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Guest tilal6991

The libsurfaceflinger you sent me ages ago for this didn't work :/. The ROM wouldn't even boot.

OK. Well when I ported Sense to the Skate I hexedited the surfaceflinger to get the display the right way up. Maybe I did it wrong with the one I sent you.


OK. Well when I ported Sense to the Skate I hexedited the surfaceflinger to get the display the right way up. Maybe I did it wrong with the one I sent you.

Looking forward to it. Waiting for the other Guy to send it to me. Ill email to get his attention


Ugh. That's the problem with working with devs abroad. I just hope he gets out of bed and boots his PC up, send the file and goes to sleep lol


I cannot install this ROM. With a 220MB Partition it wont work. what cache size shall i use?

Guest Sulthekk

What did you use to resize? I would like to resize the other Sense ROM without doung it manually one by one.

He already said that he didn't resized it. He ported another sense framework into this rom.


He already said that he didn't resized it. He ported another sense framework into this rom.

Oh sorry. Im using a CM9 browser. Most things are blurry. so i cant view them.


That is what i used :L However, its not as simple as just replacing the framework and app folders.

Could you explain how to do it?

Guest FelixL

My guess: replace the framework.apk, framework.jar, all system apps and the sense- framework.apk with one from a device with right resolution. not sure about the.jar and not sure about the real name of the sense-framework.apk.

Sorry if I disturb your thread, just want to learn.

Guest brookergray

My guess: replace the framework.apk, framework.jar, all system apps and the sense- framework.apk with one from a device with right resolution. not sure about the.jar and not sure about the real name of the sense-framework.apk.

Sorry if I disturb your thread, just want to learn.

Loooooooooooooooooooool. Two posts above you:

That is what i used :L However, its not as simple as just replacing the framework and app folders.

Guest Sulthekk

My guess: replace the framework.apk, framework.jar, all system apps and the sense- framework.apk with one from a device with right resolution. not sure about the.jar and not sure about the real name of the sense-framework.apk.

Sorry if I disturb your thread, just want to learn.

Guess you need to resign all the packages...


Wow. Thanks Guys. Ill try this. So does anyone else want to be added to the project page? PM you're gmail

Guest the_crevis
Posted (edited)

Just resigning doesn't work, you have replace both the framework and app folders etc and then read the logcat and then replace and edit the smali files according to the errors you find. That's pretty much all i can give you, after that its just having the knowledge to understand the logcat messages and being able to fix them accordingly.

On a side note, anybody (who is good with android) interested in helping me out with my xperia ice cream sandwich port?

Edited by the_crevis
Guest Davidoff59

loving how it looks, might try to find that droid image, cool as fcuk


Just resigning doesn't work, you have replace both the framework and app folders etc and then read the logcat and then replace and edit the smali files according to the errors you find. That's pretty much all i can give you, after that its just having the knowledge to understand the logcat messages and being able to fix them accordingly.

On a side note, anybody (who is good with android) interested in helping me out with my xperia ice cream sandwich port?

I hope its not resizing. Coz I went one by one through that sense port or resized everything to find out it wont boot. Apart from that I can do


You got that rotation fix yet weeo/tilal6991? I can't continue with this project until I get it.

Edit: Here's the libsurfaceflinger.so if anybody wants a go: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?kl5lklbfb5976a8

I can't get hold of this Guy. He said he will send this weekend as he's busy with his work. He will send it 100% this weekend. Ill have a go anyway. And he said talk to some people about sense projects from LG gt540 guys and ask

Guest tilal6991

Sorry guys. Been extremely busy today. Will have some time tommorow - crevis has sent me the required file so I'll post the fix tommorow.

Guest Sulthekk

Sorry guys. Been extremely busy today. Will have some time tommorow - crevis has sent me the required file so I'll post the fix tommorow.

I'm just curious: what do you use for editing? GDB? IDA? I tried to fix it myself but I can't get IDA to dissassemble it as an arm binary instead of x86, and I don't know assembly well enough to do things like that without a working disassembler.

Guest tilal6991

I'm just curious: what do you use for editing? GDB? IDA? I tried to fix it myself but I can't get IDA to dissassemble it as an arm binary instead of x86, and I don't know assembly well enough to do things like that without a working disassembler.

Ghex and hexed it the file. You can do it if you know what you are looking for. I can't explain exactly how I do it as I'm on my phone and I'd be here for ages if I explained the full method.

Guest Sulthekk

Ghex and hexed it the file. You can do it if you know what you are looking for. I can't explain exactly how I do it as I'm on my phone and I'd be here for ages if I explained the full method.

I think I probably know the method, as I have made some fixes of this kind with ollydbg in the past, but there I saw the dissassembled code what was a big help, but I couldn't find a single dissassembler for ARM that would be usable, most search results are almost 10 yrs old, and about dissassemblers/debuggers for ancient versions of windows mobile :(

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