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CyanogenMod 10 Build R15 [02/10/14]

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Posted (edited)

try flashing through twrp or cwm

Not an option, other ROMs (FusionX, B194 - V1.6 Final 8.9.2013) have been installed fine through Lewa.

I had the same issue with CM 10.1, but there was a replacement files (updater binary and updater script) and everything was OK. By the way CM 10.1 is a great ROM, the only drawback was/is the battery drain.

Edited by Tonny73

Not an option, other ROMs (FusionX, B194 - V1.6 Final 8.9.2013) have been installed fine through Lewa.

I had the same issue with CM 10.1, but there was a replacement files (updater binary and updater script) and everything was OK. By the way CM 10.1 is a great ROM, the only drawback was/is the battery drain.

why it isn't an option???

What is so special with lewa???


WiFi bug . when you walk in an environment without WiFi and then go back to where it the WiFi phone does not realize ... you have to turn off and on WiFi widget to connect again.

Guest akbar102

WiFi bug . when you walk in an environment without WiFi and then go back to where it the WiFi phone does not realize ... you have to turn off and on WiFi widget to connect again.

i have this bug too.

Guest TayoOnabule

This ROM with the battery life of fusionx would just be so awesome. Smoothest I've seen. Don't care about benchmarks :P

Nice work Kra1o5



I wouldn't ask this but I need to make my internal memory as main storage, I don't have an SD card right now. I looked into the built props but cannot find any command/line which can be changed its not like stock.

Guest TangerineTractor
WiFi bug . when you walk in an environment without WiFi and then go back to where it the WiFi phone does not realize ... you have to turn off and on WiFi widget to connect again.

Yes I can confirm the WiFi bug.

Guest TangerineTractor
WiFi bug . when you walk in an environment without WiFi and then go back to where it the WiFi phone does not realize ... you have to turn off and on WiFi widget to connect again.

Yes I can confirm the WiFi bug.

Guest Clarkiieh

Yes I can confirm the WiFi bug.

What about the screen Tangerine?

Guest TangerineTractor

What about the screen Tangerine?

Still washed out but not as bad as it was.


Great ROM !! im lovin' it <3 hehe

only problem i have is that is says my device is Y300 although it is G510-0200 , lol

Guest jimwormold

Installed this ROM this morning. Working smoothly all day.


  • Streaming music via bluetooth doesn't appear to be working. The connection is OK, and the bluetooth volume controls (ie the icon) appear when I change the volume, but sounds come out of the speaker
  • No NFC
  • It says it's a Y300 not the G510 (I know this is just a build props issue)
  • Wifi problem mentioned in previous posts (doesn't reconnect)
  • Battery usage data not available.

Keep up the excellent work.

Guest TangerineTractor
Installed this ROM this morning. Working smoothly all day.


  • Streaming music via bluetooth doesn't appear to be working. The connection is OK, and the bluetooth volume controls (ie the icon) appear when I change the volume, but sounds come out of the speaker
  • No NFC
  • It says it's a Y300 not the G510 (I know this is just a build props issue)
  • Wifi problem mentioned in previous posts (doesn't reconnect)
  • Battery usage data not available.

Keep up the excellent work.

Had the Bluetooth streaming issue in cm on the g300 and I tracked out down to a setting in a conf file. Can't remember what it was of the top of my head and I'm on my phone at the moment so hard to search, but if you look through my posts re a2dp on the g300 you should find the answer.

Posted (edited)

Ok I've tried this rom for two days and it works great. No milky display at all.

Issues found:

* Wifi has major issues because while on DRAINS UP all the battery even doing nothing at all (with only 3g on battery has normal discharge times).

* Other bugs have been already mentioned


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

from the image it's clear that from the time i've switched wifi off every problem had gone away

Edited by trushna

20% battery drain in 1 hour.

I Am using currently fusionx b04

Guest Shiv Prajapati
Posted (edited)

So far so good I m on build 1

For those who are looking for performance. see the screenshot..post-984026-0-57177400-1379236614_thumb.

Edited by Shiv Prajapati
Guest Danicord

I installed on my y300, very good Rom , only one problem (for me ) backlight of buttons is too high, is possible to decrease ?


I installed on my y300, very good Rom , only one problem (for me ) backlight of buttons is too high, is possible to decrease ?

Sorry this is impossible, Backlight button only accept two values. 0 & 255.


Posted (edited)

There are only few bugs for now.

Are you on working new build kra?

Edited by shahimo1
Guest Danicord

I should like to have a FM radio, tried fmSpirit and HWfmRadio but not working, there is a solution?

Thankyou From italy

Guest TangerineTractor
Posted (edited)
I should like to have a FM radio, tried fmSpirit and HWfmRadio but not working, there is a solution?

Thankyou From italy

Stock fm apps do not work on cm roms. The only fm app that might work is spirit, and that may well need modding by the author, and he's only going to do that if enough people request it and pay for the app.

Edited by TangerineTractor
Guest LeonardisCZ

what the battery life? How long does the battery last? It can be used on the G510 rom?

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