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14 Jun Gr9 (6.3.1) - MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Kindle Fire

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Hi all!

I've started playing more with my Kindle Fire so i've made a first early MoDaCo Custom ROM for the device.

Flashing is recommended using TWRP, ALWAYS BACK UP BEFORE FLASHING! Wipe is not required.


  • Based on the 6.3.1 release
  • Heavily optimised and compressed to take as little space as possible and perform as fast as possible!
  • Includes Google Services Framework and Google Play Store, masquerading as Galaxy Tab for maximum app availability
  • Optional Google Books / Music
  • Network location support (for Maps etc.)
  • Rooted with Superuser
  • Insecure boot image (for 'adb remount' etc.)
  • init.d support
  • TweakDeck Twitter client Kindle Fire version (can be uninstalled)
    I'll be doing more tweaks as I mess around with the device more together with more kitchen features, so watch this space. :)

    Prebakes are available for everyone to download, the MoDaCo Online Kitchen is available to MoDaCo AdFree and MoDaCo Plus members. NEW - you can now get MoDaCo AdFree for FREE via TrialPay - click here for details!
    • Gr9.2 - DOWNLOAD (ROMraid) - MD5: 569fe6550cfcfba68dabc3d088324a46
    • Gr9.2 AltROM - DOWNLOAD (ROMraid) - MD5: e1a061885eae1acadeabc68641cff25d
    • P

Guest PaulOBrien

There may be a short wait while the load balancing software determines the best kitchen to serve your ROM. The kitchen should appear below within 20 seconds.



26th Jun - Gr9.1 (Gr9 refresh)

  • Updated kitchen and prebakes to fix issue with superuser binary and Market Launcher.
    16th Jun - Gr9.1 (Gr9 refresh)
    • Fixed network location
    • Added altrom option and prebake
      14th Jun - Gr9
      • Updated to Kindle release 6.3.1
      • Application updates
        4th Apr - Gr8
        • Updated to Kindle release 6.3
          14th Mar - Gr7
          • Updated to Google Play Store (including custom launcher icon)
          • Updated IMDB
          • Updated TweakDeck
          • Added Google Play Books and Google Play Music as kitchen options
          • Fixed Pulse icon
            24th Jan 15:25 - Gr6
            • Added network location support! (for Google Maps, Weather apps etc.)
            • init.d support
            • Optional Tweakdeck
            • Online kitchen
            • 20th Jan 11:45 - Gr5

                [*]Fixes to Galaxy Tab masquerade.

                19th Jan 14:00 - Gr4

                  [*]Updated to 6.2.2.

                  17th Jan 19:30 - Gr3

                    [*]Device now masquerades as a Samsung Galaxy Tab for full Market availability.

                    13th Jan 15:30 - Gr2

                    • Fixed an issue with Amazon Video
Guest Darock159

Thanks for working on this rom. It is great to see one of the great devs working on this device!

Guest northmendo

Any chance of mirroring the file somewhere faster?

Thanks for your work Paul.

Guest PaulOBrien


17th Jan 19:30 - Gr3

  • Device now masquerades as a Samsung Galaxy Tab for full Market availability.


Hi Paul, A few questions

1 I am running rooted 6.2.2 do I need an updated version of this to install ?

2 If it masquarades as a Galaxy tab does this mean that the amazon appstore won't let it download Kindle fire versions of Apps or do amazon still see it as a kindle


Guest yinzers

there are 2 markets showing up, which one can we remove?

Guest PaulOBrien

I will update this to 6.2.2 shortly.

If you use a 3rd party launcher, you can uninstall the MoDaCo Market Launcher app.

I will be making one of my usual online kitchens, so if you're a MoDaCo Ad Free / Plus member you'll be able to use that. Of course, i'll still have the prebake too.


Guest PaulOBrien


20th Jan 11:45 - Gr5

  • Fixes to Galaxy Tab masquerade.

Guest Hodge914

I would like to say I really appreciate your work on this project.


Thanks Paul,

1) Does this stop the Amazon OTA updates or do I need to do something else.

2) Is the Kitchen version a better one and if so what features. Am I right in thinking it will be $9 to get this. I'm quite interested if it is as I love the Amazon skin but want market and other tweaks.

Guest notadamsel

Paul, would you upload this to a new hosting system? FileSonic isn't allowing sharing any longer, and I really want to try this out.

Guest Bill McD

I will update this to 6.2.2 shortly.

If you use a 3rd party launcher, you can uninstall the MoDaCo Market Launcher app.

I will be making one of my usual online kitchens, so if you're a MoDaCo Ad Free / Plus member you'll be able to use that. Of course, i'll still have the prebake too.


Guest krelvinaz

Paul, would you upload this to a new hosting system? FileSonic isn't allowing sharing any longer, and I really want to try this out.

Was looking for this as well...

Guest PaulOBrien


24th Jan 15:25 - Gr6

  • Added network location support! (for Google Maps, Weather apps etc.)
  • init.d support
  • Optional Tweakdeck
  • Online kitchen

Guest ricardocr

Hi, thanks for your work

Could you please let me know in what state must be the kindle as to flash your rom?

it should be on stock non rooted?

Mine was rooted but i lost that with last update 6.2.2...

Thanks in advance


17th Jan 19:30 - Gr3

  • Device now masquerades as a Samsung Galaxy Tab for full Market availability.

Guest ricardocr

Finally i was able to install it, it works wonderful, much faster!

Thanks a lot!

Hi, thanks for your work

Could you please let me know in what state must be the kindle as to flash your rom?

it should be on stock non rooted?

Mine was rooted but i lost that with last update 6.2.2...

Thanks in advance

Guest PaulOBrien

Gr6 prebake is now online as well as the online kitchen!


Guest PaulOBrien

If you're visiting from XDA, I can't update that topic as I have a 2 week ban for accidentally including a 'MoDaCo Ad Free' link in some topics. D'oh.


Guest Bill McD

If you're visiting from XDA, I can't update that topic as I have a 2 week ban for accidentally including a 'MoDaCo Ad Free' link in some topics. D'oh.


Guest Bill McD

Thanks, Paul. Another great ROM. Installed it easily this evening.

Guest android16

Love this mod, nice work.

However, I am wondering a few things.

Are you using burrito root 3 for this Gr6 Rom? I see it says rooted, but don't see with what.

If you are not using burritoroot 3, is there any point to use that on top of this rom, will it even work?

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