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Port ICS transition animations on EVERY ROM

Guest AcerFerrari

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Guest AcerFerrari

1)First of all, you need to download and install APKMANAGER: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=695701

2) Extract with WinRAR, from the ROM you want tomodify, the file framework-res.apk, that you can find in the directory\System\framework\.

3) Go to the apk manager folder and place the framework-res.apk file in the folder "place-apk-here-for-modding".

4) In the apk manager folder, double click on thefile "Script". A cmdwindow will open.

5) Where it says "Please make yourdecision", write "22" (Set currentproject) and enter. Then enter "1" (to choosethe first apk) and enter. Then enter "9" (Decompileapk) and enter.

The script will decompile the framework-res.apk.

6) Now go to your apk manager folder, go to Projects\framework-res.apk\res\anim\.

In this folder there are the animations of yourrom. They consist in some .xml files decompiled.

7) Download this:


8) Copy the files from the folder "anims" of the zip downloaded into the anim folderand you are asked to replace the files; choose yes. Then copy also the filesfrom the folder "other_files" to the animfolder.

9) Now go to your apk manager folder, go to Projects\framework-res.apk\res\values\. Edit the file integers.xmland put these twolines under the line of "shortAnimTime":


<integer name="config_activityDefaultDur">220</integer>


10) Return to Script. Enter "11" (Compile apk) and enter.

The script will rebuild the framework-res.apk.

11) You are asked if this is a system application.Enter "y" and enter.Then a second question appears. Enter newly "y".

12) Then after it processes, Don't press anything & DON'T CLOSE THIS WINDOW!!! A new folder "keep" is created in the apk manager folder. Goinside it and delete the file "resources.arsc". Now goinside keep\res\anim\ and delete every file with the samename as every file of the "anims" folder of the zip downloaded.

Then return to Script and press enter. Itprocesses, then if everything went ok, in the folder "place-apk-here-for-modding" a file "unsignedframework-res.apk" is created.Copy it outside and rename it "framework_res.apk".

13) Now you can create a flashable zip or you cansimply push it to your system (but you have to sign the apk).


PS: Some say that they can't use them, here's the .apk which is for LN: http://www.multiupload.com/3BKT8D5ZX6 (Credits to Suxsem)

Edited by AcerFerrari
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Guest zorginho

Someone can tell me why i can't apply this lockscreen to ln1.9.2? forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1312431

Seems that all goes right but when i reboot nothing changed, ive the default cm7.1 rings...

Inviato dal mio Liquid usando Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...

just push it in /system/framework with ADB and reboot :)

Just checking.. can I use Root Explorer to move in /system/framework and reboot?

Will this work instead?



TESTED - Nope it doesn't work with above method. Stuck on white LN screen with blue stars.

Had to do nandroid recovery. mellow.gif

Edited by renzs
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