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[TheardPort]The Complete Wildfire Index (Root/S-OFF Guides/ROMs/Kernels/Radios/RUU/Recoveries/Themes)

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Guest Cybercom684
Posted (edited)

The Complete Wildfire Index (Root/S-OFF Guides/ROMs/Kernels/Radios/RUU/Recoveries/Themes)

This thread has 2 Posts, and is categorized as following. You can scroll down to the Point you are looking for.

Post 1:

  1. Getting Root / S-OFF to your Wildfire. A Short overview and Guide
  2. Custom ROM List

Post 2:

  1. Custom Kernels List
  2. Radio (Baseband) List
  3. RUU List (ROM Update Utility - Getting back to stock)
  4. Custom Recoveries (ClockWorkMod)
  5. Themes List
  6. Misc tweaks / hacks

1: Rooting / S-OFF'ing your Wildfire

-- Rooting your phone is essential if you wish to install Custom ROM's, Custom Apps2SD Scripts, Overclock, install Root only apps etc. Note: Rooting will void your warranty, but, you can use an RUU (Refer Pt 5) to restore back to your stock ROM. Rooting essentially consists of 2 parts - Pushing a custom Recovery like Clockworkmod (Essential), and, installing the SuperUser app.

AlphaRev X Public Beta is now available. You can now get S-OFF and root, on all the newer HBoots as well. Means, now, irrespective on which Wildfire you are on, you can get S-OFF and root!Link HERE

UPDATE (03/08/2011) - AlphaRev X is now called Revolutionary. The Process stated below remains the same, only the website and the name has changed. The new Website can be accessed HERE

A Short FAQ and Guide for AlphaRev X (Revolutionary):
Q: First and foremost, what is S-OFF?

A: It's the disabling of the SecuFlag, a security implementation by HTC. When your phone is S-OFF, you essentially have "complete control" over it. Advatages stated below.

Q: I am rooted already. Do I need S-OFF?

A: Depends. Advantages of S-OFF are writable /system partition, so you can perform many modifications directly on your Wildfire, without using ADB. Also, you can change your Splash screen. (It is the White screen with Green HTC Text which comes immediately after power on). Another major advantage is enabling of Fastboot (On AlphaRev X only). However, it is not "essential" that you got to have S-OFF.

Q: Is the warranty void?

A: Yes, as is the case with rooting and installing Custom ROMs, Warranty IS void. But, there are ways to get back to a stock configuration. Refer the next question.

Q: How do I revert back to S-ON?

A: It's now possible! You will require Fastboot, and the Stock HBoot (a nb0 file) from an RUU. The guide for the same can be found

Q: Ok, I am interested! How to I go about it?

A: Visit the website
. Download for your respective platform. Short How - To below:

Q: Which HBoot version do I have? Which versions does AlphaRev X support?

A: To get your version, Power off your phone. Then hold Vol Down + Power Key, this will open HBoot menu, and your version will be written on the first line. AlphaRev X only supports HBoot 1.01.x at this point of time, and not 0.80x. So, if you are on 0.80, you will have to flash an official Froyo RUU (Point 5 of this thread), and continue from there.

Pre - Requisites:

- A phone on one of the newer HBoots 1.01.0001
or 1.01.0002
. HBoot 1.01.0002 is no longer supported, and you will have to downgrade to 1.01.0001. Guide

- ADB Drivers. Download
Install it and Uninstall it after that. We just need the drivers.

- Hacked HBoot Drivers. Guide

- Your Wildfire's Serial Number. (Printed on the Box and below the battery. It is a 12 digit Alphanumeric number, which normally (not necessarily) begins with HT0 (That's a Zero))

- USB Debugging ON. (Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging)

- When you connect your Wildfire to your PC, make sure it is in "Charge only" mode.

The Actual Process:

- The actual process is pretty much self explanatory. After you download the program, simply run it. It will detect your Wildfire, along with its HBoot version, (If drivers are installed properly. This process doesn't take time at all), and perform the patching of the HBoot. The entire process takes about 1 minute at most. If it gets stuck there is some problem somewhere. If it states Success at the end, that's it. Your phone is patched and is now S-OFF.

- Here's a video tutorial on how to get S-OFF and install a Custom recovery using Revolutionary.
(Courtesy theunlockr)

- WARNING - Some reports by members suggest that after S-OFF'ing with AlphaRev, they encounter various issues, on the Stock / HTC Sense based ROMs. You will lose the ability to use HTC Setup, HTC Wallpapers and HTC Scenes. Everything else works as intended though.

- UPDATE - There is a Fix for it. Head over here:

Potential Problems:

- Stuck at Detecting Device -
Drivers are not installed properly. Refer the Pre-Requisites section.

- Stuck at Booting at Fastboot or Process 2 -
You are possibly on HBoot 1.01.0002. There are some versions of the latest HBoot which is not supported by AlphaRev X, and you will have to downgrade it. IEF of the AlphaRev X team has written a great guide for the same, which can be accessed

- Unknown command -
Similar to above. You are probably on HBoot 1.01.0002 and will need to downgrade.

- Wrong Beta Key -
Just what it says, you are reading it wrong. Majorly, there is confusion between I (Capital I) and l (small L). Re-read your beta key. Also, make sure the values you have entered into the website are correct, especially your Serial number. Another way to rectify this is redownloading the executable from the website, which fixed it for many users. (Your key should still be correct though)

- Stuck after Beta Key successful -
Uninstall HTC Sync. This seemed to fix the issue for me personally.

- Anything else -
First, Downgrade to HBoot 1.01.0001, if not already done so. Guide
If it still doesn't work, I am at the end of my limited knowledge. Contact the AlphaRev X team, they will put you on the right track. Link
(IRC Link)

What after S-OFF?

Great, your phone is now S-OFF, meaning with a completely unlocked bootloader. However, before you get to flashing a Custom ROM or modding, you will have to install a Custom Recovery (like Clockworkmod). Get your needed version of Clockworkmod from the second post, and follow one of the methods to install it.
1) Via Revolutionary Itself
- Revolutionary now asks you after S-OFF'ing your device whether you would want to install a Custom Recovery or not. If you select Yes, it will automatically download the latest Clockworkmod Recovery and install it on your Wildfire. It's definitely the easiest way with absolutely no hassles. But, if it fails for you, the 2 alternatives are stated below.

2) Via Terminal Emulator -
If you get an error "flash_image: Not Found", follow Steps 1-5 from
then, back to the original (first) link. Pushing of flash_image is a 1 time process. You need not repeat it everytime.

3) Via Fastboot (Needs AlphaRev / Revolutionary S-OFF) -
Refer the part called "
To install Clockworkmod after Revolutionary
". Can't understand Step 6? Screenshot here: (My fastboot .exe is in D:\Android\android-sdk-windows).

4) Via Unrevoked (No Pre-Requisites. Works on S-ON / S-OFF devices) -

I want to install <Insert ROM Name here> What next?
- After you have performed all of the above steps, Refer this thread by 42turkey's for a very detailed explanation on what to do to install Custom ROMs. Link

Follow that Guide from Part 3 onwards. Part 1 and 2 are already performed in the above steps. Thus, you do not need to use Unrevoked)


Root Guides:

Only applicable if you are on HBoot 0.80x (i.e. Android 2.1 Eclair)
Edited by Cybercom684

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