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r12 (JDQ39 / CM 10.1): MoDaCo CyanogenMod Custom ROM for the Galaxy Nexus

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Guest browngeek
Posted (edited)

Try clearing the app cache and maybe do a permissions fix. That usually fixes most of the FC issues. If that fails, maybe reflash the ROM.

Ta, thanks, clearing cache from gallery solved the problem.

Edited by browngeek
Guest corpisa

I'm getting awful lag in recent view, this is happening after dirty flashing and clean super wipe everything… is anyone experiencing the same? Im sure it’s a CM thing as I never get this plain MoDaCo builds <_<


Guest David Bate
Posted (edited)

Use the app Trickster Mod and change the read ahead setting to 128,256, or 512. You'll will notice a difference. I am using Franco's kernel, but I am assuming that it will do the same with the stock.

Mine is set for 256 right now.

Edited by David Bate
Guest David Bate
Posted (edited)

With Franco's kernel and a few tweaks, this I think is one of the longest I have gone on a full charge.


Edited by David Bate
Guest Paulo Nobrega
With Franco's kernel and a few tweaks, this I think is one of the longest I have gone on a full charge.


Can u share your setting? I'm also having poor battery life with this Rom and don't seem to find a good setting like I did with franco kernel since 4.1 roms

Guest Chewy11

Using Franco Kernel on r5. All is well. The little UI lag from r4 is gone. Battery is great. Dirty flashed over the Jr builds.

Guest David Bate
Posted (edited)

Here are my settings with Franco's kernel.


Hope it helps.

Edited by David Bate
... Once a few members have baked and confirmed all is well i'll issue the updated prebake!


r5 completely stable over weekend...

... You might just have converted me over from your regular MCRs...

Guest OCmylife

This rom is awesome. A few graphical glitches but nothing major. But I recommend to flash a custom kernel, cause it is a little bit slow with the stock kernel

Guest PaulOBrien

Let me know more about the graphical glitches and I can investigate? I've not seen this.

Agreed, Franco Kernel recommended!


Guest mark2410

just dirty flashed from mcr and was working fine untill i flashed the UI patch to get the menu buttons back. now System UI insta crashes.

any suggested solutions other than a wipe?


just dirty flashed from mcr and was working fine untill i flashed the UI patch to get the menu buttons back. now System UI insta crashes.

any suggested solutions other than a wipe?

You don't need to get the menu back with a patch as it's built into CM. Go to Settings>System>Navigation bar and you can add it back there

Guest mark2410

really, i did not know that. it put the menue button on both sides like MCR can? thats what i was after and for me its a must have feature. gone back to MCR for just now but may be able to flash tomorow


You can only have menu visible on one side, which is enough for me (right-side as I'm right handed)

Guest mark2410

ahh, not sure i could cope with that. im right handed but i never use the phone with my right hand, pretty much always the left. hmm i could maybe try it at the weekend.

thanks for the info though, much appreciated

Guest PaulOBrien

really, i did not know that. it put the menue button on both sides like MCR can? thats what i was after and for me its a must have feature. gone back to MCR for just now but may be able to flash tomorow

I'm going to add the function to MCMCR to do menu on both sides and also active when hidden.



ahh, not sure i could cope with that. im right handed but i never use the phone with my right hand, pretty much always the left. hmm i could maybe try it at the weekend.

thanks for the info though, much appreciated

You can add it to the left side if you'd prefer, I just have it on the right

Posted (edited)

I'm going to add the function to MCMCR to do menu on both sides and also active when hidden.


Great Paul !!! The CM solution is not as handy as this one.

Edited by leobcn
Guest PaulOBrien

Kitchen updated!

As always, will refresh prebake when kitchen bakers confirm all is well. No wipe required, back up before flashing!



11th Feb

  • Update to the latest nightly (JOP40G)
  • Updated all included apps

Guest Chewy11
Posted (edited)

After 24 hours all is well here with r6, dirty flashed over r5 :-)

Edited by Chewy11

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