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[Port] [ROM][ICS] LEZO 4.0.4 [Updated 9.10.12]

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Hi This is my first port and it is of XMasterNinni's ICS LEZO 4.0.4 which uses Dazzozo CM9 as base. At the moment it is just for Orange San Francisco II users but if wanted I can do a version for the Vivacity

Installation Guide

  • Put Rom on SD Card
  • Put Google Apps on SD Card
  • Boot into Clockwordkmod Recovery
  • Make backup of current ROM
  • Wipe Data
  • Install Zip from SD Card (ROM)
  • Reboot system


    Orange San Francisco II, Free Blade S and other variants. (9/10/12) http://www.mediafire.com/?d9lmb56p5b1relm
    Google apps (29/04/2012): http://goo.im/gapps/...0429-signed.zip

    • LeZo team (lezo.sdo.com) For providing the ROM
    • XMasterNinni for his orignal Blade ROM and his portingtool
    • Dazzozo - For his CM0 Rom(which is the basefor this and advice for getting things fixed


      • Call in/out
      • Messaging
      • Data (3G)
      • Wifi
      • Use 3rd party app for wifi tether
      • Bluetooth
      • Camera
      • Headset
      • USB mass storage
      • All major functions

      Not Working:

      [*]Everything else Please let me know


      Coming Soon

Guest surfungus

Nice one rob! We must nearly be catching up with the amount of ROM's the skate and blade guys have got! I'll add it to the list/have a go as soon as I work out what all my nandroids are..

Cheers surf


Nice one rob! We must nearly be catching up with the amount of ROM's the skate and blade guys have got! I'll add it to the list/have a go as soon as I work out what all my nandroids are..

Thanks Surf.. am looking at porting a couple of others.. but running into issues. Trying to get my head around log cat but not essy

Cheers surf


Great job mate ! Keep on going ... I am also trying to port Mokee os 1.10 from zte skate but cant fix WiFi if you have any ide how to do that write in "Porting a new rom" topic.

Guest surfungus

Running your ROM now, sweet mate, works really well! I know what ya mean about the logcats, I've spent ages with winmerge trying to work out whats different in the working base rom and some of the ports I've done..Still dont know what I'm looking for...But I'm having fun...

Great job mate ! Keep on going ... I am also trying to port Mokee os 1.10 from zte skate but cant fix WiFi if you have any ide how to do that write in "Porting a new rom" topic.

New Mokee eh!?! That would be nice, I got bit of a thing for mokee at the mo!


Could you please make a version for the vivacity ? I would really like that

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

It's very cool but it shows "No Network" for me. Normal CM9 works fine, any ideas?


Could you please make a version for the vivacity ? I would really like that

I will try to do it this weekend, no promises though :)


It's very cool but it shows "No Network" for me. Normal CM9 works fine, any ideas?

Strange. So u can't make calls or get 3g? Could you get a log at and I can have a look.

Posted (edited)

Hi Surf the mokee was one of my first attempts and I had the same issue. I found a way on the blade forums to do a framework port, think it was XMasterNinni who said you can basically unzip base and port roms and replace framework, media and app folders of the base from with the port ones and rebuild the from. It might work with mokee

Edited by robt77
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

Strange. So u can't make calls or get 3g? Could you get a log at and I can have a look.

I'll have a look later and try to get one, I've put CM9 back on for now.


@rob77 actualy i was porting that mokee os 1.10 :) Everything is working (as far as i tryed and as far as cyanogenmod 7 as base os) except WiFi and i tryed to replace some files with 7zip when i already ported rom but no luck.Will try this week to do as you suggested...Will unzip port rom and will replace log files in it then will port it to cyanogen maybe it will work.

BTW should i replace everything except app folder when i unzip or just log folder ?

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

I usually use Winrar to edit the files but you have to make sure to change the transfer method to "store" when you add files.


Could you please make a version for the vivacity ? I would really like that

Hi could you try something for me could you clash the TMV kernel after flashing my rom, because I have just noticed the CM9 I am using was the version before Dazozzo started doing separate builds fort each device and let me know if it works. I am having some issues with the porting tool when I do it manually. So if this works it may be quicker than me trying to sort it as this is all still trial and error for me



I can't download, Mediafire says tht it has reached it's limit for Enchrypted files or something like that


I can't download, Mediafire says tht it has reached it's limit for Enchrypted files or something like that

Oops, should work now


Still getting this Error:"

The file you attempted to download is an archive that is encrypted or password protected. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of encrypted or password protected archives and the limit for this file has been reached. MediaFire understands the need for users to transfer encrypted and secured files, we offer this service starting at $1.50 per month.

We have informed the owner that sharing of this file has been limited and how they can resolve this issue.

Still have questions or do you think we've made an mistake? Check our knowledge base for more information or contact us about it. "


Still getting this Error:"

The file you attempted to download is an archive that is encrypted or password protected. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of encrypted or password protected archives and the limit for this file has been reached. MediaFire understands the need for users to transfer encrypted and secured files, we offer this service starting at $1.50 per month.

We have informed the owner that sharing of this file has been limited and how they can resolve this issue.

Still have questions or do you think we've made an mistake? Check our knowledge base for more information or contact us about it. "

sorry not sure what is wrong with Media Fire or more likely myself, have loaded to drop box for you


Posted (edited)

Thanks, I am trying it right now.

Edited by gbosh
Guest surfungus

Hi Surf the mokee was one of my first attempts and I had the same issue. I found a way on the blade forums to do a framework port, think it was XMasterNinni who said you can basically unzip base and port roms and replace framework, media and app folders of the base from with the port ones and rebuild the from. It might work with mokee

hey rob, yeah framework port, lol my next plan of attack! Added both ya new ROMs to the list, seems you have the porting sorted- good work that man!


hey rob, yeah framework port, lol my next plan of attack! Added both ya new ROMs to the list, seems you have the porting sorted- good work that man!

Thanks only had success with ICS roms. No luck with any 2.35 or 2.37 rom no idea why though

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rash.m2k

A rom for vivacity would be excellent you have to make one! :D


A rom for vivacity would be excellent you have to make one! :D

The CM9 base I used for this port was the version before Diaz started to compile individually for the sf2 and vivacity. So you can flash this and then the tmv kernel and it should work. If and it is a big if CM9 is updated with the fix for hardware decoding, I will update this port with both a sf2 and vivacity version

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