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[ROM][5.1.1] F-AOSP [Y300/G510] [16/05/2015]

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Guest CreasingMass
Posted (edited)

AOSP doesn't have any option like this, the build .prop method works only on Huawei stock ROM.


The official Xposed Installer is not compatible with android 5.1.+, there is an unofficial version, but it's superalpha and GravityBox LP doesn't support it.



I don't really know.. the problem is that sometimes the device can't wake up from deep sleep, button backlights are on, but the screen doesn't, and if you don't use some tricks to reboot the phone (sysrq key for example), you have to pull the battery :(, the log shows this:

I/Watchdog_N(  551): dumpKernelStacks
W/Watchdog(  551): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: Blocked in handler on PowerManagerService (PowerManagerService)
W/Watchdog(  551): PowerManagerService stack trace:
W/Watchdog(  551):     at android.view.SurfaceControl.nativeCreate(Native Method)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at android.view.SurfaceControl.<init>(SurfaceControl.java:292)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.createSurface(ColorFade.java:565)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.prepare(ColorFade.java:154)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerState.prepareColorFade(DisplayPowerState.java:183)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.animateScreenStateChange(DisplayPowerController.java:886)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.updatePowerState(DisplayPowerController.java:581)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.access$400(DisplayPowerController.java:72)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController$DisplayControllerHandler.handleMessage(DisplayPowerController.java:1161)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
W/Watchdog(  551):     at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:46)
W/Watchdog(  551): *** GOODBYE!

Dmesg doesn't show anything unfortunately, and that error it's strange, it seems to be a problem of the framework or display HAL, but i tracked every change between the period that we didn't get any black screen and the first known broken build and i couldn't find anything useful... So i thought it might be the kernel, because we got an update for about 250 commits from CAF, all including memory allocation changes.

"GOODBYE!" loool

Anyway, i've been using this rom since last night and it's running better than i thought (better than some kk roms), the only thing i miss is xposed and AcDisplay that doesn't work well with LP, also i've noticed some "black screens" but i didn't pulled out the battery, i just leave the phone there for about 5 mins and it was working good again; i'll attach my personal kernel settings (if anyone is interested) with this app "Kernel Adiutor" free in the play store.

fonz93 congratz for this rom and thank you for still supporting this shitty device :P



Window animation scale .5x

Transition animation scale .25x

Animation duration scale .5x

182 dpi









Edited by CreasingMass
Guest stevelexx

Fonz93, that ad thing only happens on the phone but not on pc... I support you on the ads.. why don't you try adfly.. its good coz you skip ad and it directs to the required site. For me am comfy with ads coz you have to earn.. thanks for the good work bro. we are humbled.

Guest slfl


Window animation scale .5x

Transition animation scale .25x

Animation duration scale .5x

182 dpi

182 dpi... Oh my god!

Guest joseaguero2901

in this rom has no option of return, that was the only way not to leave me the black screen changing Governors

Guest alexandermb
Posted (edited)

182 dpi... Oh my god!


how he could use that D: 

Edit: lol its feel like have a Huge Smartphone 

Edited by alexandermb
Guest CreasingMass

182 dpi... Oh my god!




how he could use that D: 

Edit: lol its feel like have a Huge Smartphone 

lol, i'm used to it, i use 182dpi in every device i own cuz it makes it feels like it has a bigger screen, i feel it so weird to use default dpi

Guest Arbab Irfan

@fonz93 Got a blackscreen today using Rocket Player again but the weird thing is that the music never stop, so i just pulled out the battery when i was going to hide my phone xD


I faced black screen while using rocket player... but i was able to change songs, Play, Pause via Bluetooth Handset....  

Guest CreasingMass

Attach stock google bootanimation with fixed resolution for our devices


(put it in /system/media and give it 644 permissions)


Guest killadroid

this mod has build.prop tweaks to fix blackscreen,I haven't tested coz am not on this ROM forum.xda-developers.com/android/software-hacking/tweak-l-speed-v1-0-02-02-2015-t3020138

Guest Lemon88

this mod has build.prop tweaks to fix blackscreen,I haven't tested coz am not on this ROM forum.xda-developers.com/android/software-hacking/tweak-l-speed-v1-0-02-02-2015-t3020138

I confirm, with interactive and row 480 i dont have black screen tried 1 week
Guest fonz93

Attach stock google bootanimation with fixed resolution for our devices


(put it in /system/media and give it 644 permissions)


Oh, thank you, did you fix it yourself?

Guest shayan4shayan

I have problem with google drive

do you promise to me to mirror your link ???

Guest pakoGDLmx

"GOODBYE!" loool

Anyway, i've been using this rom since last night and it's running better than i thought (better than some kk roms), the only thing i miss is xposed and AcDisplay that doesn't work well with LP, also i've noticed some "black screens" but i didn't pulled out the battery, i just leave the phone there for about 5 mins and it was working good again; i'll attach my personal kernel settings (if anyone is interested) with this app "Kernel Adiutor" free in the play store.

fonz93 congratz for this rom and thank you for still supporting this shitty device :P



Window animation scale .5x

Transition animation scale .25x

Animation duration scale .5x

182 dpi


This "Kernel Auditor", do it 'lock' the CPU frequencies? Because, i use "Trickster MOD" to manage the kernel settings in every rom i use, but this is the second rom where the 'Lock' is overridden by the CPU and the MAX frequency is maxed out.
This, because i use the MAX frequency of 1008Mhz, to avoid overheating and battery drain, and 1008Mhz keep the phone "warm" instead of almost on fire!
Guest pakoGDLmx

How can change the MAC?


The MAC i guess can be changed editing certain partition in your phone, where the Serial Number, IMEI, BT Mac and MAC address is stored... BUT, messing with it can be risky and you may end with a death phone.

Guest CreasingMass
Posted (edited)

Oh, thank you, did you fix it yourself?

Yes, it's not the exact bootanimation.zip of your rom, i pulled it out from another rom some months ago and fixed it for a kk rom i was using :P



This "Kernel Auditor", do it 'lock' the CPU frequencies? Because, i use "Trickster MOD" to manage the kernel settings in every rom i use, but this is the second rom where the 'Lock' is overridden by the CPU and the MAX frequency is maxed out.
This, because i use the MAX frequency of 1008Mhz, to avoid overheating and battery drain, and 1008Mhz keep the phone "warm" instead of almost on fire!


Well it should, just make sure to turn off MPDecision cuz it'll overwrite your frequencies, although i've been using 1209MHz and i haven't noticed any overheat or battery drain, btw i just installed that script pack a guy mentioned above and it looks pretty nice, playing with it i realized using ondemandx and L SPEED governor tweaks the devices runs pretty well, i think best performance-battery setup i've used.

Edited by CreasingMass
Guest pakoGDLmx

Well it should, just make sure to turn off MPDecision cuz it'll overwrite your frequencies, although i've been using 1209MHz and i haven't noticed any overheat or battery drain, btw i just installed that script pack a guy mentioned above and it looks pretty nice, playing with it i realized using ondemandx and L SPEED governor tweaks the devices runs pretty well, i think best performance-battery setup i've used.


Thanks! Apparently, that was the problem! I just turn off MPDecision, lets see if this works :3. But that Kernel Auditor looks pretty complete. Maybe i will give it a try.  

And thanks for the bootanimation.zip Now it looks awesome :3

Guest CreasingMass

Thanks! Apparently, that was the problem! I just turn off MPDecision, lets see if this works :3. But that Kernel Auditor looks pretty complete. Maybe i will give it a try.  

And thanks for the bootanimation.zip Now it looks awesome :3

Ya np ;)

Guest Lemon88

Attach stock google bootanimation with fixed resolution for our devices


(put it in /system/media and give it 644 permissions)

Thanks, try

Guest MorSerNa

The MAC i guess can be changed editing certain partition in your phone, where the Serial Number, IMEI, BT Mac and MAC address is stored... BUT, messing with it can be risky and you may end with a death phone.

Guest wbrambley


Try editing /data/misc/wifi/softmac to what you want. I have used this method in the past to get more data/time on public WiFi previously.
Guest MorSerNa

Try editing /data/misc/wifi/softmac to what you want. I have used this method in the past to get more data/time on public WiFi previously.

How can i edit this arhive?
Guest wbrambley

How can i edit this arhive?

Archive? It's a plain text file. You need root and something like ES file explorer to mount / rw and edit file.
Guest wbrambley

Man this ROM is good, is the best android 5+ ROM for this phone so far.

Guest MorSerNa

Archive? It's a plain text file. You need root and something like ES file explorer to mount / rw and edit file.

White O.opost-1059227-14309525221238_thumb.png

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