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[KERNEL] [Y300/G510] Synopsis Kernel For Cyanogenmod and SlimKat

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I will update the drivers for the radio soon. I just can't upload the current state of my progress yet, since I'm not 100% done for pushing my commits. biggrin.png

Guest s.a.salar

When ever I use net using mobile data, the phone gets little hot. But on WiFi not that much. Don't know why. May be updating radio drivers may help.


Radio drivers are not part of the kernel :(

They are compiled as an MS-DOS or Windows program and stored on a hidden FAT partition on our phone.

That's one of the sickest things I ever saw … letting Amdroid make communicating with an external program.

But thx for reminding me, that I might test to enable FAT partition support and see whether it helps.

Guest kekkox88

Fonz I'm actually using this kernel on slimkat and there aren't problems. I change the base chill kernel because I had some random reboots. Now, with moddingg33k's kernel, I solved them. Ciao!

Guest fonz93
Posted (edited)

Fonz I'm actually using this kernel on slimkat and there aren't problems. I change the base chill kernel because I had some random reboots. Now, with moddingg33k's kernel, I solved them. Ciao!


I think that at the moment a stable stock ported kernel is more stable than the native kernel of kitkat ROMs, maybe because the modifies made to adapt Huawei kernel source to AOSP/CM sources gave us many problems, this thing needs to be tested a lot, because if you haven't reboot, it doesn't mean that you haven't problems, maybe they are only showed in logcat and are not "visible", above all because it's a ported 4.1 kernel to a 4.4 rom

Edited by fonz93
Guest ZolaIII

There are ∅ native elements from K.K. era in both kernels. :P

The Huaweis 3.4 kernel is actually patched 3.0.8 from ICS days (G300) & badly patched!

The fact that you don't have reboots mean that their are no any unsolvable problems (in defined time) that trigger kernel panic (reboot as a security mechanism).

Their is however much more advanced kernel for P700 LG (msm7x27A) in a slim sources that is not developed any more for last 6 months. Those that need to know about it where notified.

Posted (edited)

Dudes...this 3.4 kernel from Huawei is such a crap sad.png


I don't want to blame Huawei for the tons of bugs in it. But we definately need an more recent kernel for our device... rolleyes.gif


It's hard to make any progress. No matter what you touch in this kernel source ... every time you are forced to fix and make things working again.

Edited by Guest
Guest thetonyxx
Posted (edited)

Dudes...this 3.4 kernel from Huawei is such a crap sad.png


I don't want to blame Huawei for the tons of bugs in it. But we definately need an more recent kernel for our device... rolleyes.gif


It's hard to make any progress. No matter what you touch in this kernel source ... every time you are forced to fix and make things working again



never other huawei, never...

Edited by thetonyxx

Well, the Y300 is an affordable phone and not that bad at all. But I agree with you. My next phone won't probably be any Huawei one neither.

Guest thetonyxx



Well, the Y300 is an affordable phone and not that bad at all.

yes i know



My next phone won't probably be any Huawei one neither.

i like the motorola moto, E, G and X :D

good android sistem similar to stock, nice price/quality and good optimization :)

Guest spanitzer

My next phone is a moto g :D.

No Huawei!

Guest SH3H1

My next phone is a moto g :D.

No Huawei!

Someone with same plan here !

Actually very soon since my Y300 is dead !

It's most dev supported device in it's price !

Anyone here got a Moto G?

Do a bit chitchat with me in fb since i wanna know how it's build quality,features etc.


Guest DamnedMaruko
Posted (edited)

I'm gonna buy a Lumia 625 or (if i have much money) 925... Android never more ahaha


Someone with same plan here !
Actually very soon since my Y300 is dead !
It's most dev supported device in it's price !

Anyone here got a Moto G?
Do a bit chitchat with me in fb since i wanna know how it's build quality,features etc.


 It's a good device, very smooth and stable, even with stock rom :D

Edited by DamnedMaruko
Guest spanitzer

Someone with same plan here !

Actually very soon since my Y300 is dead !

It's most dev supported device in it's price !

Anyone here got a Moto G?

Do a bit chitchat with me in fb since i wanna know how it's build quality,features etc.


Moto G have official support for CM11 and more! The Moto G have overclocks kernel! GPU from 450MHz to 533MHz and CPU from 1.2GHz to 1.6GHz!


Moto G have official support for CM11 and more! The Moto G have overclocks kernel! GPU from 450MHz to 533MHz and CPU from 1.2GHz to 1.6GHz!


That's because it's cpu-clock chip doesn't use such an nasty feature called "dynamic reprogramming" like our device. Because of this overclocking the Y300 doesn't work dry.png

Guest SH3H1
Posted (edited)

Yeah !

It has also support from well known faux123 :wub:

I'm alot confused of comments in gsmarena!

Buy/Not :(

Some fqrs there tries to put motorola down !

Is there any real cons?

'cause i cant change phone after buying :O

That's why i want help from you guys :)

Edtz: i saw that faux123 removed because it is not working,in last build

Maybe fake OC LYK US :D

Edited by SH3H1
Guest thetonyxx

How's the camera in moto g?

a little better than y300

not great, not horrible :D

compared to the rest a little under

Guest kannasbor0

Hi all!

Moddinggeek, someone said that the HTC Desire 300 has the exact same hardware, and HTC is well known from optimization.

So, is it possibe to build a kernel from HTC's sources?


So far I could neither find any official kernel sources nor any detailed hardware specs.  I need to know which hardware board and the exact CPU they are using.


My 1st impression: it's just and slightly better Y300 for 200% of it's price (bigger display and newer bluetooth version).

Guest Romagnolo1973
Posted (edited)

I found the HTC 300 kernel in a russian site

007 from russia with love  :) 



using google translate you can (i hope) understand instruction 




I'm Italian so for me russian is like chinese or arabian I understand absolutly nothing

Edited by Romagnolo1973
Guest thetonyxx


I need to know which hardware board and the exact CPU they are using.


same SOC, ram and internal memory, sensor and camera than y300

but have micro sim and dont have fm radio

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