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Root your Moto G - option 1: Superboot

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest nocrack

Thank you very much !


I've got a Moto G 16g unlocked from phone4u and the first option didn't work on Linux.

But then I tried the 2nd way and it worked fine, the device is rooted !


Very good job !

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Guest legómina

Also,will i be able to use Xposed Framework?

I used this method to root my device. Had to do it three times but finally moto g is rooted. I have also used XposedFramework and motorolaXposed (from the market) to remove carrier label, unfortunately while rebooting my device I got an interface error (booting takes very long). I hope to update soon my moto g to KitKat in order to remove this problem, it is very annoying.
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Guest Andrelgl

Hello friends, I'm from Brazil and I have a 16G dual cell model, I wonder if this method is compatible with it because I wanted to not lose his assurance, without having my phone with root completed.
I am doing research and as I do not speak English have to use the translator, from what I have seen two methods, which you guys recommend for me to do. Thank you for your attention and guidance. Greetings from Brazil.

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Guest 0xicl33n

Before i go and root my brand new Moto G, right out of the box. I have to know..



You said there is a possibility this will prevent OTA updates..but it shouldnt if you have OTA rootkeeper right? Or does unlocking the device prevent them from receiving updates?


The way i used to do it with my transformer:




  • New update available
  • Check ota rootkeeper
  • Back up root
  • UNINSTALL any superuser program.
  • OTA update
  • Wait til android reboots.
  • Put root back with ota rootkeeper.





This is how we kept root on the prime even when there were not methods to root those versions of android.



Wouldnt this work the same for the moto g? Or does unlocking the bootloader tell moto to not give the device a ota update?



I do remember my prime was locked when we did this.

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Guest Konovolov

Hi Guys, 

I can confirm that this method works after the 4.4.2 upgrade, as I stupidly upgraded yesterday, and just rooted it now.

It worked on the 2nd attempt, after experiencing an uncomfortable moment when I thought I'd bricked the device. The boot animation went really weird- full screen pink and purple like it's melting. Then a blank screen. Then I got the message that android was updating (14 apps).

2nd time was the same, except when it said android was updating, there were 15 apps, and lo and behold supersu is sitting in my appdrawer!

Checked with titanium backup. Only downside is that I can't seem to install the clockworkmod version of superuser and will have to continue with supersu!

Good luck if you've already upgraded to kitkat. By the way, I'm using the US GSM version.

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Guest ben0181

Aside from Konovolov has anyone else been successful with this method on 4.4.2? Kinda new to all this and wondering if I should have waited on the OTA update until I had already been rooted. Thanks in advance!

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Guest h@mster81

I tried to root my Tesco Moto G. I ulocked the bootloader and flashed stock UK retail rom. After running the script my phone re-booted. Apparently it did a factory reset and root failed. Tried three times but it failed every time.

Edit: gave up and installed KitKat update manually along with CWM and root.

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Guest immortalyash

not able to unlock my bootloader the step 6 in bootloader unlocking says device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking :(

i have a Moto G 16GB US GSM GLOBAL please help :(

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Guest McLavin

I can confirm that this method does work on 4.4.2, and like in Konovolov situation I experienced exact same thing.

Here I made a quick video:


Running Windows 7 64

Motorola Moto G, UK Tesco running US 4.4.2 KitKat.


1. Got into bootloader

2. Run superboot-windows.bat (without "Run as administrator") and got the same purple melting Motorola logo, which looked like my phones gpu just burned,

then after a while (with just black screen) I started to check if ADB recognizes my phone, after about a minute of typing "adb devices" it did showed up.

3. Rebooted phone with "adb reboot" got "updating or optimizing application", after fully booted checked for SuperSU, but didn't see anywhere, so repeated same procedure from 1 to 3 (like Konovolov did) and after that I do have SuperSU and my 4.4.2 android is rooted.


Did this to just confirm it works for ME or not, turned out it did work.

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Guest plewis1981

Thanks a million Paul, I had to run of several times with no joy so while my phone was unplugged I dubble clicked the adb-windows and fastboot-moto-windows application's and the next time I tryed it worked :) :) :)

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Guest dj_crash1981

Boot loader unlocked but in device manager in windows 8.1 it wont detect my phone in device manager when in recovery. picks up my phone as storage it is 16 gig tesco uk 

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Guest du5tball

quick heads-up as to why the windows version doesn't work: at the end of the bat-file is a unicode control character, the system tries to read it as part of the filename, but can't find it.

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Guest Samlock

quick heads-up as to why the windows version doesn't work: at the end of the bat-file is a unicode control character, the system tries to read it as part of the filename, but can't find it.


Sadly it's not as simple as that - plenty of us tried manually flashing and it still didn't work :)

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Guest NoobtorootandROMs

Thank you! Thank you for your help!

You successfully helped me with my first root!

Bootloader was simple enough!

And your software is really one-click!

This is awesome!

Thank you!

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Guest brushmate

For me your superboot image isn't working as well. I have a german Moto G.


Do you have any idea why it is working on some devices and on some not? I tried to make my own superboot image using the boot.img from the stock ROM, because I wanted Koush's Superuser app but it doesn't work, too. Is it possible to get logs of the init.rc process? I think the process is not that complex. Only registering the service -> mounting system -> copying files and setting correct permissions -> reboot with original boot image?! Not so many places where an error could happen. Is it guaranteed that the superboot service is run or is it possible that it is skipped? Inside the superboot.sh script I could imagine that mount is not working properly. But since the service is running as root the script should have enough permissions?! Or at least could it be that there is another script that is run after the superboot script which deletes all superuser stuff again?


When I boot the phone with the original boot image using fastboot boot boot.img the phone restarts once. Shouldn't it boot completely into Android since the same things are loaded as in the phones boot partition?

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Guest Silkear

bit of a problem when loading the boot.img into the unlocked phone....  it ddn't work... the unlock went fine(have the moto warning now) but the phone won't load the system...  goes thru the 7 moto icon screens, then stops at the aqua M screen... this is a US GSM phone... any suggestions would be helpful!


a bit more info,  after going thru the pages on this topic, it appears that my phone does the same thing as others, seems to take the super-boot.img, appears to "melt down" purple streek screen then goes into the void... black screen, but not off.. after waiting 10-15minutes, restarted and showed the unlocked screen, goes thru about 4 of the moto startup screens, then into the black... still on, just acts bricked(?)  can still get into the boot loader window, but not sure where to go from here..



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Guest roland707

Is this Superboot instruction also working when I have already updated my Moto G to Android 4.4.2 KitKat? I just updated to Kitkat and the Moto G wasn't rooted before...

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Guest reeved
Just wanna make sure before I root, 
Once I root, will I be able to update my Moto G to say 4.4.3 when it comes out? 
Will it be OTA or would I have to do something
thanks :D
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Guest modaco___user

What are the modifications to fastboot and adb?  I have a 64-bit Linux system, and the bundled binaries don't work.  Do you have the source put up somewhere?


I tried the boot.superboot.img with my system fastboot.  The display faded, and the phone rebooted, but the su binary wasn't installed.




After reading a few others' experiences, I tried the same method twice, and rooting worked.  All this was after getting the 4.4.2 OTA update.



* root after OTA to 4.4.2 worked for me using this method

* had to flash the superboot image twice in order for it to be installed

* after flashing the superboot image, the device display goes weird, but apparently nothing breaks

* I used my system fastboot intead of the bundled one.



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Guest markhuges

Hello a week ago I read. If you unlock and root. This will leave traces behind if you try to go back in case of a warranty. Is this still true? If I unlocked boot loader and root. Can I go back to normal and still gain warranty ? Thank you

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