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[JB] [CM10] ColdFusionX 2 for the ZTE Skate [UPDATED - 19/11]

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Guest tilal6991






Mobile data


USB Mass Storage

Native Apps2SD

Bluetooth Tethering

OpenGL Acceleration

Google Now

Smooth UI



Video/Audio playback

Video Recording

Paritially working:

Project Butter - if following the official definition of VSYNC and triple buffering

USB Tethering - use EasyTether

WiFi Tethering - use WiFi Tether for Root Users

A personal opinion:

I feel that this is the final OS version that our trusty Skates will be able to handle without it being unusable. A sad note but hopefully it will be some time before this happens and we still have this to play with until then. Who knows I may be wrong...



Initial release


Fixed audio routing partially

Fixed audio/video playback - to ICS standards

Fully fixed RIL - no phone crashes if you don't have a SIM pin

Add SuperUser


Fixed audio routing fully

Fixed headphones

Fully fixed RIL - no phone crashes at all - even if you have a SIM pin

Fix SuperUser remembering permissions

Fix native Apps2SD


TON of new stuff both upstream and device specific

Synced with CM sources

Theming, Navigation Bar settings, Hardware keys customisation etc. merged

Dual build - choice between smooth UI or Video Playback

Smoother and faster throughout - especially with smooth UI build

Lot of other misc. things


Fix camera - video recording still doesn't work

Fix video playback/smoother UI depending on which build you were using

Merge dual builds - one build has both video playback and smooth UI

Merge CM upstream stuff - lots of new stuff there

Enable high end graphics - loads of cool effects here and there


A ton of updates

Synced with latest CM repos:

* Quick message

* Navigation Bar settings

* Performance settings improvements

Faster and smoother - no longer using old gralloc/hwcomposer

CRT off animation fixed

Loads of misc fixes


Synced with latest CM repos

Load of stuff changed upstream

Android 4.1.2


Synced with latest CM repos

Absolute ton of upstream fixes

Panorama fixed

Video recording fixed

Rock solid stability

Released with updated 4.2 GApps


Synced with latest CM repos

Lot of Absolute ton of upstream fixes

Video recording made usable - records between 20-25 fps now

Fixed YouTube HQ - thanks to Ganster especially for this

Got rid of most glitches - still present when playing and recording videos

Released with updated GApps

Guest betterthanjordan79
Posted (edited)

Excellent! Gona try straight away and report back!...once it uploaded!

Edited by betterthanjordan79
Guest iReece

Whooo :) looking good!

But, just WHAT is broken, before the newbies download and find out something's broken (the usual, why won't YouTube work in hq)...

Guest Mtman1

Wooohooo another great Rom, downloading when the link is posted

Guest ukgnome
Posted (edited)

Answered in 1st post

Edited because I was a bit cruel.

Edited by ukgnome
Guest iReece

You were saying

I don't get your drift.

I understand ADB quite well, but this seems like it will need a bit of effort to get working.

I'm not a noob, but I'm not a pro either, I'll give it a shot anyway. What's the worst it can do?..

Guest iReece

This might NOT be the last one.

My wildfire, (no GPU, 500 MHz CPU) was able to run ICS, not flawlessly , but it ran it. All the features etc were on there.

We may be able to keep going for another OS or two, it just depends on what software upgrades and hardware upgrades pop out along the way...

Guest tilal6991

Are we chowning ril to 777?

Yes. I'll update the second post when Goo up's its server and I post the build.

Guest hugobosslives

cheers man. looks nice. will have a play for tonight and then flash back to ics before bed so its functional tomorrow. not guna trust this for my alarm etc.

Guest tilal6991


Yeah spotted that as well lol. Fixed.

Guest tilal6991

Just realised that browser is working full contrary to what I said in the earlier post - seems to have sorted itself out.

Guest iReece

Just realised that browser is working full contrary to what I said in the earlier post - seems to have sorted itself out.

Is it the chrome browser or the default browser?

Apparently JB comes with chrome as stock.

Guest tilal6991

Well yes and no. Yes it does in Nexus and official devices running stock ROMs but no - not is AOSP. So for us CM10 browser is pretty much identical to CM9 browser.

Guest iReece

Well yes and no. Yes it does in Nexus and official devices running stock ROMs but no - not is AOSP. So for us CM10 browser is pretty much identical to CM9 browser.

Naw, was hoping to see google bring chrome to older devices.

Ah, well. Only time can tell.

Guest razzmataz1478

Don't expect Chrome to ever be compiled against armv6

Guest iReece

Don't expect Chrome to ever be compiled against armv6

Yeah, most probably right.

Must be Google's ways of saying, 'buy a nexus!'

I'm sure Google CAN do it, whether they will or not is another question.

Guest razzmataz1478
Posted (edited)

Yeah, most probably right.

Must be Google's ways of saying, 'buy a nexus!'

I'm sure Google CAN do it, whether they will or not is another question.

Of course, it will be possible if Android makes it to the Chromium Project

Edit: this???

Edited by razzmataz1478
Guest tilal6991

Nice find Raz:

I'll try compiling tomorrow.

After reading the comments it sou D's like the full code hasn't been released.

Guest tilal6991


Currently su isn't included so afraid terminal emulator won't work - although I will try and fix that for the release tomorrow. Also it has to be chmod 777 /data/radio/*

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