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4.0.3 to Jelly Bean - should I bother ?

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Is their any practical reason, other than the glory, why I'd want to move from 4.0.3 to 4.1 or 4.2 ?

If so....

Can someone point me in the right direction please ?

I'm as follows

Model -GT l9100

OS -4.0.3

BaseBand -l9100XXLPS

Kernel -3.0.15-l9100XWLP7-CL340913

dpi@DELL134 #3

Build No. -IML74K.XWLP7

I've installed CWM 3.15, SuperUser, Titanium Backup, Busybox, ROM manager, Lucky Patcher and disabled Kies Air (can't remember why...think i was told to). I've assorted other apps. that can all be replaced with the help of a fibre link :-\ or backed up to the SD card.

I'm moderately competent at the unlocking, upgrade and liberating process (thank you Apple) but I dont want a bricked fone if there's no payoff.

Thanking you in advance


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