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Guest agent-06

last night I wanted to istall the ufficial rom of asus with adb sideload but when i reboot the padfone , it remains blocked to the first white ASUS LOGO and i don't uderstad why .   
 can you help me to restore my padfone ?

this is the report error of cwm v.06 :  http://imgur.com/uDYambT

Guest AdriaaninPortugal

Hi Agent-06,


At first I had bad luck with installing (well, trying to) TWRP through Goomanager. It went terrible wrong and I already gave up on it but after a couple of days got the PF2 going again.

After that I traid again and managed to install the latetst TWRP

It has been a steep learning curve but i installed it through fastboot and that hasn't let me down until now.


I prefer TWRPs touch interface.




Guest agent-06

Hi Agent-06,


At first I had bad luck with installing (well, trying to) TWRP through Goomanager. It went terrible wrong and I already gave up on it but after a couple of days got the PF2 going again.

After that I traid again and managed to install the latetst TWRP

It has been a steep learning curve but i installed it through fastboot and that hasn't let me down until now.


I prefer TWRPs touch interface.




so do you think I should try to install the TWRP recovery and try to restore it with this?

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