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Huawei U8600 clockwork mod recovery

Guest stefan2

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Guest stefan2

Can anyone help. I want to port clockwork mod recovery to this device but i have windows installed on my pc. I've extracted boot.img from the phone and i've attached a link

So can somebody with the knowledge of how to port clockworkmod recovery and a linux pc try and make the port.Don't worry about testing i'll be happy to do it

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Guest thfehler

Can anyone help. I want to port clockwork mod recovery to this device but i have windows installed on my pc. I've extracted boot.img from the phone and i've attached a link

So can somebody with the knowledge of how to port clockworkmod recovery and a linux pc try and make the port.Don't worry about testing i'll be happy to do it

Hello Stefan,

can you post the boot.img again? it is not available at deposit files. There is a man that will work on it. See here


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Guest stefan2

here's a guide for anyone willing to port cwm to this phone.The reason why i can't do it is because first i have a really slow internet connection and it would take me days to download the android repository and second i have only one pc running win xp with important documents and stuff on it and you must have linux installed to do the port.


here's a link to it http://www.koushikdutta.com/2010/10/porting-clockwork-recovery-to-new.html

in case the link doesn't work here's the guide

these are all terminal commands

the author is assuming that you are familliar with working with the terminal and your pc is set up for building android

to set up linux for building http://vladnevzorov.com/2011/01/08/dev-environment-for-contributing-to-android-os-code/

repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b gingerbread

repo sync

make -j4 otatools

Now, use dump_image or dd to dump your recovery or boot image from a running phone and copy it to your computer somewhere.

dump_image boot boot.img

To build Android from source for a new device, you need to set up a board config and its makefiles. This is generally a long and tedious process. Luckily, if you are only building recovery, it is a lot easier. From the root of your Android source directory (assuming you've run envsetup.sh), run the following (substituting names appropriately):

build/tools/device/mkvendor.sh device_manufacturer_name device_name /your/path/to/the/boot.img

You will receive the confirmation "Done!" if everything worked. The mkvendor.sh script will also have created the following directory in your Android source tree:


Now, type the following:

lunch full_device_name-eng

This will set the build system up to build for your new device. Open up the directory in a file explorer or IDE. You should have the following files: AndroidBoard.mk, AndroidProducts.mk, BoardConfig.mk, device_.mk, kernel, system.prop, recovery.fstab, and vendorsetup.sh.

The two files you are interested in are recovery.fstab and kernel. The kernel in that directory is the stock one that was extracted from the boot.img that was provided earlier. For the most part, recovery.fstab will work on most devices that have mtd, emmc, or otherwise named partitions. But if not, recovery.fstab will need to be tweaked to support mounts and their mount points. For example, if your /sdcard mount is /dev/block/mmcblk1p1, you would need the following lines in your BoardConfig.mk:

/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1

Once the recovery.fstab has been properly setup, you can build the recovery using:

make -j4 recoveryimage

Your recovery can then be found at $OUT/recovery.img. If you are in need of building a fakeflash recovery, you will need to run the following to create the update.zip that hot replaces the recovery:

make -j4 recoveryzip

So if anyone has a fast internet connection and is familliar with the terminal you can try it .

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