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[DEV][ROM] [25.1] CyanogenMod 11.0 (Android 4.4.4)

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Guest elrond_bs

How did you even found such an old, slow SD card. :D Get 16 GB class 10, it's very cheap. Class 4 is too slow to be used for internal memory (ext).

Guest ExCaL1BuR

class 4 I guess.am back on cm10 everything is OK now :)

that is the reason for the extreme low device , when buying a sd card always class 10 . Than u will see that the problem ends

Guest killadroid

am not sure.how do I know what class it is? the problem was I was restoring apps with TB & I was still using the phone.gave this ROM another shot

Guest ExCaL1BuR

am not sure.how do I know what class it is? the problem was I was restoring apps with TB & I was still using the phone.gave this ROM another shot

 the card is written inside a little circle a number like 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10(or 1 )

Guest killadroid

the card is written inside a little circle a number like 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10(or 1 )

oh then its 4
Guest Filipe_24

Hi guys ... I have a problem with this new build ... I have a partitioned Sd Card , 1Gb on internal memory ( around 700mb free ) and 1gb on sd card ( around 600mb free ) . But everytime i try to install any app or game , i get an error saying " Not enough free space " ... I've tried to Wipe cache , and still the error occurs ... What should i do ?

Any other suggestion to solve the problem ? Other than keeping my phone memory above 100mb ( thanks for the advice anyway bro :) )

Guest bezginpilot


This is my port of CyanogenMod 11.0 for ZTE Blade. It is unofficial and unsupported by the CyanogenMod team. This ROM is mainly for developers/testers/advanced users.



This ROM is for testing/preview purposes only, backup everything before you decide to try it out. 


!!!DO NOT ASK FOR ETAs, it's annoying to say the least!!!



You'll need at least 180mb system partition for the ROM and gapps to fit.


Download ROM, GAPPS on your SDCARD:



ROM: (Last Update 5-AUGUST-2014): DOWNLOAD

MD5: 7A99936DBDF31797CF954A18B001EFC9




MD5: 771DF0A5AE9B6A308AAC78B58F5F8AD2



MD5: D0D078D808353FEA15563787C61E9BF2


cLOCK WIDGET (Updated 5/8/14) - DOWNLOAD

MD5: AEC9AB9D0595024E80C3EB1A3947F0D4



Boot into Recovery, Clockwork.


Wipe Data/Factory Reset

Wipe Cache

Mounts/Storage > Format System (Mandatory if you're coming from any other ROM!)

Advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache

Install from zip > Select downloaded ROM

Install from zip > Select download GAPPS

Reboot (might take a while,pls be patient!)


ROM contains int2ext script by default, sdext should be recognized automatically, do not install any other scripts/apps.

LatinIME Dictionaries have been removed (except for English dictionary) due to system partition limitations. 


If you want to link/mirror this ROM, please link to this topic & give proper credits.



  • Wifi
  • Wifi Tethering
  • RIL (mobile network & data)
  • GPS
  • Bluetooth (& bt-tethering)
  • Audio (playback/input/routing/headphones/etc)
  • Camera
  • Camcorder (Video recording & playback)
  • Hardware acceleration (and OpenGL rendering)
  • Hardware video decoding & encoding
  • SD card
  • USB-storage & adb
  • USB-tethering
  • Touchscreen/multi-touch
  • Sensors
  • LEDs

Not working:

  • FM Radio


As any of my other work, this ROM has been built from sources (mainly from androidarmv6 repos)


  • CyanogenMod team & everyone who's been working on CM11.0, especially Androidarmv6 team, PlaguedByPenguins & KonstaT


Dear friend,


i lost my gsm connection because phone doesnt have imei address. How can i install or see imei again? [email protected]

Guest killadroid

Any other suggestion to solve the problem ? Other than keeping my phone memory above 100mb ( thanks for the advice anyway bro :) )

make a larger partition if u mast have lots of apps.just how many apps do u have?
Guest Filipe_24

make a larger partition if u mast have lots of apps.just how many apps do u have?

Mate , the problem is not the size of the partitions , i have 1Gb on both partitions , about 700Mb of free space on both , but i still have the same error ...

Guest elrond_bs

I mentioned this problem few pages back, I also had it and the likely reason is that the int2ext script failed somehow and is bugged. Make a clean install (wipe first) and it will be fixed. The problem is not in the ROM itself, but in the inlcuded script (I think it's CronMod).

Guest Fizziebaunz
Posted (edited)

Any other suggestion to solve the problem ? Other than keeping my phone memory above 100mb ( thanks for the advice anyway bro :) )

Move large apps to SD... On second thoughts.. Elrond is probably right.

Edited by Fizziebaunz
Guest garrett345
Posted (edited)

You guys with free space problems probably don't have enough space in /data/data/ folder, which is not linked to SD.


First try to delete cache (different from cache partition) with Cachemate: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aac.cachemate.demo&hl=en


Then if you still don't have enough space you can check in terminal what apps are taking space in /data/data:



    cd data/data

    du -sk * | sort -n


If you want to be able to quickly check how much free space you have in /data/data, download Freespace: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.krikun.freespace&hl=en and "add partition" /data/data.

Edited by garrett345
Guest Filipe_24

I mentioned this problem few pages back, I also had it and the likely reason is that the int2ext script failed somehow and is bugged. Make a clean install (wipe first) and it will be fixed. The problem is not in the ROM itself, but in the inlcuded script (I think it's CronMod).

Hi elrond . Thx for the reply , i've searched before but i might have missed it , sorry ... I also heard that the problem was on the new update of Play store ( 4.9 ) ,but i unninstaled the updates and the problem still occurs ... So i guess im gonna try the fresh install as you mentioned and then ill report back if its fixed ...


I have currently RLS7 installed on my Dell XCD35(ZTE Blade). I sometime faces following problems: 1. low space (only 16-18 MB left out of 162MB) -- only 2-3 apps are installed apart the default ones. 2. hangs sometimes, needs reboot once in a while. What can be done to improve above two problems? I want to try CM11.0 but will CM11.0 run smoothly on my device (keeping in mind the above problems? Is it possible to have ROM with limited apps? so that space can be saved.

Guest Muadib83

I have currently RLS7 installed on my Dell XCD35(ZTE Blade). I sometime faces following problems: 1. low space (only 16-18 MB left out of 162MB) -- only 2-3 apps are installed apart the default ones. 2. hangs sometimes, needs reboot once in a while. What can be done to improve above two problems? I want to try CM11.0 but will CM11.0 run smoothly on my device (keeping in mind the above problems? Is it possible to have ROM with limited apps? so that space can be saved.

 To solve the first problem you'll have to create an aditional partition on the sd-card.  Search the thread, you'll find the process explained.

Regarding your second point, I don't think there is much to do. Keep in mind that your device only has 256MB RAM while the majority of ZTE Blades have 512. You could try to overclock the processor from the performance menu to see if it helps. Also you could try setting the animation scale to 0.5 in the development options menu (to enable the development menu you go to "About phone" and tap the build number 7-8 times). Hope this helps.

Guest elrond_bs

I strongly advise you NOT to install CM11/4.4, it will not run well with so little RAM. Even 512 MB is too little and it slows down frequently (and I have over-clocked and optimized everything possible). You can try Eco CM9 if you want a lighter ROM (you will find working download links on the last page there).

Guest killadroid

I don't like cronmod,mounts2sd is better coz u can choose not to mount data/data to sd-ext which makes the ROM not to lag at all.I think zeelog should consider removing it & ppl can use whatever script they want

Guest elrond_bs

Actually, there are many variants of CronMod and I'm almost sure the one included here doesn't mount data/data. I had some problems with Mounts2SD too (I used it with CM10 for a long time), so I guess nothing is perfect.


BTW, I hope you changed you SD card to class 10, otherwise any lag you have is caused by slow SD.

Guest killadroid
Posted (edited)

nope am comfortable with class 4 SD as long as I leave data on internal there's no lag

Edited by killadroid
Guest elrond_bs
Posted (edited)

You can test your speed by copying some files. The results you linked are irrelevant - the test and cards are from 2011, they show only very small files (apps size is now MBs, not 4 KB) and the top class 4 card there is expensive model (huge difference with common class 4 SD cards). Today's cards are all class 10 (or higher) for a reason.


@killadroid: You can read other comments from different threads in the forum, but in any case using class 4 card with ext and with such old slow phone is a bad idea.

Edited by elrond_bs
Guest d_borghi

hi all,

now i'm on micro7 rom in my 256 mb ram zte blade.

do you think could i install this rom or is better than i remain in micro7???



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