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RK3188 Video Issues?

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Guest Grumpydev

I played a few things with XBMC via wifi (720p) with no issues - it's pushed heavily as a video device, so I would be surprised if it sucked that badly for video.

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I installed Xbmc, and played 720p h.264 encoded video, encoded roughly at 1.5GB per hour (sorry not sure the bit rate) over. SAMBA/CIFS share without any trouble?

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Good to hear :) Would be interesting to hear how it copes with 1080 (that said, I'll have mine tomorrow, so I'll give it a bash)


a lot of dropped frames on 1080p unfortunately (lower bitrate than my 720p file however, so i know its not a wifi bandwidth issue) im assuming the downscaling is GPU intensive? Watchable but only just

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Guest Grumpydev

I assume you're using the XBMC nightlies? The stable version won't have hardware acceleration. When I played the 720p with the debug log on, the CPU cores were doing pretty much nothing.. Which is nice :-)

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Hi mate.. No I'm on 12.2.. I'm don't follow Xbmc's development as much as I should, has there been some sort of major optimisation since the last stable? Cheers

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Guest Grumpydev

Yeah, the current stable won't be using hardware acceleration, just software decoding - grab the latest nightly and throw that on. Mine went from virtually maxing out the CPU cores to the CPU doing next to nothing :)

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Guest Grumpydev

Rooted mine and installed a fullscreen app - this is mine playing a 720p h264 DTS video over wifi .. ignore the exit box, couldn't get it to take a screenshot without XBMC thinking I wanted to quit :)



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Guest Grumpydev

I can't get it to play 1080p either in XBMC, although the CPUs are still sat at 0% and the GPU isn't *that* bad .. might be a memory bandwidth issue, or something that can be fixed with some optimisation.


My iPad mini plays the 1080p birds stress test in xbmc without missing a beat, and that's pretty naff spec wise.

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