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Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

post-970248-0-70377800-1336414275_thumb. post-970248-0-31097100-1336355172_thumb. post-970248-0-04490900-1336355197_thumb. post-970248-0-07036000-1336355223_thumb.

Tools & Apps Included

  • Ported the Acer MT launcher as its very lightweight and has lots of nice features (this is locked into memory so will always stay running).
  • links2sd So you can store your apps onto the SD card. I recommend setting this up the minute you boot into the ROM and change the settings so it automatically places apps to the SD Card.
  • CPU Setting in menu.
  • Camera ICS has replaced the default Camera as the one it comes with really isn't that good (it may crash the first time you open it, but after that it will be fine).
  • MIUI File Explorer.
  • Settings Menu taken from AtomicMod.

    Other Changes
    • System Apps Updated (Play Store installed instead of Market ect.)
    • 3D animations
    • Custom theme
    • Added the ICS GenuineWidget.
    • ICS Themed Widgets
    • Installed the Google Talk with Video chat.
    • ICS Music Player
    • Adreno 200 drivers have been updated.
    • aGPS installed for improved GPS so you can lock onto more satellites.
    • improves video processing and images.
    • Beats Audio + XLound
    • V6 SuperCharger fixes many of the Android memory problems and speeds up the phone.
    • Kick Ass Kernelizer
    • 3G TurboCharger
    • Overclockable (best settings: Max-998MHz, Min-122MHz, Governor-smartassV2, I/O-cfq)
    • Auto-zipalign and defragdb on boot
    • Auto Calibration of the battery on boot.
    • Cleans up Cache and redundant files on boot.
    • Plus many improvements taken from this thread.

    Known Bugs & Common Problems

    [*]The front camera is upside down.

    [*]On first boot the top bar is blank. To fix plug in the USB to your PC. After that it will be fine.

    [*]Can't play music from the home screen media wheel. Its a bug because of using the ICS Music Player

    [*]First boot is very slow.

    DOWNLOAD - Kickass Rom V1.1b

    MD5: 6dc63e381205d5b436740088275e4f32

    Was built for the Vivacity, So is working 100% with that phone apart from the camera bug.

    For Orange San Francisco 2 use the kernel from here: http://android.modac...erclock-kernel/


    If you do not like the Acer launcher you can flash this to use the Sony Xperia S launcher. If you decide to use this launcher I would recommend overclock the phone to get best results.

    Flash with CWM once the Kickass ROM has been installed.


    This video was taken with the my Acer Phone so the Acer Bubble notifications aren't part of this ROM but the Sony Xperia S launcher acts and looks the same on the Kickass ROM as it does in this Video.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

I might have ago sometime next week to port the Acer Bubble notifications, but until then if someone wants to have ago at porting it here is everything you will need.


Edited by Pinguy
Guest Pinguy

If anyone wants to build a ROM/fork from this feel free to do so. You don't need to ask me beforehand.

Guest AmbushReality

This seems to have quite a lot of custom bloatware xD

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

This seems to have quite a lot of custom bloatware xD

Bloatware?? The added apps are in data and are easy to remove. The other changes are optimizing the default Android settings and values or replacing system files with better/newer versions.

Try it for yourself. Install it and run some benchmarks. I am willing to bet this will score higher then most if not all the other ROMs on here.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest AmbushReality

Bloatware?? The added apps are in data and are easy to move. The other changes are optimizing the default Android settings or replacing system files with better versions.

Install and run some benchmarks. I am willing to bet this will score higher then most if not all the other ROMs on here.

it looks decent but it will never outrun either of the Cyanogenmod ROMS
Guest irishpancake
Posted (edited)

You have md5 for the ROM and other d/ls??

....always good practice IMHO

Also, are Capacitive Buttons [back lights] working

Edited by irishpancake
Guest Dazzozo

Try it for yourself. Install it and run some benchmarks. I am willing to bet this will score higher then most if not all the other ROMs on here.

Bold claims, you're coating a lot of people's work there.

Otherwise, it's good to see more ROMs instead of the pitiful excuse for a forum that we previously had. :P

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

Bold claims, you're coating a lot of people's work there.

Otherwise, it's good to see more ROMs instead of the pitiful excuse for a forum that we previously had. :P

Its just something I put together for myself. My main phone is the Acer MT. I just took most of what I did with the custom ROM I built for that and added it to the Vivacity. I thought some people may like it as its got a few unique features you won't see in other ROM's, so I decided to share it.

I am pretty sure I am the only person that has been able to port the latest Acer launcher. So apart from Acer phones this is a feature you will only see in this ROM.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest fr0do

Good to see another rom. Great work Pinguy ;)

Guest surfungus

Nice work Pinguy, looking good!

I've added this to the list of ROMs pinned at the top.

Cheers surf

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

Nice work Pinguy, looking good!

I've added this to the list of ROMs pinned at the top.

Cheers surf

Thanks :)

New release with screen shots in second post showing off the Acer media wheels.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest Dazzozo

I am pretty sure I am the only person that has been able to port the latest Acer launcher. So apart from Acer phones this is a feature you will only see in this ROM.

Won't this just be an APK and maybe a lib? Looking at it... it doesn't seem buried in the System UI like HTC Sense.

Seems almost like you're saying the work of the people in this forum is total trash.

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

Seems almost like you're saying the work of the people in this forum is total trash.

Narcissistic much? I have no clue how or where you have got this idea from. Making a claim that I have the fastest ROM isn't trashing other peoples work. Its a feature that this ROM has. It runs fast so why wouldn't I let people know that?

The downfall of making it run fast is its slow booting. So that is an issue with it. It also has a problem with front camera being upside down. This ROM is far from perfect but it is very fast and will do well in benchmarks.

Also why would I trash other peoples work? Honestly I don't care what other people are doing. I gave my Vivacity to a family member and decided to build a custom ROM for them. Once I made it I decided to share it. I am a Linux developer (google my username) so only do this as a hobby.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest Dazzozo
Posted (edited)

Narcissistic much? I have no clue how or where you have got this idea from. Making a clam that I have the fastest ROM isn't trashing other peoples work. Its a feature that this ROM has. It runs fast so why wouldn't I let people know that?

The downfall of making it run fast is its slow booting. So that is an issue with it. It also has a problem with front camera being upside down. This ROM is far from perfect but it is very fast and will do well in benchmarks.

Narcissistic? EVERYONE here does amazing work, raverrr and n4y4nrules, jasonleeds, flibblesan, Sebastian404, Fuzzra. Some of which have come and gone and we would have nothing without them.

I build from source - that doesn't mean my work is appreciated more than anyone else's - in fact probably less due to the instabilities present in that form. I have no clue how or where you got that idea from either.

It wasn't the informing people of the performance, it was the way it came across - almost insulting to everyone in this forum who does amazing work for this unsupported phone.

I am willing to bet this will score higher then most if not all the other ROMs on here.

Then let the numbers speak for themselves. Let people draw their own conclusions. You shouldn't need to effectively tell people "oh don't bother with any other shoddy work, this is going to outrun everything so don't waste your time".

Sorry, I'm a little peeved and I'm going to cool off.

Edit: It's not a contest, and you seem to be challenging everyone here. If it was a contest I wouldn't be talking to tilal to try and drive CyanogenMod forward, I wouldn't be basing of Fuzzra's amazing work.

Edited by Dazzozo
Guest raverrr

Now now folks ;) chill. @Pinguy Can you add thanks and credits to your thread please. Recently this has caused some issues and the supercharger thread clearly states this as a requirement to chefs/devs using his work.


Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

Now now folks ;) chill. @Pinguy Can you add thanks and credits to your thread please. Recently this has caused some issues and the supercharger thread clearly states this as a requirement to chefs/devs using his work.


Its linked in the main post. He don't like it if you use it and don't say you are. I have clearly said its in use and link to it.

Edit: raverrr

As I won't be doing that many updates to this as I don't own this phone anymore. I will post all the scripts changes I made so you can use it in your ROM.


The only thing I would of liked to add but couldn't get working is beatsaudio. There is a download link for it here.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest raverrr

Its linked in the main post. He don't like it if you use it and don't say you are. I have clearly said its in use and link to it.

Edit: raverrr

As I won't be doing that many updates to this as I don't own this phone anymore. I will post all the scripts changes I made so you can use it in your ROM.


The only thing I would of liked to add but couldn't get working is beatsaudio. There is a download link for it here.

Oops didnt see they where links. Thanks

Guest iharrybao

oh ..can't download it.......

but nice work!

Guest Pinguy

V0.5 Released

  • New boot up screen.
  • New Theme.
  • Extra apps installed like BBC iPlayer and Vevo (can be removed easily if you don't want them)
  • Auto Calibration of the battery on boot.
  • 3D animations
  • Plus ICS Themed Widgets

Guest xzyk

Hi, I just tried this rom and I have an observation.

Some of us have TPTed our partitions, my system partition is set to 160MB. Can you please note in your OP that your system partition (on v0.5) is over that (if i remember correctly it's around 176Mb), therefore it requires 200MB partiton to boot otherwise your're just stuck at the android logo. I had to remove a lot of stuff prior to loading the rom so it can fit into my 160MB.

One other observation, your OP states that the launcher is lightweight. It weighs in at over 6MB, even ApexLauncher (newish for ICS) is only just over 2MB.

Thankyou for the rom..

Guest irishpancake

Why calibrate battery on every reboot!!! What could be gained?

Seems overkill to me....even calibrating battery once is really not recommended by Google.

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

Why calibrate battery on every reboot!!! What could be gained?

Seems overkill to me....even calibrating battery once is really not recommended by Google.

It only does it on the first boot or if it is needed.



if [ -e /data/.battery-calibrated ] ; then

		exit 0



while : ; do

		LEVEL=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity)

		CUR=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/batt_current)

		if [ "$LEVEL" == "100" ] && [ "$CUR" == "0" ] ; then

				log -p i -t battery-calibration "*** LEVEL: $LEVEL CUR: $CUR***: calibrating..."

				rm -f /data/system/batterystats.bin

				touch /data/.battery-calibrated

				exit 0


		# log -p i -t battery-calibration "*** LEVEL: $LEVEL CUR: $CUR ***: sleeping for $SLEEP s..."

		sleep $SLEEP


) &

Edited by Pinguy
Guest bladebuddy

Are the adreno libs included on this rom and has anyone gave this ago and if so what's you're thoughts. Cheers

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

Th first screenshot is quite offensive, any chance of changing it?

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