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Going to MoDaCo Event? Where you coming from?

Guest Richie M

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Guest Richie M

Hi guys, thought it'd be helpful for some people to share travel plans/cost so if you'd like to please post here saying where your travelling from and how, then hopefully some of us can hook up lifts etc :lol:

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Guest siu99spj

I must be mad. I seem to be the only one coming from down South! :( Actually started life as a northerner, well, middler is more acurate, Dudley (Dudloy :mrgreen: ). But joys of the job now mean its more like Epsom (Ewell actually, but no-one has EVER heard of that, even people who live round here!). :lol:

Basically, I be getting the train from Ewell East (Yep a village which is less than a street has 2 stations! ;) ) to Victoria and, originally, straight to the meet. But if people are planning on pre-drinking fun (Which I'm all for, even though I can nowadays barely afford :D ), just let me know where and when. I can get to any part of London, and back again, and round a couple of times for less than a fiver :D (I think it's £3.60)! (Admittedly via tube but...)

So, where we be meeting and when. At least then we can all get lost trying to find the 'M$ (Sorry P, force of habit :oops: ) place in Soho'.

Oh, I'll be the one who, apparently, looks nothing like a fried cat :lol: , but somewhat like Harry Potter. :?

Si 8)

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Guest Gorskar

I'm A Manchester Person Also. If someones going to be driving in that direction, and I could cut costs by sharing fuel cost then I might go. At the moment though its looking a bit too expensive for me a poor student to make it. £33 return train fare :lol:

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Guest Richie M

I'm in the same(ish) boat Gorskar, thats why i started this thread - in the hope that someone from round here or going past (Stoke) was driving we could split the costs - i'm skint, don't get paid till Tuesday :lol: if only the meet was the following weekend :roll:

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OK people, my plans are as follows! (sms number available if you pm me)

arrive in london get to oxford circus tube, walk around corner to 'BENUGO' sandwich bar :lol:

Drink a couple.

Wait for spv alarm to sound,

Walk up to MS HQ (5 mins away unless i'm going mad).

attend meet,

return to 'cock'

repeat drinking.


Wake up and move to whereever Chas n Dave are playing for the Marathon.

Join the fun!



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Guest Paul [MVP]

My plans...

Wake up and stagger out of bed for about 10am.

Missus will drop me in London approx 12pm.

Help set up.

Mods can join me from 1pm.

Eat pizza, drink beer and give away lots of free stuff from 2 - 5.

Go to pub - spend evening drinking.

Go to mother-in-laws south of london, sleep.

Get up Sunday, drive to Manchester for Arsenal v Sheffield United.

Watch game, drink beer...

Go home, sleep.

Go to work :lol:


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Guest Monolithix [MVP]

Up at 7:30 (!) for 8:35 train

Hit London at 11.

Meet awarner and take a "flight" on the Eye.

Attempt to find MS HQ for 1-2pm.

Drink all the beer before the others arrive.

Meet all you peeps 2-5 :lol:

Back to the "Cock" with Will ;p

Get back to Paddington before the last train on Saturday night...

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Guest Richie M

I've just been looking at train cost and time £41.80 return :|

What time were most people arriving London & leaving; it's cheapest (i believe) to book tickets in advance and i really wanna come :lol:

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Yep, if you've got a MS phone, you're welcome!

You know the secret password to whisper through the letterbox though right? :lol:


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