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Guest KenBW2

Try this to gain root. It seems to work OK but as my bootloader is locked nothing is actually written to the system partition. http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1886460

Obligatory paranoid questions. (1) You've tried this on yours? (2) You've successfully rooted your phone with it, regardless of what it has(n't) written to /system?

Guest Simon O

Obligatory paranoid questions. (1) You've tried this on yours? (2) You've successfully rooted your phone with it, regardless of what it has(n't) written to /system?

I don't have an unlocked bootloader yet. The script ran and copied files to /data then ran the backup/restore exploit. The next stage should be the copying of the files from /data to /system but this won't happen whilst you have a locked bootloader.

As soon as I unlock my bootloader I'll give it a try.

Guest KenBW2

I don't have an unlocked bootloader yet. The script ran and copied files to /data then ran the backup/restore exploit. The next stage should be the copying of the files from /data to /system but this won't happen whilst you have a locked bootloader.

As soon as I unlock my bootloader I'll give it a try.

I'm trying to work out if you successfully got root as a result? Or am I missing the point?

Guest Voxpop2011

Try this to gain root. It seems to work OK but as my bootloader is locked nothing is actually written to the system partition. http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1886460

It look's like scorcery to me. :D As your bootloader is still locked, was Super user installed?

Guest ZolaIII

Nothing can be written to the sistem partition whit locked boot loader & data part can't even be seen!

You can install super user bat he can't write binary to the sistem partition so it will tell you this & close!

Guest Simon O

I got my email this morning asking to confirm my device details. I've emailed them back with all my details and a polite request that they add the device to the website... they probably won't do it.

Guest Andymac1969

Just got my unlock code again, at least it was the same number :blink:









Dear Customer,

Thank you for supporting Huawei device.

The information you submitted is as follow:

Mobile Model:G510-0100




Your unlock code :2025094613044246,please keeping your unlock code properly. Thank you!

Huawei Terminal Company limited

Guest Nickyteen

Hi friends....

i got this phone yesterday and send a email to Huawei Like Andy did,manaul details.

I hope tomorrow or in these days everything will go good.

Guest Simon O

It won't be tomorrow.It will take several days for Huawei to reply to you with the code.

Guest Nickyteen

Well then lets just wait and hope. Thanks!! :)

Guest jimwormold

I filled out the website form a couple of weeks ago and received the email asking for my details about 10 days ago. I followed this up again 3 days ago and heard nothing.

This morning I forwarded the same mail to the other email address mentioned in this thread [email protected](?). I received my unlock code within the hour. Maybe a coincidence but worth a try.

I shall try the xda root procedure this evening.

Guest Andymac1969

I filled out the website form a couple of weeks ago and received the email asking for my details about 10 days ago. I followed this up again 3 days ago and heard nothing.

This morning I forwarded the same mail to the other email address mentioned in this thread [email protected](?). I received my unlock code within the hour. Maybe a coincidence but worth a try.

I shall try the xda root procedure this evening.

I'm trying it at the moment, got this onscreen at the moment


= This script will root your Android phone with adb restore function =

= Script by Bin4ry (thanks to Goroh_kun and tkymgr for the idea) =

= Idea for Tablet S from Fi01_IS01 =

= (01.05.2013) v30 =


Device type:

1) Normal

2) Special (for example: Sony Tablet S, Medion Lifetab)

3) New Xperia Root by Goroh_kun (Xperia Z, Xperia V [JellyBean] ...)

G) Google Glass Mode (thx Saurik for the ab file)

x) Unroot

Make a choice: 1

Checking if i should run in Normal Mode or special Sony Mode

Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enabled now

Waiting for device to shop up, if nothing happens please check if Windows ADB-dr

ivers are installed correctly!

remote object '/system/app/Backup-Restore.apk' does not exist

remote object '/system/bin/ric' does not exist



Above file not found warning ARE NOT ERRORS, it is intended to be this way!

Normal Mode enabled!


Pushing busybox....

2034 KB/s (1165484 bytes in 0.559s)

Pushing su binary ....

1289 KB/s (380532 bytes in 0.288s)

Pushing Superuser app

1613 KB/s (1500495 bytes in 0.908s)

Making busybox runable ...


Now unlock your device and confirm the restore operation.

Please look at your device and click RESTORE!

If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.

Running ...

Guest Andymac1969

Been sat at running now for about 5 minutes

Guest Andymac1969

Didn't work, i'll have another crack at it

Guest Andymac1969

I don't think it works, just stops at the command :

Now unlock your device and confirm the restore operation.

Please look at your device and click RESTORE!

If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.

Running ...

anyone any ideas???

Guest Simon O

I don't think it works, just stops at the command :

Now unlock your device and confirm the restore operation.

Please look at your device and click RESTORE!

If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.

Running ...

anyone any ideas???

Did you enable adb debugging? Did you get the backup & restore prompt showing on the phone?

Guest Andymac1969

Not working :(

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Users\Andrews\Desktop\New folder

C:\Users\Andrews\Desktop\New folder>stuff\adb devices

List of devices attached

4C8BEFA1E2FD device

C:\Users\Andrews\Desktop\New folder>runme.bat


= This script will root your Android phone with adb restore function =

= Script by Bin4ry (thanks to Goroh_kun and tkymgr for the idea) =

= Idea for Tablet S from Fi01_IS01 =

= (01.05.2013) v30 =


Device type:

1) Normal

2) Special (for example: Sony Tablet S, Medion Lifetab)

3) New Xperia Root by Goroh_kun (Xperia Z, Xperia V [JellyBean] ...)

G) Google Glass Mode (thx Saurik for the ab file)

x) Unroot

Make a choice: 1

Checking if i should run in Normal Mode or special Sony Mode

Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enabled now

Waiting for device to shop up, if nothing happens please check if Windows ADB-dr

ivers are installed correctly!

remote object '/system/app/Backup-Restore.apk' does not exist

remote object '/system/bin/ric' does not exist



Above file not found warning ARE NOT ERRORS, it is intended to be this way!

Normal Mode enabled!


Pushing busybox....

2016 KB/s (1165484 bytes in 0.564s)

Pushing su binary ....

1435 KB/s (380532 bytes in 0.258s)

Pushing Superuser app

1506 KB/s (1500495 bytes in 0.972s)

Making busybox runable ...


Now unlock your device and confirm the restore operation.

Please look at your device and click RESTORE!

If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.

Running ...

Successful, going to reboot your device in 10 seconds!

Waiting for device to show up again....

Going to copy files to it's place

mount: permission denied (are you root?)

You can close all open command-prompts now!

After reboot all is done! Have fun!


Press any key to continue . . .

I had to disconnect the phone from the PC to get it to carry on past the Running...... part

Guest Andymac1969

Did you enable adb debugging? Did you get the backup & restore prompt showing on the phone?

I take it you mean USB debugging, and yes to both :)

Guest jimwormold

Same result as Andymac1969.

Just stops at Running...

Guest frazer_cooper

Guys once youve unlocked your bootloader go to this and follow the steps it worked perfect for me and my model is uk version G510-0100 no need to worry!!

Have fun :)

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