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[ROM][5.1.1] F-AOSP [Y300/G510] [16/05/2015]

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Guest alexandermb27

currently using kernel 09 i guess it is Test_3 and flashed bravía engine zip + X- reality for lollipop din't faced any blackscreen yet (My build.prop if it change something)


Guest CreasingMass

currently using kernel 09 i guess it is Test_3 and flashed bravía engine zip + X- reality for lollipop din't faced any blackscreen yet (My build.prop if it change something)


using bravía engine too, working good

Guest fonz93
Posted (edited)

Oh really? peoples are still using those build.prop tweaks and mods from xda? stop it, it's pointless

Edited by fonz93
Guest POmniac

I use this ROM from the beginning and i never experienced "black screen". I am very happy with this 04.05. build, it seems to be the fastest ROM I've tried.

Thanks again for your hard work.

Guest shanlk

I use this ROM from the beginning and i never experienced "black screen". I am very happy with this 04.05. build, it seems to be the fastest ROM I've tried.

Thanks again for your hard work.

Which rom? CM12.1 or F-AOSP
Guest shanlk
Posted (edited)

Wrong post

Edited by shanlk
Guest POmniac

Which rom? CM12.1 or F-AOSP

F-AOSP with original kernel. conservativ governor, deadline I/O scheduler.

Guest Lemon88

Bad battery with this rom for me, i have 2 hours without clash of clans...

Guest Dark Cricket

Oh really? people are still using those build.prop tweaks and mods from xda? stop it, it's pointless

I use the rom without modifications have only tried the kernel chil360, and still have black screen.

Guest pingvinkic

I have just tried xposed and it bootloops

Guest POmniac
Posted (edited)


Battery life is not so bad.

Edited by POmniac
Guest Lemon88


Battery life is not so bad.

With cm i have 4 hours with 2 hours the clash of clans, try
Guest telopido
Posted (edited)

Hello guys!
For those who said CM12.1 kernel (19/04/2015 release) installed in SlimLP(25/03/2015 release) is a good solution for not having black screens:
may you please upload a flashable .zip so that others could test it?
Or, at least, upload the CM12.1 "kernel-only" flashable .zip?

And also,how's the behaviour of the ROM this way(random reboots,functionalities,battery drain, etc...)?
Would you reccomend it for daily use?

Thanks in advance!! :-)

P.S. I've got a Huawei Y300-0100

Edited by telopido
Guest joseaguero2901
I try to flash slimlp yesterday with 12.1 cm kernel and I never start
as you would to work?
Guest internectual

I think that it was a mistake when we started calling it black screen bug, i belive that many people that have repoted black screen think that when you open some app and then you get black screen is the bug that we are talking about. I am using kernel test 1 for almost two days now and i have not expirienced wake up bug, i tried kernel test 2 and i got that bug 10 minutes after flashing kernel


I've been running test 3 for three days and got it this afternoon when I plugged my phone into the charger in my car. No display, touch buttons illuminated, phone unresponsive.

Guest alexandermb27

Oh really? peoples are still using those build.prop tweaks and mods from xda? stop it, it's pointless

I don't really know wich one works, i just try everything i can, to adapt the phone to me hahaha xD with those kernel (memory clean screenshot) settings faced a lot of blackscreen, changed everything and din't got a blackscreen yet
Guest CreasingMass


I try to flash slimlp yesterday with 12.1 cm kernel and I never start
as you would to work?


First. Try to improve your questions(use google translate)

Second. SlimLP is android 5.0.2, CM12.1 is android 5.1.0, for sure that kernel will not work on SlimLP.

Guest markoprogramer

F-AOSP with original kernel. conservativ governor, deadline I/O scheduler.

Testing this configuration, no black screen whole day. I will report tomorrow again.
Guest y0han17

First. Try to improve your questions(use google translate)

Second. SlimLP is android 5.0.2, CM12.1 is android 5.1.0, for sure that kernel will not work on SlimLP.

I insist.. Currently using CM12 kernel repack (from a facebook group) in SlimLP and everything works fine. I don't get black screens so far.

Guest CreasingMass

I insist.. Currently using CM12 kernel repack (from a facebook group) in SlimLP and everything works fine. I don't get black screens so far.

cm12 is not the same android version as cm12.1

Guest pingvinkic

I am on kernel test 3 for five days now and i didn't get wake up bug. I dont remember anymore how my battery looks like ☺

Guest Lemon88

I do not know if it was already reported, however, i am attacching pictures, when i touch the 3 buttons in the menu, you sede a black square that should be the menu details and guidance and feedback



Guest telopido
Posted (edited)

I insist.. Currently using CM12 kernel repack (from a facebook group) in SlimLP and everything works fine. I don't get black screens so far.

May you please link us the facebook group you are talking about?  :)

Edited by telopido

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