibble's rom as that was based on the T-Mobile Vivacity and people using SanFran2s were having keyboard tracking problems which were fixed by flashing the stock kernel after flashing flibble's rom. So will we need to do the same with yours? How come the one with the stock launcher is 108MB while the one with a custom (Nemus) launcher is only 98.8MB? Also just for people's info Flibble's rom is 101MB Edited December 28, 2011 by PsYcHoKiLLa
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Reverting to the stock kernel is best. the difference in size between the launchers is simply the stock launcher being heavier. At the moment this is pretty much just themed to look like fish and chips on the blade. once I have more ported to it I will upload a clean lightweight version. Thanks
Guest fr0do Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Love it! :D Welcome guys!! Shame about the wallpaper and boot ani LOL ;) Lots of good stuff on there, and great it's slimmed down. Looking forward to the4 future releases ;) Tried Zeam again - wow it rocks now! Didn't quite do everything I wanted before but now it does. Converted! (Nemus is very nice too but just too much faff! :)) I hate the heptic feedback on unlock and don't want to use a pattern... does your rom vibrate on unlock? I couldn't tell.
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 (edited) Love it! :D Welcome guys!! Shame about the wallpaper and boot ani LOL ;) Lots of good stuff on there, and great it's slimmed down. Looking forward to the4 future releases ;) Tried Zeam again - wow it rocks now! Didn't quite do everything I wanted before but now it does. Converted! (Nemus is very nice too but just too much faff! :)) I hate the heptic feedback on unlock and don't want to use a pattern... does your rom vibrate on unlock? I couldn't tell. Thanks for the welcome :) Glad you are now a zeam convert . As far the haptic feedback is concerned I'll have to get back to you later on that one. I'm at work right now lol. When I get some free time I will get to work properly on this ROM. Just wanted to get something up and running for now. Edited December 28, 2011 by raverrr
Guest Dop3KinG Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Nice to see things finally getting going on the cresent.
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Nice to see things finally getting going on the cresent. Well I finally unlocked mine yesterday and have been itching to get active on the crescent forum.themes thread coming soon also :)
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 (edited) I'll ask n4y4nrules to optimize a Fish'N'Chips neon blue Nemus theme including lots of modified icons in a few days. I know how much he loves Nemus. :) Edited December 28, 2011 by raverrr
Guest n4y4nrules Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Nice one ZTE brother raverrr. :P I just want to express the immense sadness that I felt when I installed the Nemus launcher version and didn't see the AWESOME wallpaper that we all know and love. And yes, I shall have a go at a NEW neon blue Nemus theme when I get home from work today. Fish'N'Chips forever. :)
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Just wanted to ask, can we install the themes from this topic or do we have to wait for a ported version?
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Just wanted to ask, can we install the themes from this topic or do we have to wait for a ported version? The themes for nemus can be used. But the others (mushy peas etc) will have to be re done.
Guest Russ_uk Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 WOW!! This is fantastic news! Congrats raverrr & n4y4nrules :) I posted on the Blade thread about looking forward to seeing a copy of this ROM available for Crescent - And here it is, so soon! Can't wait to get this on my device and start putting it through its paces. As this is still a 'work in progress', I'll be posting possible feature requests and, of course, any bugs that I may encounter. Hopefully this project will gather momentum nicely 'cause this ROM has awesome potential! Nice work guys!!
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 WOW!! This is fantastic news! Congrats raverrr & n4y4nrules :) I posted on the Blade thread about looking forward to seeing a copy of this ROM available for Crescent - And here it is, so soon! Can't wait to get this on my device and start putting it through its paces. As this is still a 'work in progress', I'll be posting possible feature requests and, of course, any bugs that I may encounter. Hopefully this project will gather momentum nicely 'cause this ROM has awesome potential! Nice work guys!! i was just trying to remember who originally asked for us to start it on the you are! lol. why not :) n4y4nrules got me a crescent for xmas (kinda). at the moment it's still close to the stock rom, and there is a touchscreen issue if you dont flash the kernel on HERE (if you are using the SanFran2) but not for long. I'm thinking of switching the kernel. or should i wait for an overclockable kernel?
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 I'd vote for waiting for an overclockable kernel, I think that's one of the big pulls of CyanogenMod...well it is for me anyway
Guest raverrr Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 update: The whole "swap the kernel business" was bugging me all day so I am de-orange-ing a SanFran2 stock ROM and i will use that to make a version for the SanFran2 users. obviously it will also be de-odexed,rooted and the rest. and for those of you who just want stock i will also upload it and link it to a different thread.
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 (edited) update: The whole "swap the kernel business" was bugging me all day so I am de-orange-ing a SanFran2 stock ROM and i will use that to make a version for the SanFran2 users. obviously it will also be de-odexed,rooted and the rest. and for those of you who just want stock i will also upload it and link it to a different thread. Excellent! So it'll basically be the stock orange rom with all the orange crap removed? I'm guessing that will be very popular :) Just wondered if you also fancy getting together with FlibbleSan and his friends to port over ICS or CM7 over to the Crescent? I think a lot of people are looking forward to an ICS port :) Edited December 28, 2011 by PsYcHoKiLLa
Guest raverrr Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 Excellent! So it'll basically be the stock orange rom with all the orange crap removed? I'm guessing that will be very popular :) Just wondered if you also fancy getting together with FlibbleSan and his friends to port over ICS or CM7 over to the Crescent? I think a lot of people are looking forward to an ICS port :) i'm afraid i'm not that "UBER" yet lol. I have only been playing with androids inner workings for a few months now. its a good hobby :) i'm getting there
Guest Reider59 Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 (edited) Apologies if this version isn`t meant for the SF II. I`m still a newb, made great strides in unlocking and debranding with the fantastic help from this forum. I wanted to try the Fish N Chips R2 Nemus ROM but get the following message; assert failed: write_raw_image ("/tmp/boot.img "boot") E:Error in /sdcard/Fish_N_Chips_R2.....blah blah blah ends with Status 7 error I tried it with Nemus, stock and the rest. Each time wiping factory, cache and Dalvik tried the R1 and got the same error on each and every one. tried re downloading from a different source, compared MD5 each time. Swapped to the MicroSD supplied with the SF II instead of the 16 gig one I`m using and repeated as above with all the factory, cache wipes each time. Now back on the from Bouncer5 and that works perfect every time with the as well. I`m trying to install by flashing the zip file same as the one from Bouncer5, in the Restore screen. Is that the wrong approach or is this just not intended for the SFII? Steve Edited December 30, 2011 by Reider59
Guest raverrr Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 Apologies if this version isn`t meant for the SF II. I`m still a newb, made great strides in unlocking and debranding with the fantastic help from this forum. I wanted to try the Fish N Chips R2 Nemus ROM but get the following message; assert failed: write_raw_image ("/tmp/boot.img "boot") E:Error in /sdcard/Fish_N_Chips_R2.....blah blah blah ends with Status 7 error I tried it with Nemus, stock and the rest. Each time wiping factory, cache and Dalvik tried the R1 and got the same error on each and every one. tried re downloading from a different source, compared MD5 each time. Swapped to the MicroSD supplied with the SF II instead of the 16 gig one I`m using and repeated as above with all the factory, cache wipes each time. Now back on the from Bouncer5 and that works perfect every time with the as well. I`m trying to install by flashing the zip file same as the one from Bouncer5, in the Restore screen. Is that the wrong approach or is this just not intended for the SFII? Steve unfortunately this is only for the TMV currently. we are working on the SF2 version. but you can install it and run it just fine if you flash the SF2 kernel after flashing the ROM :)
Guest Reider59 Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 Unfortunately I got that message and the installation was aborted each time while installing the Fish N Chips ROM itself. My intention was to put in the SFII Kernel file but it never got that far. No matter which version of Fish N Chips I picked it failed at the same point with an identical error. Bouncer5`s ROM was also built for the Vivacity but works with the correct kernel file. No idea how to get past that error. Steve
Guest raverrr Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 Unfortunately I got that message and the installation was aborted each time while installing the Fish N Chips ROM itself. My intention was to put in the SFII Kernel file but it never got that far. No matter which version of Fish N Chips I picked it failed at the same point with an identical error. Bouncer5`s ROM was also built for the Vivacity but works with the correct kernel file. No idea how to get past that error. Steve did you open up the rom zip and mess with anything?
Guest Reider59 Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 did you open up the rom zip and mess with anything? No, nothing at all. Simply put it on the root of the SD card with the SFII Didn`t rename or open them at all. Steve
Guest raverrr Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 (edited) No, nothing at all. Simply put it on the root of the SD card with the SFII Didn`t rename or open them at all. Steve omg. i have just read though your first post again. you mentioned you tried R2... there isnt an R2 for the crescent yet. did you get it from the blade forum? Edited December 30, 2011 by raverrr
Guest Reider59 Posted December 30, 2011 Report Posted December 30, 2011 (edited) Thats my fault, I saw " THIS ROM IS FOR THE ZTE CRESCENT!!!" on the first page and assumed it was a continuance with an updated version. Too excited to read it properly. Sure I tried the R1 and got the same error but I will again. Steve Edited December 30, 2011 by Reider59
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