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[ROM][Crescent] SlimBean 3.1 - Android 4.2.2 (07/04/2013)

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Guest gbosh
Posted (edited)

SlimBean ROM - Android 4.2.2


Tired of oversized ROMs bloated with countless number of features and settings?

If yes then this one is for you. It was built from SlimRoms sources and

contains carefully selected set of the most important and useful features.

At the same time, The ROMs size is just over 150 mb in my build, so in order for it to fit you will have to flash one of the LatinIME keyboards

Visit official site for more info: http://slimroms.net

This ROM comes with HoloLauncher HD by default.


post-932905-0-65627000-1363520063_thumb.png post-932905-0-49074600-1363520085_thumb.png post-932905-0-35826700-1363520101_thumb.png

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This is a rom suitable for advanced users only not whining about all the well known problems

or missing features.

Known issues

- no Camera flash

- no front Camera

- bluetooth temperamental

- no Voice input (because of armv6), works in apps that use legacy gingerbread voice input, like Hackers's keyboard

- no thumbnails for recorded videos


- ROM fits on 150MB system partition including C3C0's stripped gapps package if you flash one of the LAtinIME keyboards below


- ROM (p736e) Vivacity: https://docs.google....3BpeTN2dTA/edit

- ROM (p736v) Crescent: https://docs.google....GRwNllDelE/edit

- Gapps: http://tinyw.in/qpn6 (updated 29/03/2013)

- Gapps Multi-DPI: http://tinyw.in/nSGc (updated 29/03/2013 - use in case of using other than stock DPI. Play store won't complain about apps incompatibilities)

- LatinIME keyboard versions: Czech, German, Spanish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Portugal, Russian, Dutch, Bulgarian

- OPTIONAL: Compatible INT2EXT+ script: http://tinyw.in/Zjvl (flash after flashing rom and gapps)

Installation instructions

- Download ROM, Gapps ZIPs and desired LatinIME package to your SD card

- Boot into clockworkmod

- Backup your current ROM (optional but highly recommended)

- Wipe Data / factory reset

- Wipe cache

- Advanced / Wipe dalvik cache

- Mounts & Storage / format system (just to be sure)

- install zip from SD card - choose ROM zip

- install zip from SD card - choose Gapps zip

- install zip from SD card - choose LatinIME package

- reboot

- let it settle for couple of minutes until media scanner finishes its media scanning job. Otherwise UI might be a bit laggy.

Upgrade instructions - without wiping data

- Download ROM, Gapps ZIPs to your SD card

- Boot into ClockworkMod

- Backup your current version (optional but recommended)

- Wipe cache

- Advanced / wipe dalvik cache

- Mounts&storage / format system

- install zip from SD card - choose ROM zip

- install zip from SD card - choose Gapps zip

- optionally flash desired LatinIME (keyboard)

- reboot

- if you experience stability problems or other undesired behaviour, go for fresh install!!!

Reporting Bugs

When reporting, please:

1) provide as much detailed info as you can: e.g. what performance settings you use, method of increasing internal memory, ...

2) provide steps to reproduce the issue (if reproduceable)

3) attach a logcat containing info related to the particular incident (use aLogcat from play store)

Since I am not an Oracle I will ignore all bug reports that lack this information :)

Additionally, I will not provide any support for 3rd party user-apps that don't come with the ROM.

Thank you for understanding.

Respect and credits go mainly to Tilal and KonstaT for doing all the dirty

work to bring JellyBean to ZTE devices, Dazzozo for doing his work on the blade2, the SlimRoms team, C3C0, he made this ROM for the skate and provided sources, the whole androidarmv6 project team, CyanogenMod and all the others involved. Special thanks to daemond for great patches solving the remaining issues (sound routing, HW VSYNC, video playback, ...)

Edited by gbosh
Guest cerberus03
Posted (edited)

Thanks for this. Installing now and will post back after i've played around with it a little.

EDIT: I've installed the ROM and it's working nicely. However when i try to install the INT2EXT+ script the phone stops at the slim been fading image and just keeps repeatedly flashes the logo.

P.S. Sorry for the double post. Mod please delete the other comment.

Edited by cerberus03
Guest cerberus03

I've installed the ROM and it's working nicely. can i overclock it with apps like no frills?

Guest gbosh

You can use no frills to overclock but there also is a performance menu in the settings app where you can oc, without the need for qn additional app

Guest trotil
Posted (edited)

is fm radio fixed?

Thank you gbosh for your time and work!

Edited by trotil
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa
Posted (edited)

Loving this rom so far, it's got all the things I like, Centre clock, The battery level as a line along the top, Jelly Bean, Full control over the CPU and it's low in size to boot.

Great work, Thanks!

Edited by PsYcHoKiLLa
Guest trotil

I have problem when I call sommeone, dispay goes black an wont tourn on.

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

Did you go into the ZTE settings and calibrate the screen?

Guest trotil

Yes, the screen is calibrated.after few calls problem is solved by it self :)i dont know how. and another problem is appeared, when i call sommeone, sommetimes I dont hear thone while waithing person to answer.

And again sory for my bad english, I hope you understand me.

Guest tititj
Posted (edited)

Gbosh thank you for all your work and please can you port this rom to our crescent ?

Edited by tititj
Guest nzmnisam

I followed the both installation instructions and my phone won't boot, it stays on slim bean logo. Pls help :-)

Guest gbosh

Don't follow both instructions, follow only the first one

Guest nzmnisam

Don't follow both instructions, follow only the first one

I managed to install it (using 2nd instructions :P), but without int2ext script cause when i flash that it wont boot.

Is there any specific reason why dhis script isnt working here?

Guest gbosh

Try using the Int2ext script in the OP it works for me

Guest nzmnisam

Try using the Int2ext script in the OP it works for me

ok, ty :)
Guest nzmnisam

one more question (sorry for bodering you) : can we flash apollo and trebuchet from yout earlier post about aokp 4.2.2?

Guest gbosh

yes, but trebuchet.zip won't delete the default launcher

Guest cramhead

I like this rom. I'm using the crescent version but have no performance options under settings. I cant uninstall halo launcher and I'd like to make the os animations run faster

Thanks for the work

Guest gbosh

Making the animations run faster is achieved in the developers options that you can activate by going to settings about phone and tapping "Build number" quickly 7 times, I think that will also unlock the performance options.

Installing Holo luancherHD can be achieved by using any "root uninstall app" from playstore, or simply removing the apk

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

You need to use the usual CM10.1 method to get the performance section, go into the About section of the settings and tap on the Build Number at the bottom 7 times, this will then let you see the developer settings.

As for uninstalling the halo launcher you could do this with Titanium Backup, you can also do it by deleting the apk file using a root explorer.

Guest tititj

Great working rom , fast , stable , not eating the battery :)

And i noticed some error , slow on transfering files over usb from pc to sd card.

Guest trotil

Is it possible to send larger sms?when I try to send sms longer than 2Xsms I always get "sending failed".

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