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Help me to complete my LEWA 4.0 rom

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Guest dat_vdoi25
Posted (edited)

Bro,Help me.My device is Viettel V8403.Viettel bought ZTE V790 and redesign to Viettel V8403 and sell in VietNam.But while ZTE V790 has:chip MSM7225A,512MB ROM,512MB RAM ,Viettel V8403 has: chip MSM7225A,512MB ROM,256MB RAM only.And ZTE V790 run Android 4.0.4 ICS,my device V8403 run Android 2.3.6 GB.We tried flash 4.0 rom in this topic for V8403 but bootloop,We seach and found a testing LEWA 4.0 rom for ZTE V790.Because boot.img ICS of V790 is bigger than my boot partition,we built a zimage(kernel) ICS from source(ZTE supported kernel source 3xx only).We unpack boot.img of LEWA V790 and replace zimage(we built).And repack boot.img,Sign rom and flash complete in my device V8403.but have some error:

-ram free is 20-35mb only.not enough to use

-Network not working,we think this LEWA rom of ZTE V790 is locked Beeline sim(ZTE V790 brings a different name is Beeline E600 in Italy,and lock beeline sim).because we use Viettel Sim(Viettel V8403 is locked Viettel sim too)

Can you help me to fix some error,I will logcat and screenshot ddms for you.

Spec of two device and link to rom,zimage ICS we built

V8403: http://viettelteleco...ttel/v8403.html

ZTE V790: http://www.gsmarena....e_v790-5134.php

zimage(kernel) ICS for V8403 : http://d-h.st/YxD

LEWA rom ICS for ZTE V790: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B2L0wwCQpXTAZU1TRGFfTVZGODg&export=download

Big Thank to help

Edited by dat_vdoi25
  • 5 months later...

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