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[ROMs] [gen1/gen2] Various 2.3.x roms for ZTE Racer

Guest equiliym

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Guest Mizahnyx

latest mokee-mooncake worked wonderfully in my Mexican ZTE Racer, blazingly fast, but the camera is not working... what can I do? how can I make the camera work? Im an advanced linux user so don't fear to throw technical terms at me... I have adb working... should I use another mod? should I switch boot kernel? help please...

D/dalvikvm( 3152): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 72K, 50% free 2729K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 159ms

V/CameraHolder( 3152): open camera 0

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 1424): createInstance: E

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 1424): startCamera X: /dev/msm_camera/control0 open failed: No such file or directory!

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 1424): createInstance: startCamera failed!

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 1424): ~QualcommCameraHardware E

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 1424): ~QualcommCameraHardware X

E/CameraService( 1424): Fail to open camera hardware (id=0)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): fail to connect Camera

E/CameraHolder( 3152): java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup(Native Method)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:258)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:220)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at com.android.camera.CameraHolder.open(CameraHolder.java:124)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at com.android.camera.Camera.ensureCameraDevice(Camera.java:1844)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at com.android.camera.Camera.startPreview(Camera.java:1896)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at com.android.camera.Camera.access$5500(Camera.java:98)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at com.android.camera.Camera$3.run(Camera.java:963)

E/CameraHolder( 3152): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1019)

D/dalvikvm( 3152): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 58K, 49% free 2787K/5379K, external 485K/515K, paused 50ms

that is my logcat output...

According to the notes from latest installation attempts, the last ROM I tried was an hybrid putting the kernel of cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip inside the cm-7-20120819-NIGHTLY-mooncake.zip file. This rom was able to make the camera work, but it was very slow. I have a 3.2 megapixel camera.

More (maybe useful) data: I tried running games inside my previous (the hybrid) installation. Star Legends ran slow but without any graphic artifact. But neither the GameKit demo nor the RIM GamePlay racing car demo ran on it. Both had graphic artifacts, like scanlines, wrong coloring, etc.

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Guest equiliym

hmm.. some racer devices have different camera models, thats probably the issue.. also, some kernels have different configs so it might be that one kernel can load proper camera driver for your specific model and the other doesnt.. you should try just putting kernel you used in your hybrid rom in mokee to see if it would load your camera.. and also you should replace liboemcamera.so in your /lib folder with the one from the rom with working camera, that might work..

According to the notes from latest installation attempts, the last ROM I tried was an hybrid putting the kernel of cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip inside the cm-7-20120819-NIGHTLY-mooncake.zip file. This rom was able to make the camera work, but it was very slow. I have a 3.2 megapixel camera.

did the kernel make your phone slow or camera? didnt really get that good.. but it still shouldnt mess up things, i dont know what kernel raceboy uses but i guess its vamshi's, pretty much the same thing i use.. maybe old release which would explain camera driver but again, shouldnt make anything slow

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Guest Mizahnyx

Thank all you for your quick answers. Everything is kinda slow with that kernel (the one with camera working). By example, it takes like 3 or 4 trials to push the power button to make the locking slider to react correctly. When I exit an activity to the main icons screen, the icons take like 4 seconds to load. And so... When I tried the mokee-mooncake, it ran blazingly fast compared with the custom rom i had before.

I have both android sdk and ndk... and just minutes ago i tried compiling the cyanogenmod kernel with them, using a configuration i extracted from a backup of my original phone. Most options were missing, so the compiling failed. Should I use a patch or another sources? How can I compile a working kernel for the ZTE Racer given that I have the compilers and the original config file?

Thanks in advance...

Edit: Using now the sources from https://github.com/netalien/zte_racer_kernel-

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Guest GuyOverThere

yeah those are Guy's sources, you should check out his thread about compiling

Actually, you can say that those are a weird hybrid mutant of tom g's, vamshi's and deadlink's sources :P

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Guest Mizahnyx

I must be doing something very bad...

I compiled the kernel using the aforementioned sources... It gave me an arch/arm/boot/zImage file. Then I tried to run it, with adb reboot bootloader and then sudo ./fastboot boot /path/to/zImage. And my ZTE Racer simply turned off. Didn't boot at all. Why? Any hints? I really want to be able to run my own kernels. I am using the compiler inside the toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3 of the official NDK... is that correct?

Thanks in advance.

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Guest GuyOverThere

I must be doing something very bad...

I compiled the kernel using the aforementioned sources... It gave me an arch/arm/boot/zImage file. Then I tried to run it, with adb reboot bootloader and then sudo ./fastboot boot /path/to/zImage. And my ZTE Racer simply turned off. Didn't boot at all. Why? Any hints? I really want to be able to run my own kernels. I am using the compiler inside the toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3 of the official NDK... is that correct?

Thanks in advance.

As far as I know, while fastboot the zImage directly is somewhat supported, in most cases you'll want (or even need) to create the boot.img and fastboot that (fastboot boot /path/to/boot.img), you can use tigex's racer_kitchen_v2 here on the forum to create the boot.img

As for the eabi, the version you used is ok, it's the same I've used

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Guest equiliym

you'll want (or even need) to create the boot.img and fastboot that (fastboot boot /path/to/boot.img)

this.. you should compress zimage and ramdisk into boot.img and than fastboot flash boot boot.img

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Guest Mizahnyx

Thanks for your replies.

No matter which kernel I try, the result is the same... The ZTE Racer shuts itself down. Maybe I have not configured the udev thing? Because i have to run fastboot as root user, and when asked for the device name it says '?????????? fastboot'. When run as normal user, it says 'no permissions fastboot'.

mizahnyx@lunacore:~/Software/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0b05", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="12d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="19D2", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

That are the contents of my android udev config file.

Thanks in advance.

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Guest GuyOverThere

Thanks for your replies.

No matter which kernel I try, the result is the same... The ZTE Racer shuts itself down. Maybe I have not configured the udev thing? Because i have to run fastboot as root user, and when asked for the device name it says '?????????? fastboot'. When run as normal user, it says 'no permissions fastboot'.

mizahnyx@lunacore:~/Software/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0b05", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="12d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="19D2", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

That are the contents of my android udev config file. Thanks in advance.
Hmmm what linux is this? The udev rules are ok, well, the first two are unncessesary unless you have asus and huawei products. After connecting the phone, what's the output of:
adb devices


I think I've had a similar problem for not having platform-tools in my $PATH, or maybe it was for using jdk7 instead of jdk6, I'm not sure. As for the "no permissions" as normal user, are you sure your current user (not root) is in the plugdev group?

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Guest Mizahnyx

In the udev configuration file it was SUBSYSTEMS instead of SUBSYSTEM. And i had to add the idVendor of the phone in fastboot mode too.

So i compiled the sources for gen1 kernel (when flashing my device it says its Gen1), and made an image based off the mokee one (split_bootimg.pl of the mokee gen1 img, then mkbootimg with the ramdisk of the mokee gen1 img and my recently compiled kernel). When trying to boot the phone with the generated image file, it doesn't boot, and doesn't even produces any logcat output. And if i try to flash it, it doesn't boot at all and I have to restore backup. Any hints?

Thanks in advance.


The reason my image files weren't booting was the kernel base address, Searching in google i found the base address 0x02e00000, Using that address i made the img again and it booted. I tried 2 images:

First I pulled the config from my phone (its the boot.img from cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip). Using that config and the https://github.com/n...kernel- source tree, i built a first image. I flashed it, and both the camera and the orientation-changing animations looked green. Then, i cleaned my source dir, loaded the default configuration, built the kernel again, built the boot image, flashed it, and the camera didn't connected.

Any hints on how to make the camera work? The cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip boot.img can make my camera work, but its slow.

Thanks in advance. All you rock!!

Edited by Mizahnyx
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Guest Rahulsingh190

I tried to run android kitchen using cygwin but for some odd reason when I try to open cygwin.bat after installation....just a black window blinks & nothing happens..can any one help..

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Guest equiliym

I tried to run android kitchen using cygwin but for some odd reason when I try to open cygwin.bat after installation....just a black window blinks & nothing happens..can any one help..

if you got a cmd like thingy where you can type stuff then you successfully installed cygwin

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Guest GuyOverThere

In the udev configuration file it was SUBSYSTEMS instead of SUBSYSTEM. And i had to add the idVendor of the phone in fastboot mode too.

Oh lol xD sorry, didn't pay much attention

The reason my image files weren't booting was the kernel base address, Searching in google i found the base address 0x02e00000, Using that address i made the img again and it booted.

That's one of the reasons I tell most people to use tiget's racer kitchen, it does that automatically, however, while 0x02e00000 works for some reason, the correct base address for gen1 phones is 0x02A00000, although I've also saw a zte released kernel with the address 0x02c00000 :-\ never tried that though, just 0x02A00000.

I tried 2 images:

First I pulled the config from my phone (its the boot.img from cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip). Using that config and the https://github.com/n...kernel- source tree, i built a first image. I flashed it, and both the camera and the orientation-changing animations looked green. Then, i cleaned my source dir, loaded the default configuration, built the kernel again, built the boot image, flashed it, and the camera didn't connected.

Any hints on how to make the camera work? The cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip boot.img can make my camera work, but its slow.

Thanks in advance. All you rock!!

The green thing could be either kernel, libraries or graphic drivers, beyond checking logcat I can't tell you much =/ given the different drivers zte used for camera (really zte, you suck T_T) is difficult to anyone beyond the phone owner to debug. Also, equilyim might help you out regarding libraries and graphic drivers since I think he have several versions of those and know much than me about it.

Meanwhile, what I could suggest is to take a rom where your camera works well by default and test your kernels with it, if you think is a kernel problem, compare the config of the kernel that works with the resulting config of a kernel you made or even better check the config of your stock kernel to see the camera driver used and compare that against your own kernel

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Guest equiliym

Equiliym I got cmd like thing but It just blinks & again goes away..don't know what's wrong....

imho its much easier to install linux on virtual box than setting up cygwin for those sort of things but oh well.. did you follow some tutorials on setting it all up?

edit: why not just use windows based kitchen? what do you want to edit anyway?

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Guest Mizahnyx

I/ActivityManager( 237): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.camera/.Camera bnds=[122,197][178,256] } from pid 356

D/szipinf ( 237): Initializing inflate state

I/ActivityManager( 237): Start proc com.android.camera for activity com.android.camera/.Camera: pid=1844 uid=10013 gids={1006, 1015}

I/ActivityManager( 237): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.camera/.Camera bnds=[122,197][178,256] } from pid 356

I/WindowManager( 237): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=1

I/ActivityManager( 237): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=334/20 loc=es_ES touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=17 uiMode=17 seq=28 themeResource=system}

D/szipinf ( 1844): Initializing inflate state

D/dalvikvm( 1844): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 72K, 50% free 2720K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 48ms

V/CameraHolder( 1844): open camera 0

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): createInstance: E

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): startCamera: camsensor name mt9d113, flash 0

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter Rolloff is not supported for this sensor

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): set fps is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter AntiBanding is not supported for this sensor

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter Rolloff is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Sharpness not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Contrast not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Saturation not supported for this sensor

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): createInstance: X created hardware=0x1a750

I/StagefrightPlayer( 172): setDataSource('/system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg')

D/Camera ( 1844): app passed NULL surface

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): set fps is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter AntiBanding is not supported for this sensor

I/StagefrightPlayer( 172): setDataSource('/system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg')

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter Rolloff is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Sharpness not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Contrast not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Saturation not supported for this sensor

D/CameraSettings( 1844): Parameters: [antibanding-values=off,50hz,60hz,auto, antibanding=auto, auto-exposure-values=frame-average,center-weighted,spot-metering, auto-exposure=frame-average, contrast-def=2, contrast-max=4, contrast=2, effect-values=none,mono,negative,solarize,sepia,whiteboard,blackboard, effect=none, exposure-compensation-step=1, exposure-compensation=0, focus-mode-values=, focus-mode=auto, iso-values=auto,ISO_HJR,ISO100,ISO200,ISO400,ISO800, iso=auto, jpeg-quality=90, jpeg-thumbnail-height=384, jpeg-thumbnail-quality=90, jpeg-thumbnail-width=512, lensshade=enable, luma-adaptation=3, max-contrast=4, max-exposure-compensation=2, max-saturation=4, max-sharpness=4, max-zoom=20, min-exposure-compensation=-2, picture-format-values=jpeg,raw, picture-format=jpeg, picture-size-values=1600x1200,1280x768,1280x720,1024x768,800x480,640x480,352x288,320x240,176x144, picture-size=1600x1200, preview-format-values=yuv420sp, preview-format=yuv420sp, preview-frame-rate-values=15, preview-frame-rate=15, preview-size-values=800x480,768x432,640x480,576x432,480x320,384x288,352x288,320x240,240x160,176x144, preview-size=320x240, saturation-def=2, saturation-max=4, saturation=2, sharpness-def=2, sharpness-max=4, sharpness=2, whitebalance-values=auto,incandescent,fluorescent,daylight,cloudy-daylight, whitebalance=auto, zoom-ratios=100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,150,155,160,165,170,175,180,185,190,195,200, zoom-supported=true, zoom=0]

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): set fps is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter AntiBanding is not supported for this sensor

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter Rolloff is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Sharpness not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Contrast not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Saturation not supported for this sensor

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): set fps is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter AntiBanding is not supported for this sensor

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter Rolloff is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Sharpness not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Contrast not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Saturation not supported for this sensor

V/camera ( 1844): startPreview

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): mBufferSize=115200, mAlignedBufferSize=118784

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): num_buffers = 4

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): frame_thread E

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): ctrlCmd.value = 39

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Maximum zoom value is 39

I/ActivityManager( 237): Displayed com.android.camera/.Camera: +3s151ms

W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 356): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection

E/Sensors ( 237): mSensors[0]->enable(0, 1)

D/BaseCamera( 1844): initializeTouchFocus

D/BaseCamera( 1844): enableTouchAEC: false

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): set fps is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter AntiBanding is not supported for this sensor

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Parameter Rolloff is not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Sharpness not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Contrast not supported for this sensor

E/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): Saturation not supported for this sensor

D/libEGL ( 1844): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

D/libEGL ( 1844): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so

D/libEGL ( 1844): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so

D/libEGL ( 1844): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so

V/GLRootView( 1844): onSurfaceChanged: 319x240, gl10: com.google.android.gles_jni.GLImpl@4057c1b0

V/GLRootView( 1844): layout content pane 319x240

D/dalvikvm( 1844): GC_CONCURRENT freed 223K, 49% free 2885K/5639K, external 82K/520K, paused 6ms+63ms

D/dalvikvm( 237): GC_EXPLICIT freed 230K, 39% free 5637K/9159K, external 300K/514K, paused 160ms

I/WindowManager( 237): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=1

I/ActivityManager( 237): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=334/20 loc=es_ES touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=17 uiMode=17 seq=29 themeResource=system}

V/camera ( 1844): stopPreview

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): deinitPreview E

I/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): deinitPreview X

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): frame_thread X

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): release E

E/mm-camera( 172): config_proc_CAMERA_STOP_SNAPSHOT: state is not correct ctrl->state = 7

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): release X

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): ~QualcommCameraHardware E

D/QualcommCameraHardware( 172): ~QualcommCameraHardware X

W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1844): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection

-D/dalvikvm( 237): GC_EXPLICIT freed 30K, 39% free 5626K/9159K, external 300K/514K, paused 102ms

Output from logcat when running the camera app from the hybrid rom made by inserting the boot.img from cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip into the cm-7-20120819-NIGHTLY-mooncake.zip rom. As you can notice, the sensor is enlisted as mtd9d113. The source tree I am using doesnt have that option of camera device.

Where can I get that driver? How do I integrate it with the existing source tree?

Thanks in advance...

Edited by Mizahnyx
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Guest equiliym

Output from logcat when running the camera app from the hybrid rom made by inserting the boot.img from cm7_2.3.7_Racer_full-257v2.zip into the cm-7-20120819-NIGHTLY-mooncake.zip rom. As you can notice, the sensor is enlisted as mtd9d113. The source tree I am using doesnt have that option of camera device.

Where can I get that driver? How do I integrate it with the existing source tree?

Thanks in advance...

can you please try one rom before going into this? just for my curiosity tho, sorry, could you download and try my zte-wbs rom, im not sure what i used to build it but people said they had a working camera on it..

as for mtd9d113 driver, best choice is google and github i guess, if you can find the driver, you can integrate it with ease in your tree, edit few files to load it and thats pretty much that

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Guest Rahulsingh190

Equiliym I want to deodex latest lewa rom for blade which is impossible with ultimatex..& Equiliym I also it in Ubuntu 10.10 but it is the problem of Java which is not available for 10.10 version...& can u give me download link for windows version of kitchen..thanks..

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Guest equiliym

Equiliym I want to deodex latest lewa rom for blade which is impossible with ultimatex..& Equiliym I also it in Ubuntu 10.10 but it is the problem of Java which is not available for 10.10 version...& can u give me download link for windows version of kitchen..thanks..

you need to add repo for java on ubuntu.. lemme just.. here, from android aosp site, they say you install java on ubuntu like this:

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

i dont have a windows kitchen, i just packed tools randomly in one folder and use them via cmd xD

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Guest equiliym

Thank u ....can u upload that folder

just download android sdk and you have it all, you might need smali/baksmali for stuff, you can download that via google codes and also apktool, those are pretty much all things i use
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