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Guest xondrax

Yupeeeee!!!!Got tonight two mails with same code for unlock bootloader (response to my many times requesting mails after 13 days)so I make my G510 rooted...

Guest Simon O

I'm at the

"Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Huawei device.

We has retailed your needs to our correlative department.

And there will have expert to help you with your needs in three working days.

Please wait a period of time.

Once again thank you for contacting Huawei device.

Best Regards.

Huawei Device Customer Care Team."

stage now. So the next email should be the code. This would be so much easier if they just add the device to the online unlock form lol

Guest xondrax
Posted (edited)

Yesterday I sent them 2 mails with Andy1969 magic:

I have sent numerous emails now requesting the BOOTLOADER unlock for my phone, your website does not have the Ascend G510-0100 as an option so I have had to manually request it, I have been doing this since 22-04-2013 which is 13 days, you say it will only take 3 days!!!

I am part of a forum and we have bought several G510 phones and none of us have had a code yet, please can you send me the BOOTLOADER unlock key, thank you


Without their automatic response and in the night it finally arrives...

Edited by xondrax
Guest KenBW2
Posted (edited)

I've received my unlock code :D Here's the email I sent them

I have submitted through your website for the BOOTLOADER unlock code for my phone. Your website does not list the Ascend G510-0100 as an option so I have had to manually request it.

Please can you send me the BOOTLOADER unlock code for the Ascend G510-0100. Details below:



Thank you,


I got it within 2 working days from sending that email

Edited by KenBW2
Guest glassblower

Opened my email this morning and Huawei have emailed back with the bootloader unlock code. Superb service and my phone's bootloader status is UNLOCKED.

I'm new to all this but learning fast. Can I now root the phone? If so, what procedure do I follow?



Guest frazer_cooper
Posted (edited)

Opened my email this morning and Huawei have emailed back with the bootloader unlock code. Superb service and my phone's bootloader status is UNLOCKED.

I'm new to all this but learning fast. Can I now root the phone? If so, what procedure do I follow?



Once you have unlocked bootloader please follow this link to gain root

My model is G510-0100 UK VERSION so will work perfect :)

Have fun

Edited by frazer_cooper
Guest KenBW2

Once you have unlocked bootloader please follow this link to gain root http://www.modaco.co...13/page__st__20

My model is G510-0100 UK VERSION so will work perfect :)

Have fun

If there's one lesson I've learned from life, it's check my links work :)

Guest frazer_cooper
Once you have unlocked bootloader please proceed to this link to gaining root!!
Guest Nickyteen

I'm happy for you guys...

i just got a email from Huawei,in 3 working days. I hope so.

Guest glassblower

http://www.modaco.co...-root-15042013/ Once you have unlocked bootloader please proceed to this link to gaining root!!

Cheers, mate. Rooted as per the instructions in the link and supreSU installed. I'm now going through deleting all the crapware apps that are on the phone using romtoolbox lite. Great, really pleased.

For the benefit of anyone waiting for their bootloader unlock key from Huawei, mine took 36 hours so you may not have to wait the full 3 days they quote in their email.

Have fun


Guest Voxpop2011

You would think with all the requests that Huawei must be getting for boot loader unlocks that it would just put the model number up on the site.

Guest dtonlinux

My unlock code arrived about 30 minutes ago in my inbox. Applied fine and unlocked. Took about two days from the first email.

Guest Simon O

Got my code this morning which is nice. I already started playing around thanks to the root exploit posted on this forum. Most of the Huawei stuff removed, icons back to normal, google apps pasted back in, better camera app with working panorama. Updated all system apps then ZIP-aligned & odexed the system apps and framework to save space on /data and improve memory usage and tweaked some dalvik values. Now free mem is a lot better and the phone feels snappier.

Quite a few ROMs out there that should work on this phone so folks have a lot of choice now. Next stop is to get a team together to port CyanogenMod over or Paranoid Android if possible.

Guest frazer_cooper

could you do a repack of your ROM so I could flash it sounds better than mine with all the tweaks you done to it :)

Guest Simon O

could you do a repack of your ROM so I could flash it sounds better than mine with all the tweaks you done to it :)

Will have to be next week or so as I'm busy with other things at the moment to be able to get this ROM sorted and packaged up. I might write up a guide to help people mod their own devices though so everyone can have a go and learn something :D

Guest frazer_cooper

okay that would be great thank you :) would be appreciated to know how to do everything myself!!

Guest KenBW2

Will have to be next week or so as I'm busy with other things at the moment to be able to get this ROM sorted and packaged up. I might write up a guide to help people mod their own devices though so everyone can have a go and learn something :D

I'd prefer this to the packaged ROM, if it's something that's fairly idiot proof

Guest KenBW2
Posted (edited)

Having difficulty getting fastboot to see my phone.adb devices lists it, and adb reboot recovery works, but when I go for fastboot oem get-bootinfo it just sits at . Using Fedora if that changes anything, but I saw that sebastian is using OSX so it does work without the Windows program.

[kenneth@kenneth-desktop ~]$ adb devicesList of devices attached4C8BEFA1D7C3 device[kenneth@kenneth-desktop ~]$ fastboot oem get-bootinfo< waiting for device >
Edit: done a fair bit of Googling, found that there are permissions issues with Linux which are solved by dicking about with config files (which I've done) or just run fastboot as root (which I've done). Still no joy.Interestingly if I try the same with my Blade (which obviously is unlocked) I get a very different response:
[root@kenneth-desktop kenneth]# adb devicesList of devices attached???????????? no permissions[/code]


I'm an idiot. It's power down not power up

Edited by KenBW2
Guest jimwormold

I might write up a guide to help people mod their own devices though so everyone can have a go and learn something :D

Great! I look forward to it.

Guest dtonlinux

Got my code this morning which is nice. I already started playing around thanks to the root exploit posted on this forum. Most of the Huawei stuff removed, icons back to normal, google apps pasted back in, better camera app with working panorama. Updated all system apps then ZIP-aligned & odexed the system apps and framework to save space on /data and improve memory usage and tweaked some dalvik values. Now free mem is a lot better and the phone feels snappier.

Quite a few ROMs out there that should work on this phone so folks have a lot of choice now. Next stop is to get a team together to port CyanogenMod over or Paranoid Android if possible.

Just out of interest did you back up the existing recovery image at all? Just a precautionary thing really as I don't envisage needing it again!

Guest Nickyteen

Finally i got my unlock code.installed recovery and rooted the phone. :D

Guest Simon O

Just out of interest did you back up the existing recovery image at all? Just a precautionary thing really as I don't envisage needing it again!

I backed up but there is an official ROM out there for backup anyway.


it's for G510-0100 so if anyone needs a fast restore to stock, this will do the job. And you don't need recovery for stock roms.. usually they can be flashed even if recovery is completely broken.

Copy update folder to sd card, turn on phone with POWER + both volume buttons pressed & the phone will execute the update.

Guest glassblower

I don't think the G510 is listed on their site yet. I requested my bootloader unlock key by email to the following addresses: [email protected] & [email protected]

I also included a jpg image of the inside id sticker of the phone (battery removed).

My email was as follows...............

Dear Sir

Please could you send me the bootloader unlock key for my Huawei mobile phone. Your website does not list the Ascend G510-100 as an option which is why I am requesting it by email now.

I am part of a forum and we have bought several G510 phones. Please can you send me the BOOTLOADER unlock key, thank you. I have attached an internal photograph of the phone.

Huawei Ascend G510-100

IMEI: 8***************54473

S/N: T6N*************8525



Guest PhoneUser911
Posted (edited)


Just to help anyone who may be trying this out...

I couldn't get the site to work to request my code so I emailed [email protected] with the following email Sunday night:


I tried to get the Bootloader unlock code from your site but the site doesn't seem to be working properly. My details are as follows:

Serial Number: [b]X[/b]

IMEI: [b]X[/b]

Product ID: [b]X[/b]

Please send me the Bootloader unlock code.


Within hours I got an acknowledgement (first thing Monday) as follows:

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Huawei device.

We has retailed your needs to our correlative department.

And there will have expert to help you with your needs in three working days.

Please wait a period of time.

Once again thank you for contacting Huawei device.

Best Regards.

Huawei Device Customer Care Team.

Hopefully once I get the code I am ready to follow instructions here:


  1. I will download the latest adbtoolkit from their site I guess the nightly build which is 645 MB

  2. Am I correct in assuming that the Huawei.rar file has the drivers for my phone?


Edited by PhoneUser911

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