Guest nzmnisam Posted April 28, 2013 Report Posted April 28, 2013 Oko 20-tak minuta...i svo vreme je bio android logo(onaj zeleni), nego me intresuje koliko je tebi dugo stajao taj logo pre nego sto se pojavila ona boot animacija?? oko 10 sec ili manje. Nzm stvarno koji imas problem, pitaj ovog gBosh-a on ce da ti pomogne jer je on developer pa zna valjda sve. ;)
Guest nzmnisam Posted April 29, 2013 Report Posted April 29, 2013 Serbia-chat ;) Sry about me writing on serbian,but i feel more confurtable writing on my own language when explaning stuff,so please forgive me. If u want i can translate it. :)
Guest Prince iqbal Posted April 30, 2013 Report Posted April 30, 2013 (edited) room interface look good i will try this soon Edited April 30, 2013 by Prince iqbal
Guest azertyblazer Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 (edited) Why SlimBean does't or ICS or JB 4.1? Edited May 2, 2013 by azertyblazer
Guest gbosh Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 Because the original dev of the Rom decided to base it on 4.2
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted May 9, 2013 Report Posted May 9, 2013 Hey gbosh, Will you be updating to Build 5? Recently released by the looks of it, hard to tell when though because they don't put dates on the front page
Guest leighw101 Posted May 16, 2013 Report Posted May 16, 2013 Completely out of the blue, over the past week I've been having problems with wifi coming out of sleep. It says it's turned on but every connection is out of range. One quick reboot later and it's fine for a while, then as soon as it hits deep sleep it goes again. If I try to switch off the wifi it just sticks on "Turning off WiFi" and won't turn on again. I've been running the wifi sleep policy on sleep on battery mode for a few weeks but for some reason it's not happy any more. Just wondered if anyone else has been having this sort of problem and if they've found a fix at all?
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted May 16, 2013 Report Posted May 16, 2013 Yeah I've had this too, WiFi goes to sleep but doesn't wake up again, have to reboot. Any chance of an update gbosh? New version is out, might have a fix :)
Guest TheColdOne Posted May 19, 2013 Report Posted May 19, 2013 Hey guys, I bought monster beats by dr dre studio version and I was wondering if Im gonna be able to hear the music? On the kickass rom they said its gonna work fine, so I dont know if its working on every rom sins kickass rom, which Im using right now, has beats audio... Vidim da ima i srba ovde, da li je neko probao? Originalne su beats. Thanks. Hvala, :)
Guest dimi89 Posted May 20, 2013 Report Posted May 20, 2013 No,you wont be able to hear music since beats headphones by DR.DREE arent capable of playing any music unless it is DR.DREE one (rest of the singers refuse to sing and play theyr music on Beats headphones by DR.Dree).Go and buy normal headphones for the love of God .... P.S.Takodje te molim da ne spominjes da si iz Srbije jer si upravo smanjio koeficijent inteligencije cele nacije barem za 30...
Guest Undefined007 Posted May 21, 2013 Report Posted May 21, 2013 Hey guys, I have a problem or some issues with my network. I have a Gen 3 Vivacity and i heard it is a Rom for Gen 2 devices. So is there a patch for gen 3 or a tpt to flash my device from gen 3 to gen 2 ? I can't use my 3G mobile networks. Apn is everything fine... Help me please. I don't move forward.... :(
Guest omegavesko Posted May 23, 2013 Report Posted May 23, 2013 Hey guys, I bought monster beats by dr dre studio version and I was wondering if Im gonna be able to hear the music? On the kickass rom they said its gonna work fine, so I dont know if its working on every rom sins kickass rom, which Im using right now, has beats audio... Vidim da ima i srba ovde, da li je neko probao? Originalne su beats. Thanks. Hvala, :) Čoveče, šta ti je došlo da kupiš beats? :blink: Mislim radiće, ali mogao si bolje slušalice kupiti za te pare :P
Guest Undefined007 Posted May 25, 2013 Report Posted May 25, 2013 Hey guys, I have a problem or some issues with my network. I have a Gen 3 Vivacity and i heard it is a Rom for Gen 2 devices. So is there a patch for gen 3 or a tpt to flash my device from gen 3 to gen 2 ? I can't use my 3G mobile networks. Apn is everything fine... Help me please. I don't move forward.... :( *push*
Guest TheColdOne Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 No,you wont be able to hear music since beats headphones by DR.DREE arent capable of playing any music unless it is DR.DREE one (rest of the singers refuse to sing and play theyr music on Beats headphones by DR.Dree).Go and buy normal headphones for the love of God .... P.S.Takodje te molim da ne spominjes da si iz Srbije jer si upravo smanjio koeficijent inteligencije cele nacije barem za 30... Cudno, mislim da si ti upravo smanjio 'koeficijent inteligencije'. :) Juce sam dobio beats, sve normalno radi. :)
Guest TheColdOne Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 Čoveče, šta ti je došlo da kupiš beats? :blink: Mislim radiće, ali mogao si bolje slušalice kupiti za te pare :P Pa sta bolje za te pare? :D Znas kakav zvuk imaju pffff, moj cale radi kao basista i ima neke kljalfjasjl znj jebene slusalice, ali kaze da bi lako mogao raditi i sa ovima, ne kajem se nimalo. :)
Guest gbosh Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 (edited) It would be nice if you could talk English but whatever. @TheColdOne According to Google translate in your last post you want to know if there are any better headphones than Beats by Dre ? there are several, just look at Amazon, everythin by AKG, Sennheiser or Beyerdynamic (and many other brands, just search for "high end headphones" or something similar) that cost about 100-200 € Or you could also go for other stuff from monster, as they don't only make Beats by Dre and the other Stuff sounds just as good and is cheaper (At least I had that experience when comparing iBeats to other In-Ears by monster that were about 50 € cheaper) Here are some ATH-M50If you want to stick with monster look pretty stylish as well but are a little bit more expensive These are just examples, there are plenty more ! I know you already have your Beats by Dre and are happy with them and that's fine, i just want to show you (and others that may want to buy headphones but aren't sure which ones to get) PS: Rootbox coming today or tomorrow Edited May 26, 2013 by gbosh
Guest Sinkesnnj Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 Can you reupload INT2EXT+ script, cause when i click on the link, nothing happens ...
Guest PsYcHoKiLLa Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 (edited) PS: Rootbox coming today or tomorrow Any chance of an updated release of SlimBean? Rootbox doesn't seem to get a very good reaction, like for example. He describes a lot of duplication in the settings because it's built on both CM and AOKP. Edited May 26, 2013 by PsYcHoKiLLa
Guest gbosh Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 I tried ti make a new build of slim bean but I got some arm compiler errors that I wasn't able to resolve yet.
Guest gbosh Posted May 26, 2013 Report Posted May 26, 2013 (edited) Sorry for double Post Edited May 26, 2013 by gbosh
Guest Dovahpig Posted May 27, 2013 Report Posted May 27, 2013 Sorry to hear that but thank you for you effort. After a few weeks of using this rom i decided to revert back to GB. It started to slowdown even on smaller task like calling, then not responding on certain situations... it worked great at first then it gets slower and slower and i had barely a few apps installed. Its the same thing as cm9.. i think a2sd script is killing this phone, cause it transfers some of the system files (over time) to sd card which is much slower then internal memory. And there is now way to increase system space other then partioning and that can cause more problems. So after more then a year of using this phone and flashing and testing every rom i think that the best one is stock 2.3.6, fish n chips, androlum or cm7. So every effort in my opinion should be made to make those roms better. Cheers
Guest delboy13 Posted June 20, 2013 Report Posted June 20, 2013 a newbie question will 160mb partition be ok for this i know it says rom fits on 150mb but is it good to have some spare space
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