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Guest Dazzozo

Its a cover of a best selling book (Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account). Its the 3rd biggest grossing autobiographie of 2010 to 2011 and was the New York Times Bestseller.


It can still be perceived as offensive to someone who doesn't know that.

Guest BenTheHuman

I agree, it may be a good book or even a great book but when i saw the screen shot i only saw the name and the symbol.

made me quite suspicious (ps i didnt spell em mainly cos i cant).

however that being said good wok looks good but is everything working eg wifi, bluetooth etc etc

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

I agree, it may be a good book or even a great book but when i saw the screen shot i only saw the name and the symbol.

made me quite suspicious (ps i didnt spell em mainly cos i cant).

however that being said good wok looks good but is everything working eg wifi, bluetooth etc etc

OK I will change the image when I get hold of the phone again. I haven't got it with me so will do it later on. I would just remove the image now but its showing off a feature. I will get a new screen shot up soon to replace it.

Everything is working apart from the front facing camera. But to be honest the front camera image quality is really bad and Skype don't do a version that works on arm6. So I am not really sure what you would use it for.

Apart from that the ROM runs great.


New screen shot up.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

New screen shot up.

Thanks for that dude, just looked a little shocking, might have given the wrong impression and could've put people off ;)

Guest BenTheHuman

great. still deciding whether to download it though or to stay with cm9. the thing i dont like however great the rom is is that the bar at the bottom looks to big and bulky which bothers me somehow.

that being said the camera is working on yours which it isnt on the cm9 (not fully anyway) but like they said its a work in progress

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)

great. still deciding whether to download it though or to stay with cm9. the thing i dont like however great the rom is is that the bar at the bottom looks to big and bulky which bothers me somehow.

that being said the camera is working on yours which it isnt on the cm9 (not fully anyway) but like they said its a work in progress

It no bigger then other launchers bar. To accesses the menu draw you slide it up so it doesn't need a button. Because there is only 4 icons instead of the normal 5 it make it look bigger then it is.

This video was done on my Acer but both ROMs are using the same launcher. The main differences is this ROM does not have the Acer Bubble notifications.

Edited by Pinguy
Guest BenTheHuman

does look nice however i do like ye olde 5 button thing

Guest xzyk

Are the adreno libs included on this rom and has anyone gave this ago and if so what's you're thoughts. Cheers

I tried both this and CM9 and here are my findings. Please no egos, I'm only reporting what I find as a user of both roms.

First off, for basic phone functions both roms are equally capable. Definition of basic phone functions to me is calling out, receiving calls, call quality and SMS features.

CM9: Being ICS it's got more eye-candy. It is also the smoothest one I ever tried on my TMV, which came as a surprise to me because on the xda SGS2 forums (one of my other phone) many users complain they are holding off on using ICS because it is not as smooth as GB, go figure !. Just for the record, in case some other SGS2 user is reading this, it is not what I found, indeed I am running one of the custom 4.0.4 as my daily rom on the SGS2.

CM9 also is a WIP (as stated many times in the forum thread), therefore some features are still being worked on, e.g. camera, fm radio etc..

KickAss V0.5: Everyone should note, as delivered, this rom is over 160MB on the system partition. This means, if like me, you have ever TPTed your phone from stock, then as downloaded it will not fit you 160MB and you will have to remove some un-needed stuff before loading otherwise it won't boot.

As far as 'smoothness' is concerned (and yes I do know this is not empirical and very subjective, but like i said these are just my findings) it did 'feel' snappier than the other GB roms available, including FNC RLS7 (which I also tried) but not as smooth as CM9 above.

There are some tools/apps/launcher on KickAss which are clearly favourites of the author, and there's nothing wrong with that; Dragon Go, Vevo, Assistant etc... Of particular note, the filmanager and launcher included are particular 'heavy', e.g. the nice launcher included is over 6MB compared with something like a truly lightweight (and less feature rich) launcher like Zeam, which is less than 512K.

Compared to CM9 (which as already stated is a WIP) more features work as intended, so as always it really comes down to taste and what are your main needs from a rom. For example, for me (because I'm listening to music a lot) the lack of fm radio is a deal-breaker, for others it may be less important.

So there you go, my two cents worth. One final observation, it is always nice to see different contributions because it enables a richer experience and more choice, it is after all what forums like this are excellent at and why many of us spent hours here !.

Enjoy and have fun and remember, it's only a phone !

Thankyou all for the hard work you must have all put into bringing us these choices.

Guest Pinguy

Are the adreno libs included on this rom and has anyone gave this ago and if so what's you're thoughts. Cheers

The new adreno drivers are installed.

Guest Pinguy

There are some tools/apps/launcher on KickAss which are clearly favourites of the author, and there's nothing wrong with that; Dragon Go, Vevo, Assistant etc... Of particular note, the filmanager and launcher included are particular 'heavy', e.g. the nice launcher included is over 6MB compared with something like a truly lightweight (and less feature rich) launcher like Zeam, which is less than 512K.

The total size of the launcher is 950.6 kB. Its using 6MB because I have dedicated that much memory for it (for widgets etc.) so that it will never cash or close when the phone runs low on memory. The launcher will always have 6mb to itself that other apps/system files will not be able to use. Basically the home is locked into memory.


Guest BenTheHuman

ok imma give it a lil look then give a review on what i think

Guest Pinguy


New 160MB TPTed version released.

Guest BenTheHuman

hav8ng trouble downloading it, probs just my pc but it gets to about 60% before stopping

Guest Pinguy

hav8ng trouble downloading it, probs just my pc but it gets to about 60% before stopping

There are Mediafire mirrors up. Just get it from there if you are having issues.

Guest BenTheHuman
Posted (edited)

ok not downloading so ill try again tomorrow, then after a couple days ill write a full review for it.

EDIT: downloading now. umm id give it minimum of 4 days for a complete review

Edited by BenTheHuman
Guest bladebuddy

Pinguy let me thank you for bringing something new to this forum and please stay and bring us more roms and imput to choose from, as it's slim pickings at the moment.

Guest BenTheHuman

hmm should i put review here or on a different topic thing

Guest BenTheHuman

hmm should i put review here or on a different topic thing

Guest raverrr

hmm should i put review here or on a different topic thing

Without wanting to state the obvious ...here lol

Guest BenTheHuman


Ok so here we have ROM for the ZTE Crescent/Orange San Francisco II.

Made by Pinguy

Its based on the 2.3.5 version of Android which is Gingerbread, it has many similarities to the Acer MT launcher.

This is currently on V0.5 so if changes have been made to the ROM after this review please ignore this or await updated review.

Ok so lets begin.

Hands on

When the device is powered on, past the green android logo the first noticeable thing is that its holding the ICS boot animation, when i saw this i got my hopes up slightly hoping for an ICS ROM, however when the device is fully powered on and ready to be used its clear it is not ICS however one does not really care about boot animations much.

Past that we notice the dock has space for only 4 apps, the button to access the menu has been removed, I feel the dock itself is a little too big, although the apps appear bigger I've been told their not however the dock surroundings lets call it is a little to high either end on the app shortcut.

When sliding screens, the KR (Kickass Rom) is rather smooth and glides from page to page well, at default to wheels can be found at both far ends of the screens (screen 1 and screen 5) these are very responsive as well as useful however i was slightly disappointed when i found they could not be moved to say the top or bottom of the screen.

To access the menu one must slide up the dock.

I was disappointed with the menu for many reasons:

1) no auto sorting- i discovered this when id finished downloading all the apps i had previous, I then spent maybe an hour organising them into an A-Z order

2) Full of Bloat-ware- and i mean FULL of it, from juice defender to File Manager it was there.

3) No Un-installation- as one would with a rooted phone they may wish to un-install some of the things in the phones ROM that cant normally be un-installed, I downloaded an Un-installer from the market (a fairly good one too). I opened it and selected an app in this case it was the bloat-ware app Twitter.

i clicked on un-install and surely enough it did, however when i returned to the main menu there it was!!

I tried un-installing it via the main menu but to no dismay!

Only by downloading an app hider was i able to get rid of the app shortcut.

On too the more vital stuff now

Battery life- I have yet to see how long it lasts however i can say its fairly good however i use the app 2x battery life which probably helps me.

Messaging and Calling- very standard but smooth. however messaging lacks a dictionary so no auto correct

Internet and wifi- Standard no criticism to be made.

Camera- original has been replaced with Camera ICS. Its good however I would of gone on to rename it just "Camera"

OK for now that will conclude the review mainly because I cant think of what else to put in these.

So in conclusion.

This is a very nice, smooth app

However it is clear it has many flaws which make other ROMs superior.


-Auto sorting in menu

-Smaller dock background

-In-menu folders

-Ditch the ICS boot animation

-Make the bloatware optional

-DRIFT AWAY FROM GINGERBREAD......ok i know its based on 2.3.5 but please, come on, its a custom rom! it should be more customed!!! maybe change the widgets and icons to something more unique

Guest bladebuddy

Ok so here we have ROM for the ZTE Crescent/Orange San Francisco II.

Made by Pinguy

Its based on the 2.3.5 version of Android which is Gingerbread, it has many similarities to the Acer MT launcher.

This is currently on V0.5 so if changes have been made to the ROM after this review please ignore this or await updated review.

Ok so lets begin.

Hands on

When the device is powered on, past the green android logo the first noticeable thing is that its holding the ICS boot animation, when i saw this i got my hopes up slightly hoping for an ICS ROM, however when the device is fully powered on and ready to be used its clear it is not ICS however one does not really care about boot animations much.

Past that we notice the dock has space for only 4 apps, the button to access the menu has been removed, I feel the dock itself is a little too big, although the apps appear bigger I've been told their not however the dock surroundings lets call it is a little to high either end on the app shortcut.

When sliding screens, the KR (Kickass Rom) is rather smooth and glides from page to page well, at default to wheels can be found at both far ends of the screens (screen 1 and screen 5) these are very responsive as well as useful however i was slightly disappointed when i found they could not be moved to say the top or bottom of the screen.

To access the menu one must slide up the dock.

I was disappointed with the menu for many reasons:

1) no auto sorting- i discovered this when id finished downloading all the apps i had previous, I then spent maybe an hour organising them into an A-Z order

2) Full of Bloat-ware- and i mean FULL of it, from juice defender to File Manager it was there.

3) No Un-installation- as one would with a rooted phone they may wish to un-install some of the things in the phones ROM that cant normally be un-installed, I downloaded an Un-installer from the market (a fairly good one too). I opened it and selected an app in this case it was the bloat-ware app Twitter.

i clicked on un-install and surely enough it did, however when i returned to the main menu there it was!!

I tried un-installing it via the main menu but to no dismay!

Only by downloading an app hider was i able to get rid of the app shortcut.

On too the more vital stuff now

Battery life- I have yet to see how long it lasts however i can say its fairly good however i use the app 2x battery life which probably helps me.

Messaging and Calling- very standard but smooth. however messaging lacks a dictionary so no auto correct

Internet and wifi- Standard no criticism to be made.

Camera- original has been replaced with Camera ICS. Its good however I would of gone on to rename it just "Camera"

OK for now that will conclude the review mainly because I cant think of what else to put in these.

So in conclusion.

This is a very nice, smooth app

However it is clear it has many flaws which make other ROMs superior.


-Auto sorting in menu

-Smaller dock background

-In-menu folders

-Ditch the ICS boot animation

-Make the bloatware optional

-DRIFT AWAY FROM GINGERBREAD......ok i know its based on 2.3.5 but please, come on, its a custom rom! it should be more customed!!! maybe change the widgets and icons to something more unique

Did you have to run v6 supercharger through terminal emulator/ script manager or was it implemented into the rom. Second did you try any intensive CPU demanding games to see if there was any improvement. Sorry to ask so many questions but at the moment it is rather difficult and time consuming for me to try this rom

Guest Pinguy
Posted (edited)


This launcher has everything you are after but I would overclock the phone to get the best out of it. Its been ripped from the Sony Xperia S.

Video of it in use.

Just flash this with CWM.


Edited by Pinguy
Guest BenTheHuman

1.3mb. mmm bit small........(tthats what she said?)

Guest BenTheHuman

ok anyways will try it out but i aint reviewing that too

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