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[KERNEL] [Y300/G510] Synopsis Kernel For Cyanogenmod and SlimKat

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Guest dinotre

last kernel set at boot performance as governo and deadline as scheduler... anyway... using cm11 no problem until now...

Guest fonz93

last kernel set at boot performance as governor and deadline as scheduler... 


Yes, you're right


Ohh, I see. It doesn't get changed. Hmmm. I'll take a look.

Petformance govenor at boot is a default setting and I reverted back to it. For an stable boot there musn't be any frequency scaling during the hardware init part.

Guest dinotre
Posted (edited)

anyway m8 this is a really good job... I don't have lags even if I set conservative governor and min freq to 96

Edited by dinotre

I didn't think about this combination of frequency and governor yet. That makes me wanna test it :)

Guest dinotre

while i was searching for the best compromise between performance e battery life I accidentally went to https://translate.google.it/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=it&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbicocca.net%2F2013%2F10%2F28%2Fil-miglior-governor-io-scheduler%2F&edit-text=&act=url


it says that the best compromise between performance e battery life is CONSERVATIVE governor and ROW SCHEDULER... thereafter I set those if possible...

Guest ZolaIII
Posted (edited)

while i was searching for the best compromise between performance e battery life I accidentally went to https://translate.google.it/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=it&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbicocca.net%2F2013%2F10%2F28%2Fil-miglior-governor-io-scheduler%2F&edit-text=&act=url

it says that the best compromise between performance e battery life is CONSERVATIVE governor and ROW SCHEDULER... thereafter I set those if possible...

We did pretty much optimized ondemand & hot plug. ROW is not present or wort adding if you ask me. Recipe for optimal performance & battery life is much more completed... use deadline & in next release I will tune it to more prioritize read over write & preserve rq of write requests. Edited by ZolaIII
Guest Chefo93

Anyway, the kernel is great, really smoothed out the stutters with the last version, epic one! Thank you for the hard work you're doing! :)

Guest barnir

With what rom do you guys think the kernel will be at top performance? or it doesnt rly matter?

Guest fonz93

happy birthday fonz :D


Hehehe, thank you  ;)

Guest noobSU

How to enable zram on cm10.1 using this kernel? I'm using ExpertROM v3

Guest fonz93

How to enable zram on cm10.1 using this kernel? I'm using ExpertROM v3


You can simply do it via performance menu made by cyanogenmod, don't use the performance control app because it uses a different way to set ZRAM disksize and you'll have a different value

Guest noobSU

You can simply do it via performance menu made by cyanogenmod, don't use the performance control app because it uses a different way to set ZRAM disksize and you'll have a different value

But from Cyano's Performance menu i can only set zram till 26% i.e In Percentage not by value.

I will increase the number of available ZRAM devices to 2. This should solve all problems.

Guest noobSU
Posted (edited)

26% is 102 mb disksize, i think it should be the best value, if you want to set the disksize manually you have to follow this: https://github.com/moddingg33k/android_kernel_huawai_Y300-J1/wiki/README.zram

Sorry but the content written on that link is wayy too pro for me :p Right now i'm using 250mb SWAP in my system partition. Will i get a boost if i'll use a zram? Again can i get an easy guide to edit a disksize & enabling zram? Edited by noobSU
Guest fonz93

Sorry but the content written on that link is wayy too pro for me :P Right now i'm using 250mb SWAP in my system partition. Will i get a boost if i'll use a zram? Again can i get an easy guide to edit a disksize & enabling zram?


As i said, the easiest way is to set 18 or 26% in performance menu... or you can try to use a different app to set ZRAM

Guest ZolaIII

Sorry but the content written on that link is wayy too pro for me :p Right now i'm using 250mb SWAP in my system partition. Will i get a boost if i'll use a zram? Again can i get an easy guide to edit a disksize & enabling zram?

No most likely you will get a slowdown & a battery drain.
Guest noobSU

No most likely you will get a slowdown & a battery drain.

When using zram?
Posted (edited)

I've been testing ZRAM for a while and wouldn't say that the impact on the battery is so huge that you should stay away from using ZRAM. Of course it depends on your workload and on other factors.


EDIT: maybe the battery drain was true for older and unpatched zram versions. But I think with those patches it's fine.

Edited by Guest
Guest Vule991

Is that SELinux important thing, why disabled by kernel on CM11? Just asking...

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