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How to flash to the standard UK ROM

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Guest PaulOBrien

Hi all!

I've repacked the UK ROM with the necessary tools to convert a branded device (e.g. Tesco) to a generic device.


  • DOWNLOAD (ROMraid) - MD5: 0d8824be0eab931c0d78f185f3640fed
How to use - Windows, Linux and OSX
  • Download the zip file above and extract to a directory
  • Put your device in bootloader mode - Turn off the phone then turn on with the 'volume down' button pressed to enter the bootloader
  • WINDOWS - run 'flash-windows.bat' as Administrator
  • MAC - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x flash-mac.sh' followed by 'sudo ./flash-mac.sh'
  • LINUX - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x flash-linux.sh' followed by 'sudo ./flash-linux.sh'
Enjoy! :)


Guest TeamKilo
Posted (edited)

im guessing it will be on the generic Uk Retail rom after flashing this, thus updates direct from Moto?

also, will it take away the ebay sim unlock that ive applied? and does this root?

Edited by TeamKilo
Guest squallotaku

Hey paul !

I just bought a MOTO G, and subscribed to a french carrier SFR (I don't know if you heard about it in UK, same as Vodafone in France).

My rom is not stock, it's modified by SFR. And it's very laggy.

I'd like to install this UK STOCK rom until the global stock rom comes out.


But I have a few questions:

-Can I install this UK stock rom, with a French Mobile ?

-Do I have to unlock my bootloader before installing it ?

-This UK rom features Multi-language (French precisely) or not ?


Thanks ! :)

Guest PaulOBrien

I have just tested the script, I need to fix a couple of typos, hold fire! :)



Awesome, just a quick one, will this do the trick on sim unlocking as well?

Guest PaulOBrien

No, the SIM lock is seperate. Pay the £2.04 to get the unlock on eBay.


Guest h@mster81

Sorry for the noob question. Does the bootloader need to be unlocked for flashing this ROM with your script?

Guest WillDroid

What's the difference? Can't see any Tesco branding here other than on the System Version on the about screen.

Guest Ced_Gee

does this also apply root?


No, it's just the stock rom.


First post updated. Should work now! :)

I've downloaded the r2 version, there seems to be a difference in the script between the windows and mac / linux versions, specifically in the erase commands


the mac/linux has a space

fastboot-moto erase cache

but the windows has a single command

fastboot-moto erasecache

From testing it looks like the mac/linux version is correct.

Guest Frankish

Pretty sure the windows command is right too i've used that command before.


Hi Paul

After flashing this ROM will I be able to get a direct update from Motorola in future?

Many thanks for the great job mate


What should my system version be after please? I followed all the steps and it seemed to work, after it flashed all the partitions the script closed and I selected normal boot from the list. It then booted up but I didn't have to re enter anything, and it had my WiFi saved, which didn't seem right to me? Its saying system version is 14.71.8.falcon_umts.Retail.en.GB has it worked?


What should my system version be after please? I followed all the steps and it seemed to work, after it flashed all the partitions the script closed and I selected normal boot from the list. It then booted up but I didn't have to re enter anything, and it had my WiFi saved, which didn't seem right to me? Its saying system version is 14.71.8.falcon_umts.Retail.en.GB has it worked?

Yes that's the correct system version from the GB retail firmware.  

I'm guessing you used the windows .bat file.

The problem is the script has not erased your /data or /cache partitions so the system has been updated but kept all your old data.  This is known as a 'dirty' flash  :o and is not recommended. It will probably work OK but you might get some random "unfortunately ..... app has stopped" errors.  If this happens then you need to go into Settings, Backup & Reset and do a Factory data rest.

Guest Camarillo

Hello I am a little confused I have a Moto G 8gb from Tesco  the only branding it has is under settings>aboutphone> System version  14.71.8.falcon_umts.TescoSL. en.GB


what will Pauls ROM do ?  


Hello I am a little confused I have a Moto G 8gb from Tesco the only branding it has is under settings>aboutphone> System version 14.71.8.falcon_umts.TescoSL. en.GB

what will Pauls ROM do ?

The theory is that the retail version will receive the 4.4 update as soon as it is ready. But with Tesco firmware you would have to wait until Tesco approve the update.
Guest chrisbarker

Can I ask where one might find the Factory images from and what needed to be done to them to make them ready for flashing to the MotoG.
My dad is interested in the phone but intensely distrustful of roms and such unless he can download them himself from the source.

I've googled around but couldn't seem to find them.



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