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I reverted all updates related to Android's LowMemoryKiller and Linux's OutOfMemory Management for now...

Guest AssaSsiNMiLeS

Now with the 4.8.3 version everything is perfectly fine though I also changed my app configuration a little. But the freezing problems today started after like 7 hours away from the charger so I can't tell yet if these problems will occur with 4.8.3 version.

Guest juanpablocastillo

That's hard to answer. A so called "stable version" requires being tested for a while without any mentionable errors/bugs. Since I'm continuously changing code it can have negative effects on things I weren't able to trigger during testing.

That's why I use to mark builds as "nightly", before declaring them as stable.

Due of my recent attempt to improve frequency scaling and hot-plugging I discovered a lot of issues which needs to get fixed step by step.

Back at Gingerbread times the 1st linux kernels for android differed a lot from the linux mainline. Although they always merged patches which were commit into mainline, it seems that some mandatory patches are missing in the early 3.4.y CodeAurora kernel sources (those huawei used for our device). Unless finding and adding those patches I'm unable to continue on things I'd prefer to do. There are some important ARMv7 changes missing which I'd like to be included in this kernel.

If I may give you some hint: if possible try to buy a device which is running on a more recent Linux kernel than 3.4.y wub.png

I don't understand. So, you can't merge the CAF 3.4 kernel or don't can merge or you can not do as you wanted? Sorry if annoying.

Posted (edited)

Sry if it seems like I'd ignore your question. It's just late/early in the morning. I'll answer it later.


Just wanted to provide the current state of work: - wifi broken -


It's compiled with GCC 4.9.1. A kind of "changelog" is here: https://github.com/moddingg33k/android_kernel_experimental/commits/master


I'd appreciate to get some feedback.


Those locking issues should be gone. I removed all LowMemoryKiller related commits for now.

Edited by Guest
Guest Romagnolo1973
Posted (edited)

I have tryed last experimental but when I activate Wifi I have get a restart and it still have bootloop, I think because wifi module is active, revert to last 31\05 kernel everything ok and I can boot with my wifi icon active

moddingg 2 questions:

- have you seen HTC 300 kernel I have post in the other thread (your kernel for CM made by fonz93) if can be helpfull?

- why 2 backup when flashing your kernel, one in Synopsys backup and other in TWRP?


Edited by Romagnolo1973
Guest Domino2115

I've installed lastest experimental but phone dont even boot it says'optimalizing apps" and when its done phone reboot

Guest thetonyxx



but phone dont even boot it says'optimalizing apps"

wipe dalvik and chace?


Oh damn! That f***** pre-built WiFi module again :( One of the latest commits broke it again -.-

Guest fonz93

Oh damn! That f***** pre-built WiFi module again :( One of the latest commits broke it again -.-

Dazzozo what wi-fi module is using? I am not sure but i saw on his github a source to compile a wi-fi module, am i wrong?

Posted (edited)

Yea, he got some source code on his repo which I forked, too. But he doesn't use it. Instead he's using the prebuild modules of some other kernel, which are Huawei's prebuild ones.

The problem with those sources is: hotspot doesn't work on them. That's because 2 functions are missing the HostAP binary is trying to call.

Well. That's a pit. The last kernel build was promising to save some energy due of optimized frequency scaling behavior mellow.png

Edited by Guest
Guest fonz93

Another question, while porting your kernel i had to modify cm ramdisk and add your wi fi modules to make it work, where did you take them, why are different?


You had to use "my wifi modules"? huh.png


They are taken from the stock B199 kernel. Modules from other kernels should work as well in theory.

Guest fonz93

I couldn't use cm's wi fi modules because the phone reboots when i use wi fi, so i took your wi fi modules from your ram disk and added them on cm ramdisk to make wi fi work


That's kinda interesting :D because I didn't compile those modules neither modify them (with an hexeditor for ex.)

Guest fonz93

That's kinda interesting :D because I didn't compile those modules neither modify them (with an hexeditor for ex.)


That's why i asked you if they are using differents modules, because i can't use them in your kernel

Guest fonz93
Posted (edited)

I found the patch-set which caused those reboot issues (with enabled): [KERNEL LOCKS] *big update* ... removed it and uploaded fixed builds


Do you mean reboots due to the differents wi-fi modules?


Edit: Sorry, didn't see changelog


Now i can port your kernel to cm11 etc using their modules?

Edited by fonz93

Hmmm?? Those reboots are caused by those mentioned updates, because the pre-build huawei modules don't work with them.

Guest fonz93
Posted (edited)

Hmmm?? Those reboots are caused by those mentioned updates, because the pre-build huawei modules don't work with them.


And which modules is dazzozo using??


Edit: Maybe i didn't understand, if dazzozo is using pre-build huawei modules, why didn't they work as yours? (btw, they are different in size), if this update broke wi-fi on cyanogenmod, why on stock ROM those updates doesn't give reboots?

Edited by fonz93

- have you seen HTC 300 kernel I have post in the other thread (your kernel for CM made by fonz93) if can be helpfull?

- why 2 backup when flashing your kernel, one in Synopsys backup and other in TWRP?

I didn't see any link to the kernel's source code. Did I miss it somehow?

The installer creates an backup within the TWRP folder, so people can easier find the backup. Since not everyone is using TWRP, but other recovery solutions, another copy of the backed up kernel is store in the "synopsis-backup" folder on the sdcard. Seems like an overkill, I know. But I guess it's easier safer to delete the duplicate backup than not having it at all.


Are you sure that on KK ROM's they don't use Dazzozo's wifi sources? look at the SlimKat manifest by chil360 https://github.com/chil360/slimkat_manifest/blob/master/slimkat_huawei.xml


Hm...not sure which of those listed sources he's using at the end, but you are right. Those modules are not the one's from huawei.


They will work on SlimKat (did anyone test WiFi tethering on chil's rom?), but definatly don't work on Huawei Stock ROM because of 2 missing functions required by the system's binaries to create an Access-Point. It's either "hostap" or "wpa_supplicant" (or even both) which needed to get replaced in favor of other WiFi modules. Another solution would be trying to integrate those 2 missing functions on my own *lol*

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