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[ROM] ZTE v987 Chinese Rom Collection

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Posted (edited)

This nice device has respectable attention from users and devs in China.
Diligent devs and moders made a bunch of interesting roms for it.

At this place, I will bring those interesting roms, something I used to do here
on Modaco - while my Huawei g300 was with me.

Roms - post #2

For those of you that still don`t have rooted device with CWM on, take a look
at this topic. Btw, that nice roms from Bruno are really good.

For the rest of us, here we go now:

Have a nandroid (cwm) backup - just in case (as usual)

Don`t flash those roms immediately if you are not sure what you`re doing.
As first, check chinese rom topics on modaco (Miui, Baidu, Shendu, EMUI, LewaOS, JoyOS, MokeeOS...)
for some specific stuff regarding CWM, updater-script and removing chinese apks.

Majority of chinese roms is bi-lingual: chinese & english.
Some of them have more languages with the help of devs/modders

CWM: Sometimes, flashing a chinese rom could bring you a chinese cwm. Delete lines with the word: recovery in updater-script, delete Recovery folder or recovery.img file
Chinese apks: Delete apks (mostly in system/apps folder) with chinese names (hint: ApkSpy) prior to flashing or later, with a root explorer. Or rename file extension.
updater-script: If there are lines in script inside META-INF/com/google/android -at the begining of the script, with another phone name, delete those lines
hosts file: it is at /etc/hosts Open it and and delete all the lines except localhost (at the beginning): This is mostly for GB&CM7 roms
User interface: All chinese roms have at least english language in settings. It is not hard to find it, but if you fail - do this before flashing:
build.prop: Replace zh to en; CN to US in:

Use 7zip for opening and saving rom file and notepad++ for editing files
Pull a file from rom opened with 7zip to desktop, edit it and drag it back to rom.

This is just a general guidance.
Please check chinese roms topics on Modaco Huawei g300 forum for more detailed explanations

Installation instructions:
- You have to be rooted, have to have custom recovery (cwm, maybe twrp)
- Download zip file (rom) and Gapps and transfer that to SDcard
- Turn on debugging on your phone, turn off quick boot, turn off phone (some folks remove battery now:))
- Press vol. up and power button together for 10 seconds.
- You are in CWM now (probably)
- Wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition
- Mounts and storage: Format System, Cache, Data. Go back
- Advanced: Wipe Dalvik cache, Reboot recovery
- Install zip from SDcard -> choose zip -> your rom (zip)
- Install zip from SDcard -> choose zip -> gapps for 4.1 or 4.2 (zip)
- Reboot to system
Leave your phone now for 5 minutes, let it take a breath.

Feel free to give comments and links.

Known names of chinese v987 devs and modders:
GTbluesky, Juelian, Lovest3D, EyeAlan...


for MIUI roms, you can find Gapps (google play flashing file) down
in MIUI multilanguage link. Flash gapps after you flash rom and reboot it.




Sometimes it would be good to delete



from (external) SD card before flashing


I will update this post with other relevant stuff...

Edited by dakok
Posted (edited)

Chinese roms:

Miui v5 4.2 by GTbluesky(weekly, on fridays):

Miui v5 4.2 by Juelian (weekly, on fridays):

Lewa v5 4.2 official rom (weekly, on fridays):
LeWa_ROM_ZTE_V987_JB2_13.09.29 tested (new Lewa v5 !)
Rating: 4/5
Latin android keyboard. I prefer Miui, but this gets very close to it...

Baidu ROM 4.2  Official Baidu website
Official release: 6 weeks 
Public Beta: 2 weeks
ShenduOS 4.2  Official ShenDu website
MuseUI v3.0 (Konka smartphone):

MHLui v1.6:

Lenovo OS:

Ali Cloud OS v.1:

Sony Style:

ColaOS v1.0.7 (Dakele smartphone):

MyUI v1.1:

EMUI v1.6 by EYEALAN (Huawei smartphone):

Lenovo S820 UI

Galaxy S4 UI
Koobee OS

WSP-RH123 Skin 5.5 
Lovest3D baidu disk:

Juelian baidu disk:

EyeAlan baidu disk:

RomJD.com rom collection:

Non - chinese roms:

Bruno`s roms:

iNfinity HD v2 (AOSP):

iNfinity HD v1 (AOSP):

MIUI v5 multilanguage:
(has multilanguage pack, gapps, too)
MIUI mini gapps (google apps = Play Store, services...)
Flash MIUI. Reboot.
THEN flash these gapps.

For start, I think this is enough.
There will be more soon.

Edited by dakok
Guest Rostilj xD

Nice Dakok. Good roms for that phone. Guide is so simply. Thanx! :D

Posted (edited)

Besides GTbluesky - another MIUI developer, Juelian, released MIUI v5

at miui.com

God bless competition!


[ROM] ZTE V987 MIUI 3.8.16 adapted version + OTA support by Juelian




1: Supports OTA upgrade.

2: not related to Gbulesky release!


1 first perfect support for SMS Emoji (thanks MuYi)

2 fix USB option dropdown bottom left and the background is the question of native cover

3 you can change the theme font

4 replace normal ringtone scenarios

5 you can use the clipboard

6 music downturn will not FC

7 notes FC

8 you can freely switch two card data access

9 camera optimization (truly optimized when transplanted from LeWa OS. Recognized by many users!)

10 personal compilation set of expansion switches : Quick switch, timer switch machines, engineering mode

11 At first start cleaning up memory gives more than 600Mb available (not allways, I tested the best true value)

Short review:

- Rooted, no FCs

- Flash [b]gapps [/b]thru CWM

- Apn - use Offline SIM APN Database from Google Play

- A couple of chinese apks that can be easily uninstalled

- Much smoother than latest July release, more free ram, too.

- Soft buttons sensitivity is a bit worse (home, back), not really bad, anyway.

- Overall, a very good release.

Edited by dakok
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Besides GTbluesky - another MIUI developer, Juelian, released MIUI v5

at miui.com

God bless competition!


[ROM] ZTE V987 MIUI 3.8.16 adapted version + OTA support by Juelian



- Rooted, no FCs

- Flash [b]gapps [/b]thru CWM

- Apn - use Offline SIM APN Database from Google Play

- A couple of chinese apks that can be easily uninstalled

- Much smoother than latest July release, more free ram, too.

- Soft buttons sensitivity is a bit worse (home, back), not really bad, anyway.

- Overall, a very good release.

I've just bought the same phone (after reading you did so, I checked it out and found it has what i need), 238$ shippings to Italy included on mixeshop. Have you seen some decently multilanguage roms? Or, anyway, would you recommend a specific english only rom?

Edited by klezkk

Hi Klezkk!

Bruno`s rom from XDA is a good multilanguage rom.

All chinese roms have english and chinese interface. You choose that in settings.

I tested latest Miui and Lewa roms. They are very good.

There is another new rom from 4PDA, russian mobile forum.

Although it is not a chinese rom I will update my rom list with it.

Guest Frankish

Looks like Paul has bought one of these judging by his twitter!!


Rom list is updated with next roms:

iNfinity HD

WSP-RH123 Skin 4.0

Galaxy S4 UI


Bruno's rom is hosted on devhost, but it's actually down... Are you able to share it, privately if needed?

Posted (edited)

Here`s v3

It works, checked a minute ago

Edited by dakok
Posted (edited)

Rom list updated:


Baidu Cloud 4.2 is replaced with

"semi-official" Baidu ROM35 by Dream Sky Baidu development group


Previous Baidu rom relese was just a port.

This might be the real thing.



Only a couple of mtk6589 based china phones have support from major rom makers - Miui, Lewa and Baidu


ZTE v987 is one of them :)

Edited by dakok
Posted (edited)

Latest Miui OTAs brought a bug to cwm.

It reboots to OS 10 seconds after you start it.

Solution is to wipe cache during that ten seconds.

Then everything is back to normal.

Edited by dakok

First release of Lewa v5 looks very very promising...


Interesting that you don´t need to flash Gapps (google play store and services) with new Lewa v5 rom.

Simply add new account -> Google in settings, sign in at google and then find Play Store, Maps, Gmail...

in Lewa market aplication.


Lewa v5 has a fantastic lockscreen - pitty I can´t replace Shanghai weather icon - no non-chinese locations there I think.

Guest Frankish

Do you have any trouble with root on it? The X9 release i can't seem to get to work. Thought i'd ask here seeing as we're both mtk6589!


Lewa v5 root?


Yes, just need to activate it somewhere in settings or in security app settings..

Guest Frankish

Lewa v5 root?


Yes, just need to activate it somewhere in settings or in security app settings..

 Oh silly me is there an app a bit like MIUI? I noticed there was no superuser app installed so i've tried all that including other exploits like framaroot tc i feel silly now will have a look...

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Barbecue, but I think that

my second post in this topic has

that roms already.

Thanks anyway :)

Guest Rostilj xD

I didn't see that. You're fast! That is yesterday build 3.10.11.

Posted (edited)

Great news!


Baidu Rom for v987 is taking official path.


I changed Baidu ROM35 link in post #2 to BAIDU ROM official website link.



Edited by dakok
Posted (edited)



WSP-RH123 Skin 5.5 ROM

VIVO Colorful UI ROM


(post #2)

Edited by dakok

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