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[11-06] [ROM] CyanogenMod 9 - Endeavor Unleashed | 015

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Guest TripNRaVeR


TripNDroid Mobile Engineering is proud to hereby announce the release of CyanogenMod 9 for the HTC Endeavor phone.

This rom is built completely from source so there will be no sense parts in it.


- Mobile network (data, calls, sms etc.)


- Bluetooth

- Bluetooth tethering

- Wifi

- Hardware video decoder

- Hardware acceleration (2D/3D)

- Audio

- MIC (recording)

- Camera


Not working:

- Wifi hotspot


No need for hardware menu key, soft menu key is implemented by system when an application uses it. More or less like sense but without placing a menu key at the bottom of the screen. Rom is as close to stock CM9 as possible but i compiled a filemanager into the rom for youre convinience.

This rom doesnt include gapps you need to flash them seperately.

Changelog 006:

Fixed wifi/mobile connection issue

Fixed phone call issues (i guess)

Camera app updated

New boot.img

Softmenu key (3dot) added

Latest CM9 changes merged

Changelog 007

NFC fixed

Small changes to fix phone calling issues (only work with full wipe and no restore)

New display values for better battery life

Source updates

Latest CM9 merges

Changelog 008

Latest stock kernel+new ramdisk

Launcher settings fixed

Possible echo fixes

Audio+video system updated

Small changes for improved battery life

Changelog 012

Fixed echo

Fixed incall volume

Updated kernel+ramdisk

Changelog 013

Fixed kernel

Update to latest cm sources

More stuff build from source

Changelog 014

Updated kernel

Update to latest cm sources (brakes auto-rotation)

Fix wifi stuff

Improve agps

Correct some audio routing stuff

Stock cm9 camera app (need to wipe camera app data or get FC's)

Changelog 015:

Latest kernel

Fix auto-rotation

Merged with latest cm sources

Deep sleep fix

Installation instructions:

- First flash the boot.img manually via "fastboot flash boot boot.img"

boot.img is included in the zip but you can download it here also: http://www.mediafire...y2bixtr6gyiw39p

- Go into recovery and flash the rom

rom wil superwipe everything 2 times no need for manually wiping (system, data. cache will be wiped!!!)

- Reboot

- Enjoy CyanogenMod 9 brought to you by TripNDroid Mobile Engineering




Download 015:


Download gapps for this rom here:



If you like my work please consider an donation to my beer fund



TripNDroid Mobile Engineering accepts no claims for anything that may happen to youre device because of flashing our software. This is youre own responsibillity.

Kernel source is available on my github



@noeri will yu be posting this rom on @XDA ? Or should i take the privilege :D

Guest TripNRaVeR

@noeri will yu be posting this rom on @XDA ? Or should i take the privilege :D

Lol no way ^^

Guest elroy944

just installed this, long press home is recent apps and recent app button isn't doing anything at all?

Guest TripNRaVeR

just installed this, long press home is recent apps and recent app button isn't doing anything at all?

I noticed yes, maybe remap that to menu? If anyone knows howto do to that

Guest Sebianoti

Thanks, it's very smooth, problems here and there but i won't complain since I'm sure they'll be fixed. I'd buy you an ice beer if i wasn't broke.

Guest Sebianoti

Hmm since installing this i can't seem to boot into recovery?.

Guest TripNRaVeR

That is for sense

Nevermind i fixed it this way:

Back == Back

Home == Home

Long press home == task switcher

Task switcher == menu

Interested anyone?

Guest Sebianoti

That is for sense

Nevermind i fixed it this way:

Back == Back

Home == Home

Long press home == task switcher

Task switcher == menu

Interested anyone?

Yeah that would work for me,


Hmm since installing this i can't seem to boot into recovery?.

you cant no direct access .. we need s-off go through bootloader into recovery !

Guest Sebianoti

you cant no direct access .. we need s-off go through bootloader into recovery !

Yeah that's how i'm doing it.

I'm in the bootloader, i select recovery, it boots into recovery, black screen for a second then it boots into the rom?

Guest TripNRaVeR

you cant no direct access .. we need s-off go through bootloader into recovery !

If you do "fastboot erase cache" you can enter recovery via bootloader

Guest Sebianoti
Posted (edited)

If you do "fastboot erase cache" you can enter recovery via bootloader

thank you,

Edited by Sebianoti

@noeri u need to provide boot.img !! or else everyone will complain ... they are stuck at HTC screen :D

Guest elroy944

That is for sense

Nevermind i fixed it this way:

Back == Back

Home == Home

Long press home == task switcher

Task switcher == menu

Interested anyone?

i'm interested :)

also my 3g is not working, anyone else with the problem? removed apn and setup again but with no luck...

Guest Sebianoti

@noeri u need to provide boot.img !! or else everyone will complain ... they are stuck at HTC screen :D

he did, it's inside the zip

Guest TripNRaVeR

i'm interested :)

also my 3g is not working, anyone else with the problem? removed apn and setup again but with no luck...

Read the OP... :/


Its inside the zip but i'm uploading seperately :)

Guest elroy944

Read the OP... :/


Its inside the zip but i'm uploading seperately :)

sorry i missed that line, but i don't see a line about root so i ask :P

is there something wrong with root? can't give any apps rootaccess

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