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[KERNEL] [Y300/G510] Synopsis Kernel For Cyanogenmod and SlimKat

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I didn't enable SELinux. So if you care about this (NSA) feature you won't become happy.

Guest davef7

I didn't enable SELinux. So if you care about this (NSA) feature you won't become happy.

I don't even know what SELinux is :D... I only wanna know if on cm11 it result awesome like on stock rom...

And i think yes... :)

Guest davef7
Posted (edited)

Only one thing, i have flashed the 28/06 version, and the governor is set to performance by default. I think is too extreme... :P

Edited by davef7

Seems like the INIT scripts aren't working as intended on CM11.

Generally the default gover is set to performance, because that's the 1st governor being chosen during boot. Any kind of frequency scaling is unwanted during this process.

During Android's INIT phase the governor is thought to be changed, which works on lower versions of Android afaik.

Maybe it's a matter of setting permissions (by the ramdisk's init scripts).

Guest fonz93

If you delete ondemand parameters in qcom.post_boot in the stock ROM you'll have the same result, custom init.synopsis will not set ondemand and his parameters and it will use performance governor

Guest LotR656

Does anyone have problem with kernel for SlimKat? I flashed last SlimKat version and kernel for SlimKat and I have reboots on boot image. Can you fix that? And one more thing, is CM 11 stable with this kernel?

Posted (edited)

Those builds for SlimKat were more for "testing purposes" only so far. It's recommended to stick to chil360's kernel, since I don't use KitKat and can't guarantee compatibility to it.


@fonz: please remove the links for SlimKat builds on your 1st post, since they don't seem to work (anymore)

Edited by Guest
Guest SaurabhRCk

I tried the latest release in cm 11. faced a weird issue. after installing free internal memory becomes only 64mb. i reverted back to stock cm11 kernel, now free memory becomes 367mb! Can't understand why! 

Guest soulhand

Update available (nightly 07-07).

Cool. Is there a changelog or other description of changes? The link in the first post describes the 17-06 release still.

Guest fonz93

Cool. Is there a changelog or other description of changes? The link in the first post describes the 17-06 release still.

Check moddingg33k's github
Guest soulhand

Check moddingg33k's github

Thanks. Took a quick look but either I'm missing something (quite probable) or there's no easily-interpretable list of the changes. 

Guest fonz93

There's no easily-interpretable list of the changes. 


Yes, you have to see commits, there is no changelog

Guest Vule991

Problem with the latest nightly on CM11. Full off internal memory. Not understand.  :unsure:

Guest mitchde


I read that. Do you mean that thats a kernel problem (Chil360-kernel v0.45) and not happens to 07.07.2014 kernel from here?

Or happens with both doesnt matter which CM11 version used?

I have working 28.06.2014 kernel in usage with some older CM11 nigthies and onyl want to update kernel .


Thanks for further helping to understand.

Guest fonz93

Seems to be a kernel problem related only to 4.4 ROMs, maybe for an incompatible commit with KitKat for our device

Guest szornyu

I can agree with the last CM version (20140708), its not working.

After locking he screen it can't be unlocked.

The 06.28 version runs perfectly, sometimes the PowerManagerService keeps the phone from entering deep sleep mode.

Guest chobot1976
Posted (edited)

I can't wake up the phone with latest kernel 08–07 :-(

Edited by chobot1976
Posted (edited)

On which ROM?

Are you using the latest repack of fonz?

Edited by Guest
Guest Vule991

I confirm this issue. Phone don't wakeup from sleep on latest nightly (0807). CM11, ondemand governor (min freq 320 Mhz).

Guest Domino2115

On stock rom works everything okay.

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