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[DEV][ROM] [25.1] CyanogenMod 11.0 (Android 4.4.4)

Guest zeelog

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Guest The_Real_Crash0verride

Hello, nice to see that the ZTE Blade is still supported with custom roms, for all those devs who spent their time with it, big thumbs up !!! (y) (y) (y)

But my question is, is it also for the Blade III ?

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Thank you Zeelog! This is really amazing!


Check out KonstaTs great work here: www.modaco.com/topic/367241-devrom27-cyanogenmod-11-android-444/

This thread is only for Blade.

Edited by topo01
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Guest The_Real_Crash0verride

Thank you Zeelog! This is really amazing!


Check out KonstaTs great work here: www.modaco.com/topic/367241-devrom27-cyanogenmod-11-android-444/

This thread is only for Blade.

Tkx Topo, i did, flashed his work already, appriciated to mention but i wanted to try a different point of view from another dev. I thought Blade was in general (so also Blade3) but tkx for clearing that out. (y)

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Guest somethingsomethingdarkness

Zeelog, would any of the following new stuff be applicable to your next rom version?

1. http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/wifi-dhcp-accelerator-t3023534 >>> DHCP Accelerator, not sure if it's compatible?

2. http://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/spirit-fm >>> SpiritFM, there has been talk about a new bugfix that enables FM on some CM builds, maybe applicable to our ZTE?
3. Some way to upload higher quality photos for the stock Contacts app, I'm kind of annoyed by the low quality XD

Thank you for your answers in advance.

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Need help guys.

I TPTed my phone by creating custom TPT with system 190mb and cache 2mb, using app TPT helper.

After that I have flashed latest recovery and rebooted in recovery again. But when I'm flashing the latest rom, then it shows me symlink error and Status 7.

After that when I try to power off the phone, it shows my root is missing.

What should I do guys.

Will appreciate your replys.


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Hi, i've been using zeelog and even KonstaT rooms but i get too many crashs, don't know why. The phone just hangs and i can't do nothing except taking the battery out and turn it on again.


Any help on this? I've 220mb for system, so i guess its not a space problem.

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There are instructions on my github - here


further to those instructions

you need to issue the following commands:

lunch cm_blade-userdebug 

cd vendor/cm



to apply patches - copy patches in the corresponding folders, then apply patches using git am *.patch


Hi zeelog,


I tried to build it, but I got the following errors

rleigh@h:/home/rleigh/cm11# brunch blade
including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
Trying dependencies-only mode on a non-existing device tree?


make: *** No rule to make target 'bacon'.  Stop.

This is what I tried:

./repo init -u git://github.com/androidarmv6/android.git -b cm-11.0
curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parmv6/android_local_manifest/cm-11.0/local_manifest.xml
curl -L -o .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parmv6/android_local_manifest/cm-11.0/local_manifest.xml
./repo sync

. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cm_blade-userdebug 
cd vendor/cm
cd ../..
brunch blade

I got the following when I ran lunch

rleigh@h:/home/rleigh/cm11# lunch

You're building on Linux

Breakfast menu... pick a combo:
 1. full-eng 
... and don't forget the bacon!

Which would you like? [aosp_arm-eng]

What am I doing wrong?

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Guest amguarda

Hello, it work with 185mb system partition? My latest rom is from konstaT

Ok it work, and i'm very satisfied with the rom.


But i can't sign in in google account...

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Guest somethingsomethingdarkness

Oddly enough, I just flashed it over my old 185 partition (and I know it's 185, because I made the tpt file myself) and I've never had any problems or anything missing.

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Guest Muadib83

I really don't understand...

Reinstalled the rom and the gapps and still can't login to google account. Server comunication error. Any idea?


Yes, I really think you should repartition to have at least 186 system partition. I had the same 185 partition and had the same problem as you untill I expanded it. After that, all wen't smoothly.

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I really don't understand...

Reinstalled the rom and the gapps and still can't login to google account. Server comunication error. Any idea?



Maybe you need to install Google Play Services.

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I am having troubles with TPT.


I tried the pre-made TPT file G1-G2v10 stock from here: http://www.amphoras.co.uk/downloads/blade-tpts but upon starting with menu&vol+ the power LED stays red and the display freezes while showing the green android picture.


I also tried creating a custom TPT inside the TPT helper app with 190mb, the file check in the app found 11/13 matches, no missing files. (apparently) although premade tpt-zips have over 20 files in them. Doesn't seem trustworthy.


I have a Gen2 Blade upgraded from Gen1 a long time ago. Any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Nanainis

Is it possible to update gapps? Runtastic doesn't work with current version and updating Google play services via app stores makes "Unfortunately, Google Play services has stopped" popups every minute. Or are there other ways to run runtastic app on cm11?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest arkiolok

Guys, i dont know much about what are TPT's and what they do and how to install etc. Can u guys tell me what is TPT and what happens if i do it or not. BTW what is my phones TPT; how can i learn it?



I have realised that i have stock GEN2 TPT and now i want to make my own TPT. But whenever i try to use TPT Helper's it says me "Failed to copy ztepack. PLease make sure you are rooted and granted superuser permissions." I am rooted. And i gave it the permissions. But i cant do it. Any other ways with custom TPT's?

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Guest rockfan01

There are no numbers in the dialer, and the keyboard during a call is not fully visible

P.S. sorry for my english


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest zaxxon

Hi friends - for anyone having poblems with partition sizes, I uploaded a TPT flash file some time ago (that I made for myself using TPT Helper) which has a 2Mb Cache / 200Mb System / 254 Mb Data.  If you download and unzip this file, you should get a folder called image.  Put that onto the root of your SD card and hold MENU & VOL+ and power on.  Of course this will completely nuke your phone and repartition it.  Hope that helps.

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Guest Deadma

Guys , who can help me?

I have only two questions.

To install this ROM my device need to have root permission?


+ If yes how can i root my device ? i have ZTE BLEND APEX2

I have tryed to install 

CyanogenMod 11.0

by i have next error:

--Install /sdcard...
Findind update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E>signature verification failed
Installatione aborted

what happened i can do?

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