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[Recovery] TWRP 3.0.2-0

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Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)

These are my builds of Dees-Troy's Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) 3.0.2-0 for ZTE Blade S6 (p839f30), ZTE Blade S6 Plus (p839f50) and Turkcell T60 (p839t60).

Important! Partition layout is different between Blade S6 AS/EU/AU/etc devices (physical internal sdcard partition vs. emulated internal sdcard). Select the right version for you device.

Do not mirror my builds! Please post a link to this page instead.

recovery-twrp3020-p839f30-physical.img (Blade S6 - physical internal sdcard partition - AS&EU variants)

recovery-twrp3020-p839f30-emulated.img (Blade S6 - emulated internal sdcard [/data/media] - AU variant)

recovery-twrp3020-p839f50.img (Blade S6 Plus)

recovery-twrp3020-p839t60.img (Turkcell T60)

Do not use this recovery to flash official updates from ZTE website! You need to repack them for custom recovery or use the stock recovery to install.

How to install:
1. Root your Android (MobileGo Windows and KingRoot are reported to work)
2. Download TWRP recovery image of you choice, rename it to recovery.img and copy it to the root of your internal sdcard
3. Execute following two commands in 'adb shell'/Terminal Emulator (make sure not to typo!)

dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery

4. Boot into TWRP recovery using volume up + power key combination or 'adb reboot recovery'

How to flash any recovery image in TWRP:
1. Download this template zip -  recovery-template.zip
2. Rename your (stock or custom) recovery image to recovery.img and use it to replace the empty recovery.img inside the zip (drag&drop with your favorite zip tool)
3. Copy the zip to your sdcard
4. Flash it in TWRP
5. Reboot recovery

How to restore stock recovery?
1. Flash the zip below in TWRP
2. Reboot recovery

recovery-stock-ZTE_AS_Blade_S6V1.0.0B12.zip (Blade S6 - AS)

recovery-stock-ZTE_ES_Blade_S6V1.0.0B05.zip (Blade S6 - ES)

recovery-stock-GEN_AS_P839F50V1.0.0B06.zip (Blade S6 Plus - AS)

recovery-stock-TC_TR_P839T60V1.0.0B12.zip (Turkcell T60)


Like my work?
Edited by KonstaT
Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)

27.4. changelog:

  • TWRP 3.0.2-0


Previous builds:

recovery-twrp2870-p839f30.img (Blade S6 - external sdcard only)

recovery-twrp2870-p839f30-physical.img (Blade S6 - +physical internal sdcard partition - AS&EU variants)

recovery-twrp2870-p839f30-emulated.img (Blade S6 - +emulated internal sdcard [/data/media] - AU variant)

recovery-twrp2870-p839f50.img (Blade S6 Plus)

recovery-twrp2870-p839t60.img (Turkcell T60)

Edited by KonstaT
Guest perrin jean-francois


thank you very much , it's works  i flashed with flashify and installation is ok ( sorry for my bad english )  

Guest TheDeath

Works perfect ....Thanks man for provIding it to Public... 

So lets do some costum Roms... 


I. E. The xiaomi mi4i has nearly the same specs... Maybe we can get miui to run

Guest Özgürce

Can anyone make a system dump? Im using branded blade s6. I want to change some apps to zte default. For example in default zte you can change the home button and back button positions.

Guest KonstaT

Can anyone make a system dump? Im using branded blade s6. I want to change some apps to zte default. For example in default zte you can change the home button and back button positions.

What branded Blade S6? Turkcell T60? There's full stock firmware packages available at ZTE support site. Much better than any ROM/system dump you could ever make...

Guest TheDeath

Tried to port miui from mi4i but cant get it to Boot... So some more Tests needed.... Created a safety image from b12 if someone neeed it... 

Guest Hurders

So AS and EU varients use the same patition layout and same TWRP versions then? I thought they were different and that was wy we couldn't flash AS firmware on EU devices?

Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)

So AS and EU varients use the same patition layout and same TWRP versions then? I thought they were different and that was wy we couldn't flash AS firmware on EU devices?

As far as the sdcard is concerned, yes. Partition table and partition sizes can be totally different, though. I diff'ed AS and EU boot images and there was no notable difference. Haven't actually seen AU as there's no stock firmware package available anywhere. I haven't got these devices to test myself (this was tested by an user on AS version), but so far no one has reported this not working in EU or AS variants. :P

Someone with EU or AU variant could do these in shell (I already have this info from AS variant).

cat /proc/partitions
ls -al /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name

BTW, just pushed the sources here if someone wants to build TWRP using OmniROM source tree.

Edited by KonstaT
Guest Özgürce

What branded Blade S6? Turkcell T60? There's full stock firmware packages available at ZTE support site. Much better than any ROM/system dump you could ever make...

İts t60 yes. can it be work for me ? Can you give me a link please ?
Guest Hurders

So you're saying that we still shouldn't try flashing the AS firmware on EU handsets using TWRP?

Guest KonstaT

İts t60 yes. can it be work for me ? Can you give me a link please ?

Errm, did you even bother to look at the ZTE site? There's stock firmware specifically for Turkcell T60. Your device is not any Blade S6 variant so you shouldn't flash these TWRP images.

So you're saying that we still shouldn't try flashing the AS firmware on EU handsets using TWRP?

There's a big fat red text in the first post that says you shouldn't flash any stock firmware package in TWRP (you couldn't anyway as the device asserts will fail and that's a good thing).

Guest Özgürce

Errm, did you even bother to look at the ZTE site? There's stock firmware specifically for Turkcell T60. Your device is not any Blade S6 variant so you shouldn't flash these TWRP images.

There's a big fat red text in the first post that says you shouldn't flash any stock firmware package in TWRP (you couldn't anyway as the device asserts will fail and that's a good thing).

Did you understand my question ? i want a zte stock rom. The one you talking about is turkcell rom and its missed so much more from stock zte features. Like screen pinning or the changing menu and back button positions. It's even disable the third party keyboards. If its t60 rom and unbranded let me know. But I think it is not.
Guest KonstaT

Did you understand my question ? i want a zte stock rom. The one you talking about is turkcell rom and its missed so much more from stock zte features. Like screen pinning or the changing menu and back button positions. It's even disable the third party keyboards. If its t60 rom and unbranded let me know. But I think it is not.

Well, you didn't make yourself quite clear either. You asked for a stock ROM for Turkcell T60 and I gave you one. ;)

There's also about a dozen Blade S6 stock firmware packages available at the ZTE support site but your device is not a Blade S6! Don't flash anything that's for Blade S6 to your device (including TWRP recoveries in this thread).

Guest Hurders

There's a big fat red text in the first post that says you shouldn't flash any stock firmware package in TWRP (you couldn't anyway as the device asserts will fail and that's a good thing).

Ok good point, but you say if we repack a stock firmware for custom recovery then that would work? My reasons are my S6 (EU B08) has a big issue with the GPS not working (sees plenty of satellites but refuses to lock on to any ever, seems to be widespread issue on some EU S6 handsets), so if there was a way to try and flash the AS B12 firmware then I'd be tempted to give it a try. Possibly a dumb question but would a TWRP backup prior to flashing be a safeguard to revert to if the AS firmware then bricked the phone?

Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)

Ok good point, but you say if we repack a stock firmware for custom recovery then that would work? My reasons are my S6 (EU B08) has a big issue with the GPS not working (sees plenty of satellites but refuses to lock on to any ever, seems to be widespread issue on some EU S6 handsets), so if there was a way to try and flash the AS B12 firmware then I'd be tempted to give it a try. Possibly a dumb question but would a TWRP backup prior to flashing be a safeguard to revert to if the AS firmware then bricked the phone?

Stock firmware packages also contain bootloader/modem images that you shouldn't be flashing in custom recovery. Good guideline is not to use custom recovery to flash any partitions that you can't backup/restore. If you mess up your bootloader, having a TWRP backup doesn't help you at all.

If you were to repack stock ROMs so that they don't flash any of the included bootloader/modem/recovery images (only boot and /system are flashed), it should be perfectly safe to try once you've made a nandroid backup in TWRP.

Edited by KonstaT
Guest slawoko

hi guys,


how is the chance to get a custom rom in the near future? :)

Is it right that with TWRP we are able to install any customs roms? What about the unlock of bootloader?




Guest KonstaT

hi guys,


how is the chance to get a custom rom in the near future? :)

Is it right that with TWRP we are able to install any customs roms? What about the unlock of bootloader?




Sure, you could flash custom ROMs if you had any. Feel free to create one. ;)

Bootloader is going to remain 'locked' (it's actually only fastboot ZTE has crippled) unless ZTE provides a method to 'unlock' it which is highly unlikely. It won't be major a problem unless ZTE releases an update that patches the vulnerabilities that are currently exploited to gain root access in the first place. Of course it would make everything so much simpler if the fastboot just worked...

Guest Hurders

Stock firmware packages also contain bootloader/modem images that you shouldn't be flashing in custom recovery. Good guideline is not to use custom recovery to flash any partitions that you can't backup/restore. If you mess up your bootloader, having a TWRP backup doesn't help you at all.

If you were to repack stock ROMs so that they don't flash any of the included bootloader/modem/recovery images (only boot and /system are flashed), it should be perfectly safe to try once you've made a nandroid backup in TWRP.

The stock firmware packages don't seem to have typical bootloader, modem or recovery images contained within. All I see is the boot.img and a splash.img in the root (which I assume is something to do with the boot logo?), there's also a NON-HLOS.bin which I assume is the modem image? and also the folders /system, /meta-inf and /persist. There is also a /recovery folder which I assume contains the recovery image (there's a .sh file inside a /bin folder in there?). Can't see any obvious bootloader images?

So, if I were to repackage the rom just containing the boot.img and /system folder (can that easily be done?) would that be flashable in TWRP?


Guest voscaroff

Hi, I´ve install twrp and i´m triyng to reflash stock img but in the "update.zip", the file recovery.img doesn´t exists. How could get it?
I´ve used recovery-twrp2870-p839f30-physical.img and i download this firm:

could some one upload the recovery.img?

I can´t flash the update.zip

best regards and sorry for my english

Guest voscaroff

Ok! I´ve get one:

Thanks @uriens for post it.

I´ve get again stock recovery and reflash stock firm. All works fine.

Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)

The stock firmware packages don't seem to have typical bootloader, modem or recovery images contained within. All I see is the boot.img and a splash.img in the root (which I assume is something to do with the boot logo?), there's also a NON-HLOS.bin which I assume is the modem image? and also the folders /system, /meta-inf and /persist. There is also a /recovery folder which I assume contains the recovery image (there's a .sh file inside a /bin folder in there?). Can't see any obvious bootloader images?

So, if I were to repackage the rom just containing the boot.img and /system folder (can that easily be done?) would that be flashable in TWRP?

Of course there is, even very typical to any Qualcomm device. Here's what's not self explanatory:
emmc_appsboot.mbn - LK (little kernel) bootloader
NON_HLOS.bin - modem firmware
rpm.bin - resource and power manager
sbl1.mbn - secondary bootloader
tz.mbn - trust zone

You shouldn't be flashing any of these images with TWRP (just boot.img and /system). This means removing those files/directories from the update.zip and removing ~10 corresponding lines from the updater-script (in addition to removing device asserts from the beginning and formatting /data partition from the end).

Hi, I´ve install twrp and i´m triyng to reflash stock img but in the "update.zip", the file recovery.img doesn´t exists. How could get it?
I´ve used recovery-twrp2870-p839f30-physical.img and i download this firm:

could some one upload the recovery.img?

I'll add TWRP flashable zip to return to stock recovery.  Edit. added a ZTE_AS_Blade_S6V1.0.0B12 stock recovery in flashable zip to the OP. If you want to flash other recovery images, use the template zip and recovery.img of your choice.

Edited by KonstaT
Guest Hurders

Ok got it, just checking what about the /persist directory, Is this ok to keep that folder and it's references in the updater-script?

Guest Hurders

Of course there is, even very typical to any Qualcomm device. Here's what's not self explanatory:emmc_appsboot.mbn - LK (little kernel) bootloader
NON_HLOS.bin - modem firmware
rpm.bin - resource and power manager
sbl1.mbn - secondary bootloader
tz.mbn - trust zone

You shouldn't be flashing any of these images with TWRP (just boot.img and /system). This means removing those files/directories from the update.zip and removing ~10 corresponding lines from the updater-script (in addition to removing device asserts from the beginning and formatting /data partition from the end).

I'll add TWRP flashable zip to return to stock recovery.  Edit. added a ZTE_AS_Blade_S6V1.0.0B12 stock recovery in flashable zip to the OP. If you want to flash other recovery images, use the template zip and recovery.img of your choice.

Ok got it, so what about the /persist directory. I should get rid of that too? And also the lines in the updater-script referencing it?

Guest KonstaT

Ok got it, so what about the /persist directory. I should get rid of that too? And also the lines in the updater-script referencing it?

Yes, everything else besides boot.img and system directory needs to go (I think there's zero fscks given if file_contexts is there or not :P).

updater-script should look like this:

Don't forget to make a nandroid backup in TWRP before flashing this to your device.

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