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ZTE V9 trashed by flashing blade stuff

Guest peety25

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Guest peety25


I' m desperatly looking for help. I used to own brand new ZTE V9 tab and decided to flash CM 7.2 which needed Gen2 device (I got Gen1 with Android 2.1).

So I hat to update first by using TPT but accidently took V7 for blade. Yes I'm aware it's like I had to clear wish to do trash the devices as hard as possible. It's even better than slamming to the floor and stepping on it.

Till the flash then I got graphic errors and nothing more. So with help of some guys in other forum I managed to achieve a little bit. However at current point they told me best would be to try here.

I flashed Gen2-Gen1 TPT for ZTE V9 and achieved fastboot/adb access again which was nearly total lost but Linux ADB tool achieved something. I tried to flash latest CWM for Gen1/Gen2 devices (both) and even stock recovery to get FTM mode. Flashing looked good and recovery is listed when entering fastboot devices. My biggest problem currently is blank screen only LED is active and USB connection to computer works. So I recovery is somewhere on devices but not available to full scale.

Current repair results.

ADB connection again

fastboot connection again with ability to flash recovery

no ZTE Diagnostic device in Windows, no FTM mode

So after everybody tried as hard as possible the guys told me I would need TPT to repartition everything and even rewrite some hidden partitions because I had Blade stuff in bootsectors to achieve FTM mode again. With FTM mode I'd able to revert back to orginal software and start all over again. Is anybody please aware how to get such TPT - I simply don't have the knowledge to achieve any more success w/o your help.

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Guest Mr.Suiting

Yes! Please, anybody who have link to download TPT Gen2-Gen1 or TPT Gen1-Gen2 post it here!

Or upload this file(s) !

Thank you very much!

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