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[4.0+] [Alpha] LightIRC - Holo IRC app [0.7.0] [Testing]

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Guest tilal6991

Hey all - this is cross posted from XDA since I've been using both forums for ages I thought I'd post it here since I know quite a few people here well and I know they don't venture onto XDA very often. I'll be on both threads so feel free to ping in either place :)

The XDA thread is at http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=2306025

Hey everyone. This is my first real app for Android which I've been working on and off on for quite a while now. It's called LightIRC and it's a Holo IRC client for Android (4.0 and up only I'm afraid!). Since I will have some time over the next few weeks, I can put some effort into it and really bring it up to scratch.

Basically my motivation for creating this is simple - I felt all IRC clients fell into two categories - overloaded with features and not enough focus on design or not open source. What I've tried to do is stay on the correct side of both the items.

Things that you need to know before installing:

  • This is an alpha - it's almost bound to be have some crashes
  • 4.0+ ONLY
  • If you want to help me to fix an issue, a logcat is essential
  • Multi-server support
  • Fully open source!

    How to help me:
    • As above - for fixing an issue, a logcat is essential
    • If you know how to work with Android then please feel free to fork https://github.com/tilal6991/LightIRC and send me a pull request
    • Join #testingircandroid to ask me questions or just for a chat :P

    Things planned

Guest tilal6991



  • Multi-server support
  • Add setting for connecting to non default ports
  • Completely rewrite the way server settings are handled - much more intuitve and straightforward
  • Fix a load of bugs and crashes
  • Adds disconnect support from main list
  • Add status to main list
  • Switching back to app now resumes the last opened server instead of opening the list


    • Initial release
    • Screenshots:



Guest tilal6991

I'll be posting 0.7.0 very soon so keep an eye out for that if you interested :P It's up!

Also feel free to join #testingircandroid and pinging me to ask me anything :P

Guest warimation

Wow! This is a awsome. Gonna try it ;)

Guest warimation

found a problem but I dont know how to use logcat... :s

I changed nickname and typed #testingircandroid in autojoin and it crashed.. always crashing now.. gonna re-install it

Guest tilal6991

That's OK. I think I've found and fixed it. I:ll be releasing a new version today with that and a few more fixes as well

Guest kyan31

I use IRC every so often, so I'll give this a go once the new version is out. Thanks for the work :)

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