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Galaxy note 2 to root or not??

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Guest sumeshd

This topic is for discussion whether u will root your note 2 or not and also the problems after rooting and their solutions..

Guest JulyDerek

Not rooted yet. Don't see the need to. But will probably do it at a later stage.


Same for me.. don't feel the need to root at the moment. But yeah since I have the 16gb model I might consider rooting so as to move games and apps to sd card.

  • 2 months later...
Guest WearTheFoxHat

The only reason I think I would need to root this handset is to get Google Wallet installed. That so far is my only temptation.

Guest ithehappy

More and more reasons for rooting.

● GMD Gesture Control (you won't miss the iPad)

● Xposed installer (awesome mods)

● CSC secret features (unbelievable what it can do)

Guest nimish.saraogi


Could you please elaborate a bit more buddy with what exactly are the awesome mods and the CSC secret features???

I had an experience of rooting my HTC before this one, but the warranty issue always arised and there were some glitches in the UI,

Although the note 2 is superbly smooth, would definitely like to know if it can be unleashed more???

Thanks fr your reply..

Guest ithehappy





Could you please elaborate a bit more buddy with what exactly are the awesome mods and the CSC secret features???

I had an experience of rooting my HTC before this one, but the warranty issue always arised and there were some glitches in the UI,

Although the note 2 is superbly smooth, would definitely like to know if it can be unleashed more???

Thanks fr your reply..

  • 3 weeks later...

if i root my note 2 i'll loose warranty ...

and dont want to take risk yet

  • 3 weeks later...

can we unroot our rooted mobile ( especially our note 2 ) if we got an issue with its hardware ?

( to keep its warranty going on )

  • 1 month later...
Guest pedrojaime

After 2 days of owning this device, I felt the urge to root and I am very haven't looked back!

Guest WearTheFoxHat

Ok, I think I need to root this phone now!

I've been running Ingress, and want to have Ingress on one half of the screen, and a map on the bottom half!


Rooted mine when I got it, no issues unrooting when I had to get it replaced :D

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