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best free or cheap non-game apps for windows mobile 7.5

Guest worto03

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Guest worto03

Hi all,

I've just been moved from android over to windows by my company and I'm mostly looking for

a file manager app (like 'es file explorer' or 'astra' on android) for FTP & windows share mapping

sms filter (like Go SMS on android) to make texts from certain numbers silent

music player and media player - or is the default one the best?

sports results (mostly concerned with uk, international and champions league footie realtime scores)

Anything else your using really I can't find much of any use in the marketplace?

so far I've found :-

RAC traffic - very good for UK traffic updates (free)

supertimer - simple stopwatch and timer functions (free)

Flashlight-X - turns the flash into a torch with compass and built in sos (free)

simpleXBMCRemote - very basic but quick & stable remote for XBMC (free)



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Guest awarner

There are a few different file manager FTP apps available, I only use SkyDrive though so can not say how good the others are.

I am not aware of any SMS filtering apps as yet.

Depending on your device check out the market place device section on your phone there may be some exclusive titles.

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